
∶∶∶∶∶∶∶∶∶∶∶∶∶∶∶∶∶∶∶任课教师: ∶∶∶∶∶∶∶∶∶∶∶∶∶∶ 密 装 ∶∶∶∶∶∶∶∶∶∶∶∶∶∶∶∶∶∶∶ 考教学班号生: 答 题 姓名∶∶∶∶∶∶∶∶∶∶∶∶∶∶∶∶∶∶∶∶∶∶∶∶ 不 订 ∶∶∶∶∶∶∶∶∶∶∶∶∶∶∶∶∶∶∶:封 得 过 此学号: 线线∶∶∶∶∶∶∶∶∶∶∶∶∶∶∶∶∶∶∶∶∶∶∶∶∶∶∶∶∶∶∶∶∶∶∶∶∶∶∶∶∶∶∶ 线∶∶∶∶∶∶∶∶∶∶∶∶∶∶

得 分 三、名词解释(每小题 2 分,共 10 分)


51.diminishing returns: 52.nominal exchange rate: 53.crowding-out effect: 54.stagflation: 55.automatic stabilizers: 得 分 四、简答题( 8题中任选6题;每小题 5分,共 30 分) 评卷人

56.Why are property rights important for the growth of a nation's standard of living? 57.Suppose that you are a broker and people tell you the following about themselves. What

sort of bond would you recommend to each? Defend your choices. a. \ b. \

c. \


58.Draw a simple T-account for First National Bank of Me, which has $5,000 of deposits, a

reserve ratio of 10 percent, and excess reserves of $300.

59.What are the costs of inflation?

60.Make a list of things that would shift the long-run aggregate supply curve to the right. 61.Illustrate the classical analysis of growth and inflation with aggregate demand and

long-run aggregate supply curves.

62.Why do economists think that the wealth effect and exchange-rate effect are not very

important factors in explaining why aggregate demand slopes downward, at least in the

第9页 共20页

United States?

63.Describe the process in the money market by which the interest rate reaches its equilibrium value if it starts

above equilibrium.

得 分 五、讨论题(2题中任选1题;每小题 10 分,共 10 分)


64. Assume the economy is in a recession. Explain how each of the following policies would affect consumption and investment. In each case, indicate any direct effects, any effects resulting from changes in

total output, any effects resulting from changes in interest rate, and the overall effect. If there are conflicting effects making the answer ambiguous, say so. a). a reduction in taxes; b) an expansion of the money supply. 65. In 1939, with the U.S. economy not yet fully recovered from the Great Depression, President Roosevelt proclaimed that Thanksgiving would fall a week earlier than usual so that the shopping period before Christmas would be longer. Explain this decision, using the model of aggregate demand and aggregate supply.


题 号 一 二 三 四 五 总分 得 分

得 分 一、选择题 (每小题 1 分,共 30 分) 评卷人

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15.

第10页 共20页

∶∶∶∶∶∶∶∶∶∶∶∶∶∶∶∶∶∶∶任课教师: ∶∶∶∶∶∶∶∶∶∶∶∶∶∶ 密 装 ∶∶∶∶∶∶∶∶∶∶∶∶∶∶∶∶∶∶∶ 考教学班号生: 答 题 姓名∶∶∶∶∶∶∶∶∶∶∶∶∶∶∶∶∶∶∶∶∶∶∶∶ 不 订 ∶∶∶∶∶∶∶∶∶∶∶∶∶∶∶∶∶∶∶:封 得 过 此学号: 线线∶∶∶∶∶∶∶∶∶∶∶∶∶∶∶∶∶∶∶∶∶∶∶∶∶∶∶∶∶∶∶∶∶∶∶∶∶∶∶∶∶∶∶ 线∶∶∶∶∶∶∶∶∶∶∶∶∶∶

16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30.

得 分 二、判断题(正确用“T”;错误用“F”;每小题 1 分,共 20 分)


31. 32. 33. 34. 35.

36. 37. 38. 39. 40.

41. 42. 43. 44. 45.

46. 47. 48. 49. 50.

得 分 三、名词解释(每小题 2分,共 10 分)


51.catch-up effect:


53.capital flight:

第11页 共20页


55.automatic stabilizers:

得 分 四、简答题( 8题中任选6题;每小题 5分,共 30 分;答题时请标明题号)


第12页 共20页



师: ∶∶∶∶∶∶∶∶∶∶∶∶∶∶

装 ∶∶∶∶∶∶∶∶∶∶∶∶∶∶∶∶∶∶∶ 考教


答 ∶∶∶∶∶∶∶∶∶∶∶∶∶∶∶∶∶∶∶∶∶∶∶∶

名不 订 ∶∶∶∶∶∶∶∶∶∶∶∶∶∶∶∶∶∶∶:封

∶∶∶∶∶∶∶∶∶∶∶∶∶∶∶∶∶∶∶∶∶∶∶∶ 此 学

号 : 线




第13页 共20页

得 分 五、讨论题(2题中任选1题;每小题 10 分,共 10 分;答题时请

评卷人 标明题号)

第14页 共20页

∶∶∶∶∶∶∶∶∶∶∶∶∶∶∶∶∶∶∶ 任课教 师: ∶∶∶∶∶∶∶∶∶∶∶∶∶∶ 密

装 ∶∶∶∶∶∶∶∶∶∶∶∶∶∶∶∶∶∶∶ 考教学 班号生:

答 题

姓名∶∶∶∶∶∶∶∶∶∶∶∶∶∶∶∶∶∶∶∶∶∶∶∶ 不 订 ∶∶∶∶∶∶∶∶∶∶∶∶∶∶∶∶∶∶∶:封

过 ∶∶∶∶∶∶∶∶∶∶∶∶∶∶∶∶∶∶∶∶∶∶∶∶ 此 学号 : 线 线∶∶∶∶∶∶∶∶∶∶∶∶∶∶∶∶∶∶∶线∶∶∶∶∶∶∶∶∶∶∶∶∶∶

第15页 共20页


1.a 2.d 3.c 4.c 5.a 6.b 7.b 8.d 9.d 10.b 11.a 12.c 13.d 14.d 15.d 16.d 17.c 18.b 19.b 20.c 21.a 22.d 23.b 24.c

25.a 26.c 27.c 28.b 29.a 30.d

31.F 32.F 33.T 34.T 35.T 36.F 37.T 38.F 39.F 40.F 41.F 42.T 43.F 44.F 45.T 46.T 47.T 48.T 49.T 50.T

51.the property whereby the benefit from an extra unit of an input declines as the quantity of the input increases.

52.the rate at which a person can trade the currency of one country for the currency of another.

53.the offset in aggregate demand that results when expansionary fiscal policy raises the interest rate and thereby reduces investment spending. 54.a period of falling output and rising prices.

55.changes in fiscal policy that stimulate aggregate demand when the economy goes into a recession without policymakers having to take any deliberate action.

56.Property rights are an important prerequisite for the price system to work in a market economy. If an individual or company is not confident that claims over property or over the income from property can be protected, or that contracts can be enforced, there will be little incentive for individuals to save, invest, or start new businesses. Likewise, there will be little incentive for foreigners to invest in the real or financial assets of the country. The distortion of incentives will reduce efficiency in resource allocation and will

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