


Only when Lily walked into the office ______ she realize that she had left the contract at home. 【答案】:




People can often see a talking parrot on a TV show, in a movie, or even in someone\has learned ______(copy) sounds that people make. Dolphins, bats, and some other animals also copy sounds. Now we can add elephants ______this list of copycats (盲目模仿者).

Dr. Joyce Poole is an expert,______studies the sounds of elephants. While she was in Kenya, she would hear strange noises ______(make) by Mlaika after sunset. Mlaika was______8-year-old African elephant and it lived near a highway.

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Dr. Poole says that she couldn\truck noise. Why did it copy the sounds of the trucks driving by? Animals that are able to copy sounds may enjoy ______(practice) new sounds. When they ______(keep) outside of their natural environment, they may copy unusual sounds.

So far Dr. Poole ______(spend) 18 years with two female Asian elephants. Asian elephants make sounds like birds to talk with one another.

Parrots, dolphins, humans, and elephants show that being a copycat is one way that animals and people make new friends and keep old ones.



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