
七、根据汉语意思完成句子(每小题2分,满分10 分) 71. 她的发夹和外套很相配。

Her her coat. 72. 篮子里有一些西红柿。

in the basket. 73. 这些蔬菜对我的健康有好处。

These my . 74. 他经常去肯德基。他非常喜欢汉堡包。

He often goes to KFC. He very much. 75. 他一天吃三次药。

He takes medicine . 71. hair clip matches 72. There are some tomatoes 73. vegetables are good for; health 74. likes hamburgers 75. three times a day

Ⅵ. 将下列短语翻译成英语(每题1分,共8分)

1. 欢迎来到七(1)班 2. 使我感觉舒适

3. 带他们参观我们的图书馆 4. 了解很多关于这个贫困地区 5. 全世界不同的节日 6. 两餐之间感觉饥饿 7. 需要我们拿所有的包 8. 在年轻人中受欢迎 . 1. welcome to Class 1 Grade 7 2. make me feel comfortable

3. show them around our library 4. learn a lot/much about the poor area 5. different festivals around the world 6. feel hungry between meals

7. need us to carry all the bags 8. popular among young people/ the young A. 根据所给中文完成句子。(每空一词) (10分) 86. 如果我们努力学习,我们的梦想就会实现。

If we work hard, our dreams can ▲ ▲ . 87. 甜食含糖太多。

Sweet snacks have ▲ ▲ sugar. 88. 作为同学,我们应当互相帮助。

As classmates, we should help ▲ ▲ . 89. 进门前先敲门是礼貌的。

It’s polite to ▲ ▲ the door before you come in. 90. 课桌上只有几本书。

There are only ▲ ▲ books on the desk. A. 86. come true 87. too much 88. each other 89. knock on 90. different from 八、句子翻译 (共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)


71. 我的梦想和我同学们的不同。

▲ 72. 我有必要改变我的生活方式来保持健康。

▲ 73. 我每周三晚上练习游泳。

▲ 74. 我享受周末与家人团聚在一起。

▲ 75. 我希望有早一日我的梦想成真。

▲ 71. My dream is different from my classmates’. 72. I need to change my lifestyle to keep fit.

73. I practice swimming every Wednesday evening.

74. I enjoy getting together with my family at the weekend. 75. I hope my dream will come true one day. 九、翻译句子(共5小题;每题2分,满分10分)

101. 我想买几本书给他。

102. 我们不能花费太多时间在网上聊天。

103. 米莉正在学校大门口等公交车。

104. 你的表妹晚饭通常吃面、猪肉和蔬菜吗?

105. 努力学习,总有一天你的梦想会成真。


71. 这些不够,我还需要两张卡片。

These aren’t enough, I need ▲ . 72. Nancy的红衬衫是丝绸制成的。

Nancy’s red blouse ▲ . 73. 他们正在金山公园举行时装展.

They are ▲ in Jinshan Park. 74. 在今天的会议上,我有一些重要的事要讲。

I have ▲ to say in the today’s meeting. 75. 如果你每天睡眠不足六小时,你将感到疲劳。

If you sleep ▲ six hours every day, you will feel tired.

VII.完成句子( 共8小题;每小题2分,满分16分) 根据所给中文意思, 用英文完成下列各句。 27. 她是短发并且戴一副眼镜。

She has short hair and ______________________________. 28. 我表哥是美术俱乐部的一名成员,他擅长绘画。

My cousin is ____________________ the Art Club and he _______________ drawing. 29. 我每天花两个小时做作业。

I ____________________________________________every day. 30. 你觉得你的新学校怎么样?

What ____________________________ your new school? 31. 我的家人10月31号晚上总是要举行个聚会。

My family usually _______________________________________October 31st. 32.放学以后,我喜欢玩电脑游戏和朋友们在网上聊天。

_______________, I like playing computer games and ______________________________on the Internet.


Hurry up! __________________________. 34. 你可以多吃一些蔬菜而不会发胖。

You can eat more vegetables_________________________. VII. 27.wears a pair of glasses

28. a member of / is good at (does well in ) 29.spend two hours (in ) doing my homework 30. do you think of

31. have a party on the evening of

32. After school/ chatting with my friends 33. It’s time for class.( It’s time to have class.) 34.without getting fat 八、书面表达(满分30)

A. 根据中文意思,翻译下列句子。(每题2分,计10分)

96. 如果里面的人不招待我们,我们就捉弄他们。

_______________________________________________________________ 97. 对我们来说,拥有健康的生活方式是很重要的。

_______________________________________________________________ 98. 让穿白衬衫的男孩带你参观学校吧。

_______________________________________________________________ 99. 早操有助于我们为一天做好准备。

_______________________________________________________________ 100. 我的设计包括一件红色丝绸衬衫和一条紫色围巾。


96.If the people inside don’t treat us/ give us a treat, we will play tricks/a trick on them. 97. It’s very important for us to have a healthy lifestyle . 98 . Let the boy in a white shirt show you around the school. 99. Morning exercises help us get ready for the day.

100. My design includes a red silk blouse and a purple scarf. A. 根据所给汉语完成下列句子,词数不限。(共5小题;每题2分,计10分) 96.我每天花半小时读英语。





96. I spend half an hour reading English every day. 1分 1分

It takes me half an hour to read English every day . 1分 1分

97. We are never late for school. 1分 1分

We never go to school late. 0.5 分 1分 0.5 分

98. There are six bottles of milk on the table. 0.5 分 1分 0.5 分

99. It’s important for us to eat more vegetables. 0.5 分 0.5 分 1分 100. They are having a fashion show. 1分 1分


76. You can buy him some stamps. I know he ______________________ (对…感兴趣) collecting stamps.

77. There is _________________ (太多的) sugar in the cake, so it’s too sweet.

78. I’d like to go to the shopping mall because it’s ___________________________________ (一个约见朋友的好地方) and have fun. X k B 1 . c o m

79. — ________________________________ (你认为…怎么样) my new hair clips? —Very nice. They go well with your pink dress.

80. Not ___________________ (离…远) my home, there is a book shop. I often read and buy books there.

76. is interested in 77. too much 78. a good place to meet friends

79. What do you think of 80. far away from

根据所给中文完成下列句子,每空词数不限(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分) 66. 一天一苹果,不用去诊所。

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