



签订日期: 年 月 日 第1页/共60页


工程名称: Project name: 发 包 人(甲方): Client:(Party A) 承 包 人(乙方): Contractor: (Party B) 日 期: Date:


This Contract is entered by and between client (hereinafter referred to as Party A) and. Contractor (hereinafter referred to as Party B) regarding the terms and conditions of this construction of plant reconstruction upon the unanimous agreement between the parties hereto in the principles of equality, free will, fairneand good faith. 一、工程概况 Project name & location:

工程名称: Project name: construction of plant reconstruction 厂房内部改造工程 工程地点: Location:

二、工程承包范围 Project scope: 承包范围: 厂房改造工程(含基储隔墙、钢结构、水电安装、通风、消防及装饰等工程施工) Reconstruction of the plant (incl. foundation, partition,


steel structure, utilities installation, ventilation, fire safety facilities and decoration, etc.) 三、合同工期: Contract period: 开工日期: Commence on 竣工日期: Complete on

合同工期总日历天数: 130 日历天。 Totally lasting 130 calendar days.

四、质量标准 Quality standard

工程质量标准:合格 The quality of the completed project shall be acceptable. 五、合同价款 Contract value (in RMB) 金额(大写): ___ (人民币)¥: ___ __ 元 Yuan, i.e., RMB (in words)

六、组成合同的文件 . Contract documents:

组成本合同的文件包括: The Contract consists of the following documents:

( 1 )本合同协议书 Agreement of this Contract ( 2 )投标书及其附件 Bidding document and addendum ( 3 )本合同条款 Terms of this Contract ( 4 )标准、规范及有关技术文件 Applicable standards, codes and relevant technical documents ( 5 )图纸 Drawings


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