M3 U2

M3 U2 E6


1. With the __________ of the science, people will live a much happier life. (develop) 2. The people from Europe can be called ___________. (Europe)

3. Do you agree that one’s _________ will affect his reading speed? (词汇量) 4. He has made it a r________ to walk an half hour before breakfast.

5. The Olympic Games are important ________ (大事) in the sports world. 6. The French team d_______ the Italian by 3:1. 7. He made great c_________ to education.

8. He o_________ himself with a math problem so that he didn’t hear someone come in. 9. English is the o________ language in India.

10. It is important to learn some words and p______ in studying English. II. 从下列方框中找出一个合适的短语完成下列各句。

depend on; consist of; pick up; contribute to; differ from; look up; care

about; take control of;

1. The happy family ____________four members, parents, their son and daughter. 2. I’m sorry, I must go and __________ my daughter from the kindergarten.

3. The UK was once ruled by France, but I don’t know when it ______________ by France.

4. Our teacher stops us _____________ every new word while we are reading, he thinks it will limit our reading speed.

5. We all ______________our teacher’s health, when he was in hospital. 6. As we all know, smoking ____________ lung diseases.

7. Whether you will succeed ____________ what your goal is and how hard you work. 8. The weather in Hainan _____________that in Harbin when it is winter. I. 单项填空。

1. Eating too much fat can______ heart disease and cause high blood pressure. A. result from B. contribute to C. attend to D. lead in

2. The audience was _____ very young children so there was a lot of noise while the concert was going on.

A. made up from B. made up for C. made up into D. made up of

3. Mary is being punished by the headmaster. That was ____ she broke the school rules. A. why B. because of C. because D. the reason why 4. The fire ______ a cigarette end.

A. resulted in B. resulted from C. caused by D. led to 5. He doesn’t wear his suit ______ great occasions(场合) A. except B. except for C. but D. aside for

6. He often thinks of _____ he can do more for his country. A. what B. how C. that D. which 7. One of the men held the view _____ the book said was right. A. what B. what that C. that D. that what 8—I was badly ill in bed yesterday.

—I’m sorry to hear that. Is that _________ you didn’t attend the meeting? A. because B. why C. how D. what

9. The other day, he was caught driving his car at _______ was a dangerous speed by the police A. as B. which C. what D. that 10. Can you make sure _____ the gold ring? I need it right now. A. where she has put B. where has she put C. where she had put D. where had she put

11. ________ is doubtful whether the train can arrive on such stormy weather. A. There B. It C. This D. What

12. A dictionary is ________ we refer to when we come across new words in reading. A. which B. what C. that D. where

13. The reason ___ I have to leave now is ___ my mother suddenly fell ill at home. A. why; that B. why; because C. why; why D. that; because 14. Do you think ________ possible for him to work out the problem all by himself? A. that B. this C. it D. he 15. Please give it to ________ you think works in that office.

A. no matter who B. no matter whom C. whomever D. whoever II. 根据要求变化下列各句。


1. The 29th Olympic Games will be held in Beijing in 2008. It is known to all _______________________________________________________________ 2. If I go to the park next Sunday, so will he. Tom promises to me

_______________________________________________________________ 3. Why didn’t she return the book? I really want to know

_______________________________________________________________ 4. She is looking for something along the street. It seems.

_______________________________________________________________ 5. What the teacher said was right. I insist.

_______________________________________________________________ B)根据上句改写下句,使两句意思相符,每空一词。 6. We will certainly beat the other players and win the match.

_________ __________ ________ that we will beat the other players and win the match. 7. People all think him clever to answer in that way.

People all think _________ clever _________ him to answer in that way. 8. She spends half an hour reading English every day.

_______ ________her half an hour to read English every day. 9. She happens to have been to Beijing before.

_________ happens _________she __________ been to Beijing before. 10. I didn’t go to bed until I finished all my homework last night.

_______ _______ until I finished all my homework _______ I ________ to bed last night. III. 用适当的连接代词或连接副词填空。

1. The new library will be built at_________ was a factory in the past.

2. I really doubt ________ this problem can be solve at the meeting tomorrow. 3. Please put the book ________ it was after you read it. 4. ________ breaks the law is sure to be punished.

5. ________ he didn’t attend the meeting was that he was sent to Beijing on Beijing. 6. —I really don’t know _______ I can get to the hospital? —Take Bus No. 8 and get off at the end of the road. 7. He is a big liar, so don’t believe _______ he says to you.

8. It turned out _______ two people got killed by this kind of tiger.

9. _______ surprised me was that the little girl worked out the problem in only five minutes.

10. They are talking about ________ they will pay a visit to the zoo tomorrow. 阅读

When Mary Moore began her high school in 1951, her mother told her, \course so when this show business thing doesn't work out, you'll have something to rely on.\responded in typical teenage fashion. From that moment on, \very last thing I ever thought about doing was taking a typing course,\

The show business thing worked out, of course. In her career, Mary won many awards. Only recently, when she began to write Growing Up Again, did she regret ignoring her morn,\know how to use a computer,\

Unlike her 1995 autobiography, After All, her second book is less about life as an award-winning actress and more about living with diabetes (糖尿病). All the money from the book is intended for the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation (JDRF), an organization she serves as international chairman. \wanted other diabetics to know that things get better when we're self-controlled and do our part in managing the disease.\

But she hasn't always practiced what she teaches. In her book, she describes that awful day, almost 40 years ago, when she received two pieces of life-changing news. First, she had lost the baby she was carrying, and second, tests showed that she had diabetes. In a childlike act, she left the hospital and treated herself to a box of doughnuts (甜甜圈). Years would pass before she realized she had to grow up--again---and take control of her diabetes, not let it control her. Only then did she kick her three-pack-a-day cigarette habit, overcome her addiction to alcohol, and begin to follow a balanced diet.

Although her disease has affected her eyesight and forced her to the sidelines of the dance floor, she refuses to fall into self-pity. \on earth can ask, 'why me?' about something or other,\免疫的) to heartache, pain, and disappointments. Sometimes we can make things better by helping others. I've come to realize the importance of that as I've grown up this second time. I want to speak out and be as helpful as I can be.\

1. Why did Mary feel regretful?

A. She didn't achieve her ambition. B. She didn't take care of her mother. C. She didn't complete her high school. D. She didn't follow her mother's advice. 2.We can know that before 1995 Mary 。

A. had two books published B. received many career awards C. knew how to use a computer D. supported the JDRF by writing 3. Mary's second book Growing Up Again is mainly about her __

A, living with diabetes B, successful show business C. service for an organization D. remembrance of her mother 4. When Mary received the life-changing news, she __. A. lost control of herself B. began a balanced diet C. Med to get a treatment D. behaved in an adult way 5. What can we know from the last paragraph?

A. Mary feels pity for herself. B. Mary has recovered from her disease.

C. Mary w ants to help others as much as possible. D. Mary determines to go back to the dance floor.

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