

A good neighbor will behave in all the following ways EXCEPT ______. A) being glad to help one another B) giving a hand to new neighbors C) keeping quiet about matters D) being considerate to others 正确答案: C 33.

Which statement is true about bad neighbors? A) They trim the branches too frequently. B) They keep the fierce pets at large. C) They frighten old ladies for fun. D) They keep quiet about any matter. 正确答案: B 34.

What does the word “nosy” (Para.11) mean? A) Be sensitive to smells.

B) Be keen on finding secrets out. C) Be interested in others’ business. D) Be good at making sounds. 正确答案: C 35.

How does the author advise you to solve the problems with your neighbors? A) Warn your neighbors before action. B) Talk about the trouble frankly.

C) Post a restraining order on your neighbor’s door. D) Go to the lawsuit directly. 正确答案: B Passage Two

Questions 36 to 40 are based on the following passage.

When you consciously keep thinking of something, your unconscious mind will somehow spontaneously push that idea or issue back to the surface even when you are doing something else, because your unconscious mind accepts, stores, and plays back everything that the conscious mind focuses on. The unconscious mind is like a “yes” person, agreeing, accepting and reminding.

Hence, your unconscious mind can respond positively or negatively, depending on how you have consciously conditioned it — by constantly thinking about something. If you keep thinking negatively of someone, you will constantly say negative things about that person when you are chatting away with another friend.

If you keep telling yourself that it is very difficult to study English or that your English lecture is boring, then that thought will always crop up uninvited when you



are chatting with someone or doing something else.

That is how the unconscious mind works. That is why successful athletes who consciously, continuously and consistently focus on superior performance actually perform well because they are driven by their unconscious mind.

It’s important to understand that whatever you consciously focus on, your unconscious mind will accept it. You need to think positively so that your unconscious mind will respond likewi se.

If you find yourself in a negative mood, discontinue that mood. Perhaps look at yourself through a mirror and see how “ugly” your face is when you are in a bitter mood. If you have a coin, flip it over. Say to yourself: “There are two sides of me, the good and the bad. Now I seem to be bad, so let’s focus on the good.” You must not hold a negative thought too long, or it will come back again and get more rooted in your system.

Once you are in a negative system, it would take much more reprogramming to uproot the bad “trees” in your mind. You could have a full-grown negative “forest” in your mind — and that could take ages to uproot. So place it with a positive thought. Affirm consciously, continuously and consistently your new positive image. Focus on the new trait visually and see yourself succeeding in it.

Review your behavior. Do you moan and groan too often? Do you talk like a loser? Are you small-minded, selfish and unforgiving?

It’s time you consciously conditioned your unconscious mind to work in a positive manner. 36.

What is the best title for this passage? A) Train Your Unconscious Mind

B) Conscious Mind and Unconscious Mind C) Uproot Negative Thoughts

D) How the Unconscious Mind Works 正确答案: A 37.

How does the author support the idea that “one’s unconscious mind can respond positively or negatively”? A) By providing examples. B) By giving reasons.

C) By stating people’s opinions.

D) By accounting his personal experiences. 正确答案: A 38.

Para. 5 is mainly discussing ______.

A) how good performance affects one’s unconscious mind B) how a positive unconscious mind develops



C) how a person’s unconscious mind works positively D) how people condition their unconscious mind 正确答案: C 39.

When conditioning your unconscious mind, it is very important to understand that _______.

A) we should avoid aiming too high

B) our unconscious mind should agree with our true potential C) we are always better than what we think we are

D) our unconscious mind will accept whatever we consciously focus on 正确答案: D 40.

What can we infer from the sentence “You could have a full-grown negative ‘forest’ in your mind — and that could take ages to uproot” (Para. 9)?

A) Negative thoughts are potential obstacles to our further development. B) It takes consistent effort to get rid of negative thoughts. C) Negative thoughts are a part of learning in our lives. D) There are always many negative thoughts in our minds. 正确答案: B

Part III Vocabulary and Structure ( 11 minutes )

Directions: There are a number of incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentence there are four choices marked A), B), C) and D). Choose the ONE that best completes the sentence. 41.

Both conservatives and Communists have simply ______ their attitude to the government. A) tough B) toughly C) toughening D) toughened 正确答案: D 42.

And, of course, they seek those features which make an estate ______ from the rest. A) stand by B) stand in C) stand out D) stand up 正确答案: C 43.



But they seek also to have a religion which is ______ with the world in which we live.

A) out of tune B) in tune

C) for the tune D) to the tune 正确答案: B 44.

Despite ______ rumors in Washington of further infidelities, Mr. Clinton says there will be no more surprises about him. A) sustaining B) supporting C) persistent D) insistent 正确答案: C 45.

They were lost in the mountains for ten days, ______ hunger, thirst, and intense cold.

A) endured B) enduring C) remained D) remaining 正确答案: B 46.

She ______ to touch the surface, aware of a chill that seemed to have settled around her.

A) reached down B) reached over C) reached through D) reached out 正确答案: D 47.

All his peers make a _________ of his clumsiness. A) imitation B) tease C) ridicule D) mock 正确答案: D 48.



I have kept that portrait ________ I can see it every day, as it always reminds me of my university days in New York. A) which B) where C) that D) when 正确答案: B 49.

The doctor ________ all night with the patient. A) sat up B) lay up C) sat with D) laid up 正确答案: A 50.

A human’s eyesight is not as ________ as that of an eagle. A) eccentric B) sensible C) sensitive D) acute 正确答案: D 51.

The queen rode in a decorated ______ pulled by four white horses. A) palette B) chicory C) carriage D) antenna 正确答案: C 52.

Employees at a Coldwell Banker real estate office noticed shoppers were edgy at a nearby ______. A) institution B) laundry C) mall

D) rendezvous 正确答案: C 53.

E.B. meditated how he could ______ this young maiden for many a favour which she had done him.


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