

Module Four Fine Arts-Western,Chinese and Pop Arts

Period One

Teaching content:

Introduction; Reading and Vocabulary

Teaching important points:

1.Encourage the students to talk about arts as well as the well-known artists at home and abroad; 2.Help the students make sense of the whole passage; 3.Help the students improve their reading ability.

Teaching difficult points:

1.Lead the students to talk in class actively; 2.Deal with some difficult language points.

Teaching procedures:

Step 1 Lead-in and Introduction 1.Lead-in

I think most of us love different kinds of arts and know about some famous artists and famous art works more or less.Now let`s list some famous artists and their famous art works at home and abroad,such as:Qi Baishi and his painting of shrimps,Xu Beihong and his painting of horses,Zheng Banqiao and his works of bamboos at home.Abroad there are da Vinci and his The Smile of Mona Lisa,Vincent van Gogh and his The Sunflowers(《向日葵》) and The Starry Night(《星夜》),Pablo Picasso and Cubism(立体主义画派) and so on.This module we`ll talk about the topic-Fine Arts.First let`s review some words related to it. 2.Activity1 on P31

Ask the students to read through the questions and words in this part to understand;Explain some of the words if necessary and then ask the students to read out them aloud together;If possible ask some students to give their answers to the questions(If not,the questions can be omitted.). 3.Activity2 on P31

Read through the given information to understand the requirement and appreciate the paintings by themselves.If possible ask some students to present their answers to the class. [There are no standard answers.Students` own answers are OK.] Step 2 Pre-reading[Activity1 on P32]

Read through the given information to understand and try to match;Explain some words if necessary and then ask the class to read out the words together aloud;Call back the answers from the students. Step 3 Reading 1.Fast reading

Let the students scan the passage to get the main idea of each paragraph and try to find out the

answers to the questions in Activity2 on P32, which are about the topics.The first four paragraphs describe the four paintings and in the last two paragraphs two students talk about their opinions about two of the paintings.Then call back the answers.

2.Language points[Ref:Notes to the text] Explain some language points to the students. 3.Careful reading

Ask the students to read through the passage again carefully to get more details and understand it better.Then finish Activity3 on P34.Call back the answers. Step 4 Consolidation



Time permitting,let the students listen to the tape and follow it quietly to understand the text further. Step 5 Summary and Homework

1.Summary: Summarize what they have learned in this period. 2.Homework: Reading on P88-89 in workbook.

Appendix: Notes to the text

1.…that aimed to show ordinary twentieth-century city life. aim to do sth. 打算做某事,目的是[aim vi. 打算] eg:They are aiming to reduce unemployment by 50%.

We aim to be there around six.我们力争六点钟左右到那里。 2.Useful expressions

get/be tired of 对…感到厌倦

get/be tired with/from 因…而疲倦 all the time 总是,一直

be crazy about 对…迷恋、入迷 golden-haired adj. 金发的 be fond of

develop an interest (in sth.) 对…产生兴趣 tell by从…看出/区分

Period Two

Teaching content:

Grammar1 & Grammar2

Teaching important points:

1.Learn to research by cooperation;

2.Learn to make use of the -ing form as well as the infinitive correctly.

Teaching difficult points:

1.Lead the students to take an active part in class.

2.Make the students learn how to use the -ing form as well as the infinitive correctly.

3.Help the students learn by heart all verbs that can be followed by the -ing form as well as the infinitive.

Teaching procedures:

Step 1 Greetings and Revision 1.Greet the students as usual.

2.Check up the homework in last period OR ask some students to read out the new words in this module. Step 2 Grammar1—-ing form and the infinitive 1.Finish Activity1 in this part on P35.

2.Review the verbs followed by the gerund(['d?er?nd] 【英语语法学】动名词) or the infinitive. 非谓语动词作宾语用法总结:[It has been summarized in Module2 SH1.] 1)只能跟-ing形式作宾语的动词及短语 常用动词:admit, avoid, advise, allow, appreciate, consider(考虑), delay, enjoy, escape, finish, forbid, imagine, keep, mind, permit, practise, risk, suggest

常用短语:feel like, give up, can’t help, keep on, insist on, put off, be busy in, have some trouble/difficulty /problems(in), be/get used to, look forward to, devote…to, stick to, object to(反对), thanks to, get down to(开




eg: I am looking forward to seeing you. 我盼着再见到你。 The book advised taking more exercise. 医生建议多运动。.

The boy refused to admit stealing my money. 这个男孩拒绝承认偷了我的钱。 We missed the 5:30 bus, which means waiting for another hour. I really enjoyed working on the farm. 我真的喜欢在农场干活。 She had finished listening to the news. 她听完了新闻。

■动名词的复合结构:动名词有时可有自己的逻辑主语,构成动名词的复合结构 one(one’s)doing sth。 eg: Would you mind my opening the door? 我打开门你介意吗? I am angry at my brother`s being late. 2) 只能跟 to do sth. 作宾语的动词

decide, agree, expect, hope, manage, refuse, want, offer, pretend, promise, fail, plan, beg, determine, afford eg:I refuse to take part in anything that is illegal.

3) 既能跟 -ing 也能跟 to do sth. 作宾语,意思差别不大的动词 like, love, hate, prefer, begin, start

4) 既能跟 -ing 也能跟 to do sth. 作宾语,意思差别很大的动词

remember doing sth 记得曾经做过某事 remember to do sth 记住做某事 forget doing sth 忘记曾经做过某事 forget to do sth 忘记去做某事

regret doing 后悔做过某事 regret to do sth 后悔或遗憾地去做某事

stop doing 停止做某事 stop to do sth 停下来去做某事 try doing 试着做某事 try to do sth 尽力去做某事 mean to do sth 打算做某事 mean doing 意味着

3.Finish Activity2 in this part on P35. Then read out the words aloud in class. 4.Finish Activity3 in this part on P35.

Read through the verbal phrases and the two parts of the sentences and try to match;Call back the answers from the students and give some explanation if necessary;Read out the phrases and sentences aloud together. 5.Finish Activity4 in this part on P36.

Read through the sentences to understand and fill;Call back the answers and explain if necessary;Read out the sentences aloud together.

Step 3 Grammar2—-ing form as subject 1.Finish Activity1 in this part on P37.

Read through to understand;Explain and ask the students to pay attention to the function of the -ing form in these sentences—used as subject;Read out these sentences aloud together. 2.Summarize the usages of the -ing form. 动名词的功能(在句子中所作的成分) 1)作主语

eg:Seeing is believing.百闻不如一见。 Saving is having.节约即是收入。 2)作表语

eg:The main thing is getting there in time. Her work is washing clothes. 3)作宾语

eg:I suggest doing it in a different way. Do you find living here interesting? 4)作定语

eg:He may be in the reading room. 文档大全

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