

MSP430F149的ADC12为SAR型12位AD,共有16路输入通道,其中8路独立的外部输入通道,2路接外部Vref+,Vref-,3路内部通道可分别测内部温度传感器、AVCC、和外部参考源。 P6口第二功能为AD输入端。MSP430F149的10、11分别接外部电压参考源正负极,7脚可将内部电压参考源输出。


AD的参考源可选择内部电压参考源或外部电压参考源。内部电压参考源有1.5V,2.5V可选,使用时向ADC12CTL0写入REFON+ REF2_5V就打开了2.5V。外部电压参考源由REF+接入。上电时若不设置参考源,则参考源为系统供电电压3.3V。 2 使用方法概述 2.1程序架构 中断方式

1、设置 ADC12工作模式,启动转换,开全局中断,等待中断 2、写中断处理函数 查询方式


while (!(0x01 & ADC12IFG));转换完毕读取采样值,系统自动清除中断标志 2.2 使用概述 主要参数配置

设置工作方式:sing\\\\sequence\\\\re-sing\\\\re-sequencd; 设置转换时间:SHTX

设置触发方式:ADC12SC\\\\MSC\\\\TimerA\\\\ TimerB 设置通道:外部通道\\\\内部Temperature sensor 设置参考源:系统电压\\\\内部参考源\\\\外部参考源 其他细节配置

一般要配置采样转换模式为脉冲(SHP),打开ADC12(ADC12ON),使能ADC12转换(ENC),使能中断(如果采取中断模式),触发转换(若采用ADC12SC触发)。 解释

ADC12模数转换是在SHI的上升沿初始化的。SHI信号有四个来源: The ADC12SC bit;The Timer_A Output Unit 1; The Timer_B Output Unit 0; The Timer_B Output Unit 1。故单次采样时只需要每次设置ADC12CTL0 |= ADC12SC就采样一次;重复采样时,如Rep-sing,

设置ADC12CTL1 = SHS_1 +CONSEQ_2就选择了Rep-sing模式,每次采样通过定时器A触发。

3 相关寄存器 1、ADC12CTL0 SHT1x Bits

Sample-and-hold time(采样保持). These bits define the number of ADC12CLK cycles in the sampling period for registers ADC12MEM8 to ADC12MEM15. SHT0x Bits

Sample-and-hold time. These bits define the number of ADC12CLK cycles in the sampling period for registers ADC12MEM0 to ADC12MEM7. ADC12ON 0 ADC12 off 1 ADC12 on ENC

ENC Bit 1 Enable conversion 0 ADC12 disabled 1 ADC12 enabled

ADC12SC Bit 0 Start conversion. Software-controlled sample-and-conversion start. ADC12SC and ENC may be set together with one instruction. ADC12SC is reset automatically.

0 No sample-and-conversion-start 1 Start sample-and-conversion

MSC(多次采样/转换) Bit 7 Multiple sample and conversion. Valid only for sequence or repeated modes.

0 The sampling timer requires a rising edge of the SHI signal to trigger(触发) each sample-and-conversion.

1 The first rising edge of the SHI signal triggers the sampling timer, but further sample-and-conversions are performed automatically as soon as the prior conversion is completed. 2、ADC12CTL1 SHP

SHP Bit 9 Sample-and-hold pulse-mode select(取样保持脉冲选择模式). This bit selects the source of the

sampling signal (SAMPCON) to be either the output of the sampling timer or the sample-input signal directly.

0 SAMPCON signal is sourced from the sample-input signal. 1 SAMPCON signal is sourced from the sampling timer. SHSx Bits 11-10

Sample-and-hold source select 00 ADC12SC bit 01 Timer_A.OUT1 10 Timer_B.OUT0 11 Timer_B.OUT1 CONSEQx Bits 2-1

Conversion sequence mode select 00 Single-channel, single-conversion 01 Sequence-of-channels 10 Repeat-single-channel 11 Repeat-sequence-of-channels 3、ADC12IE ADC12IEx Bits 15-0

Interrupt enable. These bits enable or disable the interrupt request for the ADC12IFGx bits.

0 Interrupt disabled 1 Interrupt enabled 4、ADC12IFG ADC12IFGx Bits 15-0

ADC12MEMx Interrupt flag. These bits are set when corresponding

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