
Unit 5 综合水平测试

听力部分 (20分)

一、听句子,选择与所听内容相符的图片。(其中有一幅多余)(每小题1分,共计5分) 听力材料:1.I like the soap opera.

2.What do you think of the talent show? 3.He hopes to see an action movie tonight.

4.Tom plans to enjoy a game show this evening. 5.I expect to watch cartoons because they're fun.

1.__C__ 2.__E__ 3.__A__ 4.__F__ 5.__D__ 二、听小对话,选择正确的答案。(每小题1分,共计5分) 听力材料:6.M:Mary,how do you like the TV shows?

W:The talk show is meaningless.The story show is educational.And the game show is exciting.

(A)6.What TV show doesn't Mary like?

A.The talk show. B.The story show. C.The game show. 听力材料:7.M:Helen,do you like comedies?

W:Yes.Of course,I also love cartoons.But I think sitcoms are the most boring.

(B)7.How does Helen like sitcoms?

A.She likes them. B.She can't stand them. C.She doesn't mind them.

听力材料:8.M:Did Lin Tao and Wu Dong go to the school camp? W:No.Zhang Hong took their place.Don't you know? (C)8.Who went to the school camp?

A.Lin Tao. B.Wu Dong. C.Zhang Hong.

听力材料:9.M:Mr.Zhang is in the action movie.Do you know? W:Sure.He plays a very important role in it. (A)9.What's Mr.Zhang's job?

A.An actor. B.A doctor. C.A teacher.

听力材料:10.M:Do you know about Mr.Wang,Mr.Zhao and Mr.Lee?

W:Of course.Mr.Wang and Mr.Zhao are famous artists in our town.But Mr.Lee is rich. (C)10.Who is rich?

A.Mr.Wang. B.Mr.Zhao. C.Mr.Lee.


听力材料:W:Hello,everyone!Welcome to 8 o'clock Weekend Talk.And let's welcome Bob to our show tonight.Welcome!


W:Well,Bob,as a student,you must love watching TV,right? M:Yes.I watch TV at least three times a week. W:Well,what TV shows do you like?

M:I like sports shows because they're very exciting. W:What do you think of Animal World?

M:Oh,I love it.I can learn a lot about animals from the show.

W:What about Culture China and Healthy Living?

M:I don't mind Culture China and I can't stand Healthy Living. W:Why can't you stand Healthy Living? M:Lots of information is not useful in it.I think healthy eating habits and more exercise can help us keep healthy.

W:OK!Thanks for joining us,Bob.Next...

(C)11.When is the Weekend Talk?

A.In the morning. B.In the afternoon. C.In the evening. (C)12.How often does Bob watch TV?

A.At least once a week. B.At least twice a week. C.At least three times a week.

(A)13.Why does Bob like sports shows?

A.They're exciting. B.They're educational. C.He can learn a lot.

(B)14.Which TV show doesn't Bob mind?

A.Animal World. B.Culture China. C.Healthy Living. (B)15.What does Bob think of Healthy Living?

A.Not educational. B.Not useful. C.Not interesting. 四、听短文,选择正确的答案。(每小题1分,共计5分) 听力材料: Nick,a thirteen-year-old boy,loves playing basketball.He usually dresses up like Yao Ming.And he also likes watching basketball games on TV.

Last Saturday afternoon,after Nick played basketball for half an hour,he expected to watch an NBA game on TV.When he went home,he found his sister watching a soap opera.“Wow!I can't stand it,” he said.“Can I watch the NBA game?” “OK.I don't mind,” said his sister.

“Wonderful!Great!” said Nick.But his grandmother said,“Why do you like such a boring TV show?”

(B)16.How old is Nick? A.12. B.13. C.14.

(A)17.Which famous star does Nick like?

A.Yao Ming. B.Jeremy Lin. C.Yi Jianlian.

(B)18.How long did Nick play basketball last Saturday afternoon? A.A few minutes. B.Thirty minutes. C.One hour. (C)19.What TV shows can't Nick stand?

A.Game shows. B.Talk shows. C.Soap operas.

(A)20.What does Nick's grandmother think of the NBA game? A.Boring. B.Wonderful. C.Exciting.

笔试部分 (100分)

五、单项选择。(每小题1分,共计15分) (C)21.—What is your father doing? —He is watching ________ news.

A.a B.an C.the D./ (B)22.It's necessary for us to learn ________ each other. A.as B.from C.to D.for

(D)23.After the ________,they decided to have a party on Sunday.

A.mirror B.grade C.character D.discussion

(B)24.I wanted to watch the sports game,________ my mother wanted to watch the sitcom. A.if B.but C.so D.and

(B)25.The old man lives a simple life,though he is very ________. A.thin B.rich C.poor D.healthy

(C)26.—Is Tony good at playing basketball? —He ________ do well,but I'm not sure. A.need B.should C.might D.must

(D)27.—Why do you come back so early,Amy?Why didn't you watch the movie? —Because I ________ my ticket on the way. A.gave B.bought C.chose D.lost (D)28.—Do you like soap operas,Ellen?

—No,I can't ________ them.They are too boring. A.care B.hate C.mind D.stand

(C)29.—Can you ________ who broke the window of the classroom? —Sorry,I can't,Mr.Smith.

A.ask for B.wait for C.find out D.come out (C)30.—Who likes watching sports shows?

—Greg does.He hopes ________ a sports reporter.

A.become B.becoming C.to become D.became (A)31.This kind of thing ________ all the time.It's very common. A.happens B.reaches C.wins D.swings (A)32.—What did the students do at the party? —They all ________ like different animals. A.dressed up B.dressed in C.put on D.put in

(B)33.—When do you expect Sarah ________ home?

—Before 5:00 p.m.I have something important to tell her. A.come B.to come C.to leave D.leave

(A)34.My cousin is not so ________ as my sister.She is a little shy. A.outgoing B.more outgoing

C.most outgoing D.the most outgoing (C)35.—What do you think of the sports news? —________.

A.Yes,of course B.Yes,I'd like to C.I don't mind it D.I don't think so

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