第7课时 八年级上册 Modules 4~6

第7课时 八年级上册 Modules 4~6



(2019·江西中考)There are purple clothes, purple handbags, purple bicycles, purple furniture, even purple computers! So purple is one of the most 1 colours today. But in the past, purple was a very expensive and unusual colour. Let's take a look at the rich 2 of the colour purple.

Some scientists believe that the first plants to appear on Earth over 500 million years ago 3 looked purple, not green. Plants today are green because 4 use green chlorophyll(叶绿素) to produce energy. 5 these early plants probably used something called retinal, which is a dark purple colour.

During the time of the roman Empire (37 BC~476 AD), it was very 6 to make purple dye(染料). The dye came from sea snails(海螺). But 10,000 dead sea snails 7 you just one gram(克) of purple dye... as well as a very bad smell! This 8 purple dye was called Tyrian purple, and it was the preferred 9 of emperors.

In 16th-century England, purple was 10 for the kings family members. Queen Elizabeth I's clothes were purple, but ordinary people were not allowed to 11 the colour.

In 1856. William Perkin, an 18-year-old 12 student, noticed something strange while doing an experiment. The chemicals(化学药品) he used to clean his instruments 13 with the chemicals he used in his experiment and produced a

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bright purple colour. This 14 get Perkin to start a company using this chemical mixture to make purple dye. The dye was much 15 than sea snail dye. Thanks to Perkin, now anyone can afford to wear purple clothes. 1.A.peaceful B.popular 2.A.history B.style

C.exciting D.serious C.research D.product

D.probably D.some D.Until

3.A.gradually B.especially C.exactly 4.A.others B.they 5.A.And 6.A.dangerous C.difficult 7.A.got 8.A.basic

B.So B.common D.strange B.passed

C.wasted C.we C.But

D.cost D.perfect D.animal D.only D.make

B.harmful C.special

C.plant C.seldom C.change B.science D.maths B.mixed D.kept

9.A.colour B.smell 10.A.even B.never 11.A.wear B.sell 12.A.geography




14.A.survey B.suggestion C.discovery D.exam 15.A.healthier B.thicker 二、阅读理解


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C.cheaper D.darker

(2019·广东广州中考改编)Experts believe that there are more than 8 million restaurants in the world today. So it might surprise you to learn that restaurants, as we know them, have only existed for a few centuries. Before 1765, there were no restaurants. That is, there were no places that provided the restaurant experience. There was nowhere in which a waiter brought you food and drink that you picked from a menu. In fact, there were no menus anywhere.

There were eating places travellers could go to centuries before that. The countryside was full of inns that would serve food. And there were taverns where one could get drinks. The rich could also eat special meals prepared by private cooks. But none of them could be called a “restaurant”.

A man called Boulanger changed that. In 1765, he opened a place in Paris that sold soups(汤). On his sign he used the word “restaurant” to describe what he was selling. At that time, soups were considered something that could help “restore(恢复)” your health—in French the word “restore” is “restaurer”—so he called the soups “restaurants”. Soon, people started buying Boulanger's soups even when they were not ill. And over time, people began to use the word “restaurant” to refer to a place selling soup rather than the soup itself. More “restaurants” opened in France, and people began to buy soups more often.

Later, restaurants in Paris began to serve other food besides soup. In the 1790s, menus started to appear. By the mid-1800s, there were many types of restaurants throughout the world. The United States offered coffee shops. Tea houses became popular throughout China. Paris created beautiful restaurants for the rich. The British began to copy the French, and the restaurant idea spread throughout the

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