
8A Unit1

课 题

8A Unit1 Friends Comic strip & Welcome to the Unit

教学目标 知识目标 掌握四会单词,词组和句型

能力目标 1)学会用与“朋友”相关的单词与词组描述朋友的品质


情感目标 1)通过学习有关“朋友”品质的表达来加深对朋友的认识


重点 难点

学会用表示朋友品质的单词与词组来描述自己的朋友 理解并正确运用与朋友品质相关的单词与词组


一、 通过预习,翻译下列的英汉短语

12 我能喝点什么吗?是的,可以。

13 There is nothing else in the fridge. 二、预习对话,回答下列问题 1.What does Hobo get from Eddie?

2.What is there in the fridge?

三、预习Welcome to the Unit Part B,根据实际情况回答。 1.What qualities are very important in a good friend?

2.What qualities are quite important in a good friend?

3.What qualities are not important in a good friend?


一. 听录音,回答Comic strip问题 1 What does Eddie give Hobo?

2 Is there anything else in the fridge? 3 What does Hobo want? Why?

二、 朗读对话,并且小组内分工合作表演对话 三、 根据对话内容,完成下面短文

Today Hobo was ________. Eddie gave him ___________ and some_______. Hobo wanted to have ____________ food. But there was ____________

in the fridge. At last, Eddie had to _________ the pizza with Hobo. 四、 小组讨论,

Who do you like better as a friend, Eddie or Hobo? Why? 五、 根据上面的讨论,得出好朋友应该具备的那些品质,展示预习检测的


六、 完成Welcome 的A部分,并且收集重点词组

Make sb +adj Have problems with sth

Believe what he/she says= believe his/her words 七、 根据对话内容,尝试组内编写新的对话并作小组展示。

1. Who is your good friend? 2. Where is he/she from? 3. What does he /she like?

4. What do you think of your friend? 5. What made you become good friends?



1 My friend __________ (是诚实的).

2 I can ________ Amy ______________ (对……讲任何事情). 3.There is not enough bread for supper. We need to _________ (再买一些).

4. — ____________________(有多少碗) are there in the cupboard? — There are four.

5 My best friend often _______________(让我开心). 6 He always helps me when I __________(有困难). 二.单词拼写.

1. Peter is our monitor and he never tells lies, we all think he is h_______.

2.There’s n_______ in the bottle. It’s empty. 3.My friend often shares his ________ (欢乐) with me. 4. Don’t tell anything to her because she can’t keep s__________ for you .

5. We often borrow books and ____________(杂志) from our school library. 三.选择。

( )1.----Can I have ________? ---- Of course .Here you are.. A.some more cakes B.a few food C.quite a few food D. a little eggs

( )2.----_________ honest boy you are ! ----Thank you! A.What an B. What C. How an D.What a

( )3.---Which word can’t describe (描述)appearance(外貌? ---__________.

A. Beautiful B. Helpful C. Pretty D.Good-looking

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