
目 录

中文摘要及关键词 ......................................................... I 英文摘要及关键词 ........................................................ II 文献综述 ............................................................... III 一、XX企业及XX企业成本 .................................................. 1 (一)XX企业基本情况 ................................................... 1 (二)XX企业成本的特点 ................................................. 1 二、XX业务相关成本费用组成 ............................................... 2 (一)业务前期费用 ..................................................... 2 (二)XX信息管理费用 ................................................... 2 (三)业务作业费用 ..................................................... 3 三、XXXX有限公司成本管理现状分析 ......................................... 3 (一)公司概况 ......................................................... 3 (二)成本费用管理现状分析 ............................................. 3 (三)XXXX有限公司成本管理产生的问题 ................................... 6 四、改善XXXX有限公司成本管理的对策 ...................................... 7 五、结论 ................................................................. 9 参考文献 ................................................................ 10 致 谢 ................................................ 错误!未定义书签。





XX企业 成本费用 核算



With the logistics cost savings to the enterprise, has brought tremendous benefits to the whole concept of community is growing recognition, logistics cost management has been widespread concern. In this paper, the definition of logistics as well as the definition of logistics costs were defined. And for the cost of logistics enterprises in specific management of logistics problems were discussed.

In this paper, the actual investigation of domestic logistics companies, logistics companies proposed to solve the problem of cost management measures. This paper argues that China's logistics cost management is the existence of three major issues: the lack of cost management business sense, the lack of cost management standards and the lack of cost data. Explained through practical case studies to address these problems is to enhance awareness of the countermeasures, in the full understanding and reasonable division of costs, choose the way to meet the business needs of accounting and thus establish a scientific and logistics management accounting system. The cost of the enterprise management as reduce costs, raise an important guarantee for economic efficiency of enterprises

Key words: logistics enterprises; the cost; accounting


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