航海英语题库 (含答案)13

[1091] Isogonic lines are lines on a chart indicating ______.

A. points of equal variation B. points of zero variation C. the magnetic latitude D. magnetic dip KEY: A等磁差线是海图上相同磁差的点联成的线。

[1092]It is dangerous for vessels without the use of radar______the estuary(河口). C.to get B.to approach C.to proceed D.to close KEY: B船舶不使用雷达,接近港湾式危险的。 [1093] 同上

[1094] It is desirable to have screens on the vents of potable water tanks to ______. A. filter the incoming air B. prevent explosions

C. prevent backups D. stop insects from entering KEY: D饮用水舱上的排气口上的隔板恰当的防止昆虫进入。

[1095] It is not advisable to use nylon for alongside towing because it ______. A. is too expensive for everyday towing usage B. binds on the cleats

C. parts too readily D. stretches too much

KEY: D使用尼龙绳进行旁拖是不可取的因为尼龙绳伸展性太强。

[1096] It is possible, and sometimes necessary, to strengthen the deck of a vessel for carriage of deck cargo by ______.

A. placing bunker on the deck

B. building a stage on which to place the cargo

C. welding steel feet to the deck, on which the cargo is placed D. erecting vertical pillars under the deck to support the cargo

KEY: D可能,有时也有必要通过甲板底下竖起垂直的立柱支撑装有甲板货的甲板。

[1097] It is predicted that heavy rains are ______ to flood the harbor and its vicinity in a few days. D. frightening B. threatening C. scattering D. Warning KEY: B据预报,几天后会有一场大雨将威胁着这个港口及邻近的地区。 [1098] 同上

[1099]It is required that______should be used during the poor visibility if the radar’s screen shows heavy sea returns.

A.Gain Control B.Brilliant Control C.Anti-clutter Sea Control D.Sweep Intercept

KEY: C海浪抑制应用于能见度不良期间雷达屏幕海浪回波严重时。

[1100] It is sometimes necessary to moor bow and stern to two mooring buoys in order to ______. A. avoid any swing in a restricted space B. shelter the ship from strong winds

C. prevent from touching with other vessels D. make a convenience of cargo discharging

KEY: A为了避免船舶在受限的水域偏荡有时有必要船首尾都系浮筒。 [1101] 同上

[1102] It is the responsibility of the crane operator to, at all times, be aware of the location of the __

C. load B. hook C. boom D. All of the above

KEY: D吊车驾驶员的责任是在任何时候都要了解到货物、吊杆、吊钩的位置。 [1103]It is usually unnecessary,and indeed often impossible,______every printed clause. A.to give rise to B.giving give rise to C.given give full effect to D.to give full effect to

KEY: D它通常是不必要的,甚至是不能充分落实到每个打印的条款上。

[1104] It may be found that, in certain circumstances, Rader Beacon can cause unwanted interference particularly ______.

A. at close range B.at end on situation C. at head on situation D. at crossing situation

KEY: A在有些环境下雷达信标发射在雷达屏幕上产生多余的干扰线,特别是在近距离时。 [1105] 同上

[1106] It may be found that, in certain circumstances, Rader Beacon emissions can cause ____ with the normal radar display, particularly at close range.

A. unwanted interference B. unexpected figures C. abnormal data D. unwanted information

KEY: A在有些环境下雷达信标发射载雷达屏幕上产生多余的干扰线,特别是在近距离时。 [1107] 同上

[1108] It should be noted ______ the use of synthetic mooring ropes able to produce sparks by their manipulation is absolutely forbidden on board petroleum tankers and LPG or LNG carriers, or any vessels carring inflammable substances.

D. that B. which C. who D. These

KEY: A载有石油的船,液化石油气船或液化天然气船或者任何运载易燃材料的船上,是绝对禁止的,是用人造系泊绳的能操作产生火花,应该被注意。

[1109]It takes about 12 seconds to reverse______full speed ahead______full speed astern. D. at,to B.to,from C.from,to D.at,from 全速前进到全速后退需要12秒。

[1110]It was essential that the application forms______back before the deadline. D. must be sent B.be sent C.would be sent D.were sent KEY: B申请单在最后期限前被送回是必要的。

[1111] It would be possible that part of the cargo got ______ as great change in the weather during the voyage caused heavy ______ in the hold.

A. damp / water B. dampness / sweater C. wet / condensation D. wetness / dew

KEY: C航次中大的天气变化货舱内大量的凝水导致部分的货物水湿将是可能的。 [1112] Jettisoning weight from topside ______.

A. returns the vessel to an even keel B. reduces free surface effect C. lowers the center of gravity D. raises the center of buoyancy KEY: C丢弃上层的重量,降低船舶重心。 [1113] Joiner bulkheads on a vessel provide ______.

A. compartmentalization B. watertight integrity C. structural support D. tank boundaries KEY: A船上的轻结构舱壁提供(船舶)分舱。 [1114] Kapok life jackets should NOT be ______.

A. stowed near open flame or where smoking is permitted

B. used as seats, pillows, or foot rests C. left on open decks D. All of the above

KEY: D木棉救生衣不应存放在明火附近或允许抽烟的地方,不能当做坐垫,枕头或脚凳,不能遗留在露天甲板。 [1115] 同上

[1116] Keeping certain cargoes separated because of their inherent characteristics is known as ____

D. overstowage B. segregation C. spot loading D. cargo typing KEY: B由于货物固有的特性保持货物一定的分隔称为隔离。

[1117] Keeping the draft at or below the load line mark will insure that the vessel has adequate ___

A. ballast

B. reserve buoyancy C. displacement D. rolling periods

KEY: B保持吃水在或在载重线以下将确保船舶具有适当的保留浮力。

[1118] 同上

[1119] Knowing the compass heading that is 90°to the side of a ship will enable the operator of a survival craft to initially steer _____.

A. into the wind B. away in fire and smoke C. directly to the standby boat D. directly to the nearest land

KEY: B知道罗经船首向是船舶舷侧90度将能够使救生筏的操作者开始驶离火和烟雾。 [1120] Kort nozzles are installed around the propellers of some vessels to ______. A. increase the thrust of the propeller B. protect the propeller from striking sawyers

C. protect the propeller from striking barges towed on the hip D. protect the propeller from touching bottom in low water

KEY: A一些船舶装配在螺旋桨周围的导流管会减少螺旋桨的?推力。


KEY: A陆地上的当局在某一指定区域指挥协调搜救的操作称为RCC。

[1122] Large quantities of uncovered big iron or billets should not be carried in the upper-tween decks because ______.

A. this does not eliminate the risk of cargo shifting B. this will increase the metacentric height of the ship C. this will decrease the gravity height of the ship D. this will reduce the rolling period of the ship

KEY: A大量的无遮盖的铁或一个不应该装运在上二层甲板因为它不能消除货物移动的危险。

[1123] Large volumes of carbon dioxide are safe and effective for fighting fires in enclosed spaces, such as in a pumproom, provided that the ______.

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