

Unit 2 Poems 能力演练


When you treat people and things in a kind, 1 (consider),and polite way,you are being respectful.Respect 2 very important 3 home,at school,and everywhere you go.When you show 4 ,you show that you care 5 other people,s feelings or that you care for belongings,buildings,streets and nature.

To show how much respect you have for people and things,try 6 (write)a fun respect poem.The easiest way to do this is to make a simple list of 7 it means to be respectful at school.

First start by making 8 quick list of how you can show respect at school.List poems seem to work best when they are written with a parallel structure; that is,when 9 line begins the same way and follows the same pattern.

Next,take the best lines and put them together in a poem.Remember to keep the parallel structure 10 following the same sentence pattern. 二、完形填空


One of my father,s favorite sayings as I was growing up was “Try it!”I

couldn,t say I didn,t like something,whatever it might be, 1 I tried it.Over the years I,ve come to 2 how much of my success I owe to my 3 of those words as one of my values.My first job was just one I decided to try for a couple of years until I 4 what I wanted to do as a career(职业).Actually I believed I would work for a few years,get married,stay home and raise a family,so I didnt think the job I took 5 that much.I couldnt have been more 6 .I mastered the skills of that beginning level position and I was given the opportunity(机会) to 7 through the company into different positions.I accepted each new opportunity with the 8 ,“Well,I,ll try it;if I don,t like it I can always go back to my 9 position.”But I was with the same company for the past

28 years,and I,ve  10 every career change I,ve made.I,ve discovered I 11 a large number of different talents(才能)and skills that I never would have thought were within me had it not been for my being 12 trying new opportunities.I,ve also discovered that if I 13 what I,m doing and work hard at achieving my 14 .I will succeed.That,s why I am so 15 to be a part of CareerFables.com.I think time has come and I am determined to make it a success.

1.A.until after B.ever since C.so that D.long before 2.A.consider B.argue C.include D.realize

3.A.suggestion B.explanation C.acceptance D.discussion 4.A.determined B.examined C.experienced D.introduced 5.A.helped B.required C.expressed 6.A.careful C.interested 7.A.look up C.move up 8.A.thought C.action 9.A.easier C.earlier 10.A.permitted C.organized 11.A.show C.need 12.A.lucky for C.open to 13.A.think of C.believe in D.mattered B.mistaken D.prepared B.take up D.put up B.reply D.advice B.newer D.higher B.counted D.enjoyed B.possess D.gather B.slow at D.afraid of B.give away D.turn into

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