上海市静安区2019届九年级上学期期末(一模)质量监控英语试题(Word版) - 图文

products, including self-heating hotpot and instant rice. Those can meet the needs of young people. They hope that instant noodles will be ___53___ again.

Will instant noodles disappear one day? We don't know. But they have surely left a mark on dining history.

IV. Complete the sentences with the given words in their proper forms(用括号中所给单词 的适当形式完成下列句子) (共8分)

54. Mum, don't worry. Alice is old enough to take an aeroplane by _________. (her) 55. Did Jenny accept Tom' s _________offer yesterday? She really needs his help. (three) 56 We were terribly _________by the huge figure at midnight. (frighten)

57. Vincent was too _________, He was still unaware of the changes of his family. (careful) 58. I was attracted by Lucy _________because of her strong personality. (main) 59. Don't jump to _________. You should think it over. (conclude)

60. A famous Chinese writer, Jin Yong, _________ on October 30, 2018 (death) 61. Children should learn how to be _________when they grow up. (depend)

V. Complete the following sentences as required(根据所给要求,改写下列句子,62-67小题每空格限填一词) (共14分)

62. Leo has never made a complaint about his job. (改为一般疑问句) _________Leo ever _________a complaint about his job?

63. We link information with pictures to make our memory more efficient. (对划线部分提问) _________ _________you link information with pictures?

64. Jane cleaned out her house. She could have a party inside. (合并为一句) Jane cleaned out her house _________ _________she could have a party inside. 65. Jim asked his dad, \改为宾语从句) Jim asked his dad _________he _________about Ancient Greece. 66. We should teach our students some necessary living skill. (改为被动语态) Our students should _________ _________some necessary living skill. 67. The teacher didn't listen to Bob's excuse any longer. (保持句意基本不变) The teacher _________ _________listened to Bob's excuse.

68. him, his suggestions, seriously, expected, to think about, his father (连词成句) ________________________________________________________________________

Part 3 Reading and Writing

(第三部分 读与写)

IX. Reading Comprehension (阅读理解):(共50分)

A. Choose the best answer (根据文章内容,选择最恰当的答案):(12分)

It was a cold winter night when the police officer Lee and the detective Smith were walking back to the police station. They saw a robber attacking an old woman on the road. Lee and Smith ran over to the robber immediately.

The robber saw them and ran away as fast as he could. Lee and Smith followed him for a long distance until the robber rushed into an underground station. Lee and Smith ran into the station and tried to find

him. It was quite dark outside that night and they couldn't see the robber clearly. But they remembered what his body shape was like.

When they went in, they saw six men in the station All of them had the similar build as the robber. Lee looked at them carefully, one by one.

The fist man was arguing with an underground station worker. He seemed to be very depressed.

The second one was watching the fight between the first man and the worker. It seemed like he was quite interested in it.

The third one was quietly reading a newspaper. His face was hidden behind the newspaper. The fourth one was running to warm himself up, as it was cold in the station.

The fifth one was waiting for the underground. He looked at his watch several times. He seemed to be in a hurry.

The sixth one was wearing a big coat, sitting on a bench and shivering.

Lee finally found out which one the robber was. He whispered to Smith, \wanted to cover up his panting (气喘吁吁) by doing this. \

69. As soon as Lee and Smith saw the robber attacking an old woman, they _________. A) walked back to the police station B) ran to catch the robber C) ran into the underground station D) kept away from the robber 70. The robber rushed into the underground station to _________.

A) escape from them B) meet his friends C) rob others D) take an underground 71. The underlined word \depressed\

A) relaxed B) unhappy C) thoughtful D) comfortable 72. The six men in the underground station all had the similar_________.

A) hair B) height C) body shape D) age-group 73. According to Lee, _________was the robber.

A) the first man B) the second man C) the fourth man D) the sixth man 74. What's the best title for the article?

A) A dramatic robbery. B) The clever detective. C) The proud policeman. D) The hidden robber.

B. Choose the best answer and complete the passage(选择最恰当的单词或短语选项完成短文):(12分) YES Today's Topic NO Sun Zhenyao, 13, Shanghai Parents are asked to guard school gates every Li Mingyi,14, Beijing morning. Do you think it's reasonable? Safety comes first. Most primary schools On weekdays, guarding schools and suggest that parents should come along with keeping students safe should be the school's their children on their way to school. I don't responsibility — not the parents'. ___79___. think it's a problem for the parents. They just the time when they have to guard is usually have to stay at the school gate a little ___75__. about 7:40 to 8 a.m., the morning rush hour. Also, it's very crowded around school gates in Some parents might get caught in a traffic jam

the morning. Traffic accidents may happen. and late for their work, I don't think this task Only ___76___ school guards is not enough. If should fall on the parents. parents can help. there will be fewer accidents. Sun Run, 14, Zhejiang Huang Xi, 15, Jiangsu This request is not just about students' Most of these parents are office safety, but also helping the school. It is a good workers. They have their own things to do. ___77___ to improve relations between parents They hurry to work every morning. To meet and schools. Secondly, parents can set a good this new request, some may have to ask time example for their kids by working ___78___ off. This will affect their work performance. I for their school. think it's better to ask for the parents' ___80___ first. If some are willing to volunteer, they can do so. But it shouldn't be something that every parent has to do. 75. A) harder B) longer C) farther D) higher 76. A) waiting for B) talking with C) listening to D) depending on 77. A) excuse B) way C) proof D) culture 78. A) bravely B) excitedly C) confidently D) faithfully 79 A) What's more B) As a result C) For the time being D) At last 80. A) emotions B) methods C) opinions D) reasons

C. Read the passage and fill in the blanks with proper words(在短文的空格内填入适当的词,使其内容通顺,每空格限填一词,首字母已给)(14分)

It's a school day morning. You are dressing yourself in the bedroom. At the same time, you are thinking about taking your schoolbag from the living room. But when you walk through your bedroom door and into the living room, you suddenly forget w___81___ you are there and just don't know what to do.

Most people would think they have a poor m___82___. But scientists believe that the act of walking through doorways makes them forget things. They call it the \

The scientists from the University of Notre Dame in the US did an e___83___. They placed several objects into two rooms. The students had to put an object from Room A into a shoebox and

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