2019高考英语全国通用版三轮冲刺提分练附解析:组合练 第10练




I got laid off at 53 from a senior management position in a restaurant.And I knew it was going to be hard to find another job in the 1. (compete) working market.My age put me at 2. disadvantage.But I also knew it was time for me 3. (realize) my lifelong dream of owning a restaurant.4. was most difficult was that in order to make this happen,I needed to find an 5. (exist) café that wasn’t doing well.It couldn’t be better if its owner was ready to quit his business.With great 6. (lucky),I found just what I wanted eight blocks from home.Since I had never financially planned for this day,I had to borrow money from friends as well as 7. (relative).I,together with my wife,8. (be) ready to start off.We changed the name to Black Dog Coffee,the menu,the recipes and the look of the café,and my wife did a great job of designing.Eighteen years later,we’re still here and doing 9. (well) than ever.I’m grateful 10. the layoff and the opportunity to pursue my dream.


Recent months have seen a return of bikes across China.With an increasing number of people choosing cycling instead of 11. (drive) to schools,to workplaces or to go sightseeing.The introduction of bike-sharing programs has brought the trend to a new level.

The bikes 12. (equip) with GPS and can be left anywhere in public for the next user.They’re popular among many Chinese people as they provide 13. effective solution in places 14. it’s difficult to change from one kind of transport to another.Bike-sharing is a 15. (green) method of transportation and 16. (provide) a more friendly experience.

However,the programs have also led to problems such as 17. (legal) parking,deliberate damaging and theft.To deal with these problems,the company came up with the idea of encouraging people 18. (return) the bikes to stations 19. rewarding free time for their next rides.Now,Chinese service operators are also trying to address these problems.For example,Mobike sets a 100-point credit score for each user,with 20. (point) taken in the case of bad behaviours.Once the score drops below 80,bike-rental is increased to 100 yuan per 30 minutes,up from 0.5-1 yuan. Ⅱ.短文改错


We are aiming to build a peaceful school.I thought it is every student’s duty to work hard to

achieve this goal.As high school student,what should we do?First for all,we should love our school.Meanwhile,you should respect our teachers and obeying the rules in our school.Secondly,we should show our respect for our parents and do which we can help them.Besides,we classmates should also try to be kind and friendly.Most important,all of us must believe in each other and been honest in our daily life.And we will study even more harder and try our best to do all.


In our daily life,whatever hard we try,failure will accompany us.When it came to this topic,unforgettable memories crowd in my mind.I once did too badly in a key exam that I lost a precious opportunity to be admitting to a key senior high school.I wasn’t aware my laziness and carelessness.Instead,I think the difficult exam and the neglect of your parents were to blame for my failure.It was my teacher’s timely instruction which made me face a difficult situation any time it has appeared,after which I became more confident and diligent.The coming success made me popular among my classmate.Never shall I forget this impressive experience.




British people spend more time watching TV,gaming and using mobile phones and computers than sleeping.A research 1. was conducted by a communication agency found that Britons use technology for 20 minutes 2. (long) than they spend sleeping.The average UK adults use technology for eight hours and forty-one minutes per day.One of the biggest 3. (reason) for this is broadband and Wi-Fi.People spend more time on the Internet.4. large number of people are on the phone or online while watching television.5. (watch) television is the most popular activity.Adults watch an average of three hours a day.

The study looked at technology and groups of different ages.It 6. (find) that six-year-olds understand it the same as 45-year-olds.People understand digital technology most when they are 14 or 15.Technology 7. (change) the way people communicate with each other.Scientists warn that we are becoming more antisocial(孤僻的).They say people are moving away from face-to-face conversations because they are using technology too 8. (frequent).They add that people are becoming 9. (addict) to their smart-phones.10. the other hand,technology also means people are working at home after they finish work and get home from work. Ⅱ.短文改错 (2018·四川德阳一诊)

Last summer vacation was my most pleasant one.My parents and I had made a tour to Xi’an.Instead of having a travel agency arranging our transportation and accommodation,we

booked the train tickets and hotel rooms on the Internet by us.During our tour in Xi’an,we went to many places of interests and took lots of photos,learned about the history of Xi’an.No tourists would miss the local food in Xi’an,so would we.We enjoyed the typical local food,it tasted more delicious than we had expected.Hardly had I returned than I shared the photos and experiences for my classmates.The trip to Xi’an has been such happy memory to me that I will never forget it. Ⅲ.书面表达



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2.可适当加入细节,以使行文连贯; 3.开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。 Dear Mike,

How is everything going?

Yours, Li Hua

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