

班别_________姓名__________ 学号 _________ 成绩_________ 一、 找出画线部分读音不同的单词 1. ( ) A. drum B. trumpet C. put 2. ( )A. pink B. dentist C. excited 3. ( ) A. worried B. office C. across 4. ( ) A. station B. camel C. late 5. ( )A. mountain B. rain C. wait 6. ( )A. window B. loudly C. mountain 7.( )A. sink B. wink C. bike 8.( )A. cap B. ask C. mask 9.( ) A. daughter B. laugh C. caught 10.( )A. cry B, quickly C. slowly 11.( ) A. won B . fold C. cold 12.( ) A. lost B. cotton C. coke 13.( ) A. third B. forgot C. turn 14.( ) A. candy B. stand C. came 15.( )A. miss B. sing C. excited


1. Tony woke up late, so he m the train.

2. He surfed the net all night. He f to do his homework. 3. The weather is bad, so many people c a cold. 4. She tried her best, but she didn’t w the game. 5. When class begins , all the students s up. 6. He was looking for his mom. He was c loudly.

7. --- Why was the baby s ? --- Because he heard a big noise. 8. Let’s c our hands to welcome our new classmates.


9. The bus is coming. Please run q .

10. The children didn’t make a noise. They sat q in the library.

三、 补全对话,每空一词。


A: You’re home. It’s six o’clock. I was for you lunchtime . were you?

B We were at the zoo. We were a horse. A Where you in the afternoon?

B. We at the supermarket. We shopping . A I was . I was for you everywhere. B We’re sorry.


A Hey , you’re late. you ? B I was in the park.

A ________ ________ you doing ? B I was ________ a hole for my new tree. A _____ did it so long? B Because it was hot . A Peter help you ?

B No, he didn’t . He was with the cat.


A Hi ,Tony . ________ you ________ a nice weekend? B Weekend ? Oh, forget it ! A What _______ ?

B My brother and I wanted to go to the cinema at ten o’clock on Sunday morning , but we _______ up late! We _____ ________ time to wash our face and ______ breakfast .

A How ______ you _____ to the cinema?


B We tried to ____ there by car. A When ______ you _____ to the cinema?

B Never. We had a traffic jam on the way to the cinema. It______ us about an hour. A Oh, dear! That’s really______.


( )1. Did you ____ your English book ?

A. see B. find C. look

( ) 2. My sister ______ up late this morning . A. woke B. wake C. waked ( )3. _______ did they do next ? A. What B. Which C. Where ( )4. What did she _______ ? A. won B wins C win

( )5. What _____ we do with our legs? A. can B. must C. may

( )6. -- _______ were you late for school ?

---- Because I got up late. A Why B. When C. Where

( )7. -- _______ were the children doing ? ----- They were singing. A. When B. What C. Who

( )8. The sun isn’t in the sky. It’s ______. A. rainy B. cold C. hot

( ) 9. It’s too late for school. Please walk _____. A.slowly B. quickly C. quietly

( )10.When she saw the lion, she was ____ and ran away. A. happy B. excited C. scared

( )11. --- ______ were you yesterday afternoon? ---- I was at home. A. When B. Where C. How


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