




从每小题中所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 ( ) 1. —The dishes in this restaurant are delicious but very expensive.

—Don’t worry. You can enjoy yourself. It’s my ______.

A. time B. task C. taste D. treat

( ) 2.It’s crazy of you to spend more time playing computer games than you ____ studying.

A. are B. do

C. have D. will

( ) 3. Children need friends ______ their own age to play with.

A. of

B. for

C. in

D. at

( ) 4. —Do you have __________ i-Phone 5?

—I am eager to have __________, but my parents think it’s better to use a simple type. A. a, it B. an, it C. the, one D. an, one ( ) 5._____ in thought,he almost ran into the car in front of him.

A. Losing B. Lost C.Having lost D. To lose

( ) 6. The teacher together with the students _______ discussing Reading Skills that _______ newly

published in America . A. are, were

B. is, were

C. are, was

D. is, was

( ) 7. —Is your son still in bed?

—No, he _______and _______ for the AMC in his room now. A. is already up; preparing B. got up, preparing C. has got up; prepared D. is already up, prepares

( ) 8. This book is said to be a special one which ________ many events not found in other history


A. writes B. prints C. covers D. reads

( ) 9. When people talk about the cities of Britain, the first ___comes into mind is London.

A. city B. one C. of which D. that

( ) 10. The doctors have the patients ______ the soft music , because it helped make them ______.

A. to listen to, stressing B. listen to, stressed C. listen to, relaxed

D. to listen to, relaxing

( ) 11. The murderer was brought in ,with his hands ____ behind his back.

A. being tied B.having tied C.tied D. to be tied

( ) 12. We planned to meet at 10:00 at the station,but he didn’t _____ until 12:00.

A. turn up

B. give up

C. stay up

D. grow up

( ) 13. My sister suggested ___because I was too fat.

A. me lose weight B. I lose weight C. me to lose weight D. I losing weigh

( ) 14. —When was it __you realized she was a famous film star?

—___she took off her dark glasses.

A. when, When B. that, Until C. that, Not until D. When, Until

( ) 15. —Thank you ever so much for your help. — _____.

A. Glad to hear that B. Not worth thanking C. You’re too polite D. Think nothing of it




If you need to call your parents but your phone is not with you, can you remember their numbers? To remember 11 numbers is not difficult. However, because of the smart phones, many of us losing this ability. Record Japan reported.

What’s more, smart phones weaken our skills at giving directions, as well as killing face-to-face communications. Even when friends are having a meal together, it’s common for most to check their phones.

According to a report by Kleiner, Perkins Caufield Byers, an American company, Chinese people spend average 170 minutes on their smart phones daily.

For students, an addiction to smart phones is no good for studying. Research by Japan’s Education Ministry showed Children who spend more than four hours a day on their phones perform much worse in school tests than those who play with their phones for 30 minutes.

It’s true that the smart phones have made our lives easier. But many also think they spend too much time on it, and this is bad for their study or work. People are trying to change that.

A new app called Forest was introduced this month. It lets users plant a seed that grows into a tree over the next 30 minutes. During the half hour, users cannot use their phones, or the tree will die.

Many people now have the habit of checking their cell phone while eating. A restaurant in Los Angeles, US, gives people a 5 percent discount if they don’t check their phones during a meal. Owner Mark Gold said that he hoped it could give people a way to enjoy their meals and actually talk with friends and family in person.

( ) 16. What does the app Forest aim to do?

A. To call on people to care about trees

B. To introduce a new game for students

C. To help people spend less time on phones D. To make people focused on their phones

( ) 17.Who can get the 5 percent discount of a restaurant in Los Angeles?

A. People who don’t check their phones during a meal B. People who use their phones twenty minutes during half an hour. C. Students who spend three hours a day on their phones D. Students who play their phones for thirty minutes

( ) 18. What does the article mainly talk about?

A. The advantages of smart phones. B. The disadvantages of smart phones. C. How often people use smart phones. D. The change of smart phones.


Huckleberry Finn,the great character from the Mark Twain book,did not like school. He preferred floating down the Mississippi River on a raft and looking for adventure.That’s why generations of schoolboys have loved reading Huckleberry Finn:they feel the same way about the school as he did.

For many boys,being forced to sit all day in a school room is like being punished for a crime they did not commit. There are endless hours of boredom spent learning things they have no interest in.That’s why many boys do poorly in school and many give up on education altogether.

Ironically(具有讽刺意味的是),the whole idea for schools was invented for boys. If a boy wanted to grow up to be a useful man,he had to be educated. By and by,people realized that educating girls was a good idea, too. And, ironically again, it was discovered that the school system suits girls just fine; so fine that girls now do much better than boys in school.

No one really knows why that is. Some say that girls mature(发育成熟)quicker than boys and adapt better to school life. Some also say that the school system and the curriculum(课程) have changed to encourage girls but the needs of boys have been overlooked. Educators are now trying to find ways to get boys to be more successful in school. There are suggestions to separate the sexes and teach boys separately. There are also suggestions to change the curriculum to make it more interesting for boys.

Whatever the changes are, boys still will be boys,and dreams of floating down the Mississippi River will always be an attractive choice to just sitting in a classroom. ( ) 19. Huckleberry Finn is________.

A. a boy of Mark Twain’s B. a character in a book C. an American writer D. a river’s name

( ) 20. Many boys do poorly in school because________.

A. they give up on education

B. they’re punished for a crime they did not commit C. they have no interest in the things they’re learning D. they prefer floating down the Mississippi River on a raft

( ) 21. The underlined sentence in Paragraph 4 means that________.

A. more boys are needed B. boys need to be cared about a lot C. the needs of boys have been very important D. people have paid little attention to the needs of boys.

( ) 22. Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?

A. Girls now do much better than boys in school. B. The school system has changed to encourage girls.

C. Girls mature quicker than boys and adapt better to school life. D. The curriculum has changed to be more interesting for boys. C

Violin prodigies (神童), I learned, have come in distinct waves from distinct regions. Most of the great performers of the late 19th and early 20th centuries were born and brought up in Russia and Eastern Europe. I asked Isaac Stern, one of the world’s greatest violinists the reason for this phenomenon. “It is very clear,” he told me. “They were all Jews and Jews at the time were severely oppressed and ill-treated in that part of the world. They were not allowed into the professional fields, but they were allowed to achieve excellence on a concert stage.” As a result, every Jewish parent’s dream was to have a child in the music school because it was a passport to the West.

Another element in the emergence(出现) of prodigies, I found, is a society that values excellence in a certain field to nurture (培育) talent. Nowadays, the most nurturing societies seem to be in the Far East. “In Japan, a most competitive society, with stronger discipline than ours,” says Isaac Stern, children are ready to test their limits every day in many fields, including music. When Western music came to Japan after World War II, that music not only became part of their daily lives, but it became a discipline as well. The Koreans and Chinese as we know, are just as highly motivated as the Japanese.

That’s a good thing, because even prodigies must work hard. Next to hard work, biological inheritance(遗传) plays an important role in the making of a prodigy. J. S. Bach, for example, was the top of several generations of musicians, and four of his sons had significant careers in music.

( ) 23. Jewish parents in Eastern Europe longed for their children to attend music school because


A. it would allow them access to a better life in the West B. Jewish children are born with excellent musical talent C. they wanted their children to enter into the professional field D. it would enable the family to get better treatment in their own country ( ) 24. Nurturing societies as mentioned in the passage refer to societies that ________. A. are highly motivated in the education of music

B. treasure talent and provide opportunities for its full development C. encourage people to compete with each other D. promise talented children high positions

( ) 25. Which of the following contributes to the emergence of musical prodigies according to the passage?

A. a natural gift. B. extensive knowledge of music. C. very early training. D. a prejudice-free society.

( )26. Which of the following titles best summarizes the main idea of the passage?

A. Jewish Contribution to Music B. Training of Musicians in the World C. Music and Society D. The Making of Music Prodigies D

Diabetes is caused by a group of metabolic disorders in which there are high blood sugar levels over a long period of time. There are three main types of diabetes:

Type 1 Diabetes results from the body not having enough insulin.

Type 2 Diabetes mainly happens to those who do not have enough physical exercise, eat too much

unhealthy food and get too heavy.

Gestational Diabetes is the third main form. It appears when a woman is having a baby. She will probably get well again after the birth of the baby.

Diabetes can bring serious problems. People with diabetes, especially the Type 1, will easily get thirsty and hungry, and quickly lose weight. If it is not treated, it will develop rapidly (weeks or months), and cause many long-term complications(并发症). All the complications relate to damage to blood vessels. For example, damage to the eyes. It is caused by damage to the blood vessels in the eyes, and results in gradual vision loss and blindness. The complications will greatly increase the risk of diabetes, by which about 75% of the deaths are caused.

According to a report from the WHO (World Health Organization) in 2015, about 415 million people have diabetes worldwide, which means 8. 3% of the adults in the world have diabetes. Of all the cases, 85% to 90% are Type 2 Diabetes. That is to say, most cases of diabetes result from the unhealthy life style. Diabetes doubles a person's risk of early death. From 2012 to 2015, about 1.5 to 5 million deaths each year resulted from this disease. The global economic cost of diabetes in 2014 was around 612 billion USD.

A healthy life style can help prevent diabetes. Doing a lot of physical activities and having a healthy diet will help have normal body weight. Higher levels of physical activity (more than 90 minutes per day) can reduce the risk of diabetes by 28 %. Healthy diet includes foods rich in whole grains and fiber, foods with good fats from nuts, vegetable oils and fish, little sugar, and less red meat. ( )27. Diabetes is ______.

A. a serious disease B. a damage to blood vessels C. an unhealthy life style D. an unusual blood sugar levels

( )28.According to the passage, what problem can diabetes cause?

A. a person gets too heavy. B. A person doesn’t want to eat. C. a person becomes blind. D. A woman will not have a baby.

( )29.The WHO report (2015) tells us that in the world ______.

A. 8.3% of the people have diabetes

B. 85% to 90% of the adults have Type 2 Diabetes

C. the economic cost of diabetes was about 612 billion USD in 2014 D. about 1.5 to 5 million people died of diabetes every year

( )30. Which of the following can be the best title for the passage?

A. A Report on Health B. Diabetes and Its Cause C. How to Prevent Diabetes D. Diabetes: Harm and Prevention



Recently I understood the true meaning of love. That would have been, Kane, a boy. Kane was the two-year-old son of Joline, my new neighbor, who moved here from California.

Kane was born with hard sticks for 31 . And on that morning I 32 the effect that Kane’s physical 33 had on his family. But I also witnessed so much 34 that.

I saw an extraordinary(非凡的) family that embraced this special child, a family that wouldn't allow Kane to know he was 35 . Joline had constructed a small cart just a few inches 36 the floor for his son to get around. Using his hands to move about, the cart 37 Kane to “go to” any place just as 38 else was able to do. Kane was more than just a member of the family, he was the 39 .

Much later in my life, I came to 40 that God had sent this child to help some of us who just weren’t getting what 41 was all about. Even with my limited capacity for understanding at that time I knew that Kane was a 42 developed spirit with great wisdom.

Kane demanded attention, 43 not because of his mobility challenges or other apparent shortcomings. In his mind, he had no 44 or shortcomings. The truth is that he received 45 because he was alive and real and had so much to offer. Kane was and 46 is lots of warm and powerful energy 47 to us all so we might learn that 48 : Love surpasses all things. If you met this kid, you’d want him for a friend 49 he was with so much to 50 . ( )31.A. hands B. feet C. legs D. arms ( )32.A. witnessed B. observed C. concluded D. mentioned ( )33.A. faults B. mistakes C. obstacles D. shortcomings ( )34.A. rather than B. more than C. other than D. or rather ( )35.A. irregular B. different C. normal D. unfortunate ( )36.A. down B. away C. back D. off ( )37.A. arranged B. allowed C. transformed D. removed ( )38.A. everybody B. somebody C. anybody D. nobody ( )39.A. symbol B. signal C. soul D. mark ( )40.A. recognize B. experience C. imagine D. realize ( )41.A. love B. confidence C. wisdom D. power ( )42.A. probably B. generally C. highly D. largely ( )43.A. and B. but C. or D. as

( )44.A. commitments B. promises C. expectations D. challenges ( )45.A. attention B. attraction C. description D. impression ( )46.A. even B. yet C. almost D. still

( )47.A. created B. released C. sent D. responded ( )48.A. lesson B. message C. notice D. note ( )49.A. once B. while C. before D. because ( )50.A.receive B. give C. handle D. change

参 考 答 案

一. 单项填空。(共15小题,每小题1分,满分15分)

1—5 DBADB 6—10 DACDC 11—15 CABCD 二. 阅读理解(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)

16—18 CAB 19—22 BCDD 23—26 ABAD 23—26 ACCD 三.完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)

31-35 CADBB

36-40 DBACD 41-45 ACBDA 46-50 DCADB

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