


Culture is a social phenomenon, is a product of long-term creation of the people. Is also a historical phenomenon, is the accumulation of social history. Exactly speaking, culture refers to a country or a nation's history, geography, customs, way of life, literature and art, code of conduct, way of thinking, values, etc


Because of the history origin, customs and habits, living environment, religious beliefs and so on, led to a significant difference between Chinese and Western culture, although between western interior also has a difference, but it embodies the essence difference is undoubtedly the cultural difference between East and west. Differences between the whole and the individual; the differences between Chinese and Western discourse; and moral standard difference values; differences in social relations; differences in social etiquette; differences in social customs etc.. Understanding cultural differences between East and West is extremely necessary


一 中西方民族性格差异

(一)天人合一与天人二分 Heaven and heaven two points

中国传统的宇宙观是“天人合一”。 所谓“天人合一”,是指人们对自然规律的顺从和对大自然的崇拜,人们把自然中日夜交替、季节更迭与人们的日常生活和活动周期相一致起来,一切都处于不断的循环往复之中,并与自然和谐统一。在“天人合一”思想的影响下,自古以来,中国人在思想意识、思维模式和言语行为等方面都倾向于求整体、求综合。“天人合一”的思想无处不在,如在中国特有的茶文化中,由盖、碗、托三件套


Chinese traditional view of the universe is %unity of heaven and man\people use nature of the alternation of day and night, the seasons and people's daily life and activity cycle is consistent, everything is constantly move in circles, and harmony with nature. Influence of the \and speech act, all tend to seek the overall, integrated. The thought of \as in a unique to China's tea culture, which is composed of a cover, bowl, tray three piece set composed of tea on behalf of the day, people, harmony and unity, are indispensable.


In the relationship between man and nature, the Western cultural advocate separation of human and nature, between the subjective world and the objective world, stressed that \ subject and object of the two\ way of thinking. Western culture is not a part of the human being as nature, but human as the natural ruler of the universe, that is higher than the value of the natural world, all of nature is to serve mankind, have to listen to the mercy of the human, the relationship between man and nature is the relationship of the conquerors and the conquered. Therefore, the Westerners always tries to highly developed science and technology to conquer the nature, natural plunder







中国文化从集体主义的价值目标出发,把协调好人际关系放在首位。既然和谐是最好的秩序和状态,那么怎样才能达到“和”的理想呢?儒家认为,最根本的途径在于保持“中庸”。 中庸之道是一种调节社会矛盾,使之达到中和状态的高级哲理。而道家的中道观则是无为、不争、处下等消极的思想。儒道两家的中道观造就了中国人和平文弱的文化性格,因此中华民族不尚征战,不喜扩张侵略。

Chinese culture from the value goal of collectivism, the coordination of interpersonal relationship in the first place. Since the harmony is the best order and state, so how to achieve the \According to Confucianism, the most fundamental way is to maintain the \middle course is a regulator of social contradictions, advanced philosophy so as to reach the neutralized state. Taoism's mesotes is thought such negative inaction, not to fight. Confucianism and Taoism mesotes created Chinese peace weak culture character, therefore the Chinese nation still not in, not like aggression and expansion.


Because of the western culture of individualism, that individual supreme, so western nation has always been to \practical utility, and compete on the basis of equality, to get the maximum benefit and the happiness of the individual. To be successful in the competition, they must defeat opponents, it must have the strength to do the backing, and who dares to fight the spirit of adventure, thus forming the West Chong force still struggle of the national character and cultural spirit.

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