topics for Presentation and Discussion

(Book 2) Topics for Presentation & Discussion

(Unit 1)

Topics for Presentation:

1. An introduction to Thomas Wolfe’s life story 2. An introduction to Thomas Wolfe’s works 3. The characteristics of Thomas Wolfe’s works

Topics for Discussion:

1. What does the house represent in “The Far and the Near”? 2. What is the theme of “The Far and the Near”?

3. How do you understand that the feeling of beauty comes from distance? .

Unit 3

Topics for Presentation

1. Probe into the history of human being fighting against the epidemics. What’s the relationship between the epidemics and the development of medical science, please cite numbers and refer to illustrations to make a chronicle of the historical events. 2. Can you compare the Western Medicine Methods with the Chinese Herbal Medicine Method from the aspects as follows: origins, treatments and remedies, medical equipments, diagnostic methods, medical philosophy and so on.

3. The key concept of health preservation in Chinese medicine is “Prevention of disease outweighs the remedy of it (防患于未然)”. What’s your understanding of Chinese traditional regimen(中医养生)?

Topics for Discussion

1. What’s relationship between the deterioration of environment and the outbreak of epidemic?

2. In case of catching a cold, are there any effective home remedies or natural treatments?

3. An allergy is an adverse reaction of the body to certain substances which will trigger an allergy. What are the most popular allergens in our daily life? What measures can we take to prevent allergies?

Unit 4 Education

Presentation topics:

1. Please talk about the Chinese education system.

2. Please introduce the college education in a foreign country.

3. What’s your understanding of an elite education? What do you think is the purpose of the elite education?

4. Please talk about the problems in the current Chinese education system and then how to solve the problems.

Discussion topics:

1. How to enhance the comprehensive qualities of the college students? 2. How to improve the psychological health of the college students?

3. Do you think academic success means everything for a student? In order to succeed in the real society, what qualities does one need? Please illustrate your opinions by concrete examples.

4. Do you think the college education is necessary for one person or not? Why? What do you learn from your college life?

Unit 5 Essay

Presentation topics

1. What will come to mind when the word “moon” is mentioned?

2. Do you know any stories or legends about the moon or related to the moon? Please share one(s) with us.

3. What is the symbolic meaning of moon imagery in eastern culture? Please give a detailed explanation.

4. Try to talk about the symbolic meaning of moon imagery in western culture by giving examples?

Discussion topics:

1. Peter Steinhart recalls his experiences of watching the rising moon as well as his inner feeling about the moon in the essay. Do you enjoy watching the moon? Can you share one of your experiences with us?

2. Do you think this essay is beautifully written? If yes, in which aspects does this essay impress you?

3. Watching the moonrise, Peter Steinhart thinks of Beethoven’s “Moonlight Sonata” and Shakespeare’s poetic lines. Do you have the similar feeling? What Chinese poems, music or songs about moon would probably come to your mind? Please cite examples from your lives.

4. Do you regularly or occasionally get close to nature to escape the city noise just as Peter Steinhart often does? What kind of life do you prefer to live, the life in city or in the countryside? Why?

Unit 6

Topics for presentation:

1. What is happiness? Are you a happy person? 2. What are the things that make you feel happy? 3. How can we achieve happiness?

Topics for presentation:

1. What’re the most important factors for achieving happiness?

2. Some people think that personal happiness is directly related to economic success. Others believe that happiness depends on other factors. Discuss both views and give your opinion.

3. In para 5, it is stated that it had been thought that man cannot be happy without a theory of life or a religion. What’s your ideas?

Unit 7

Topics for presentation:

1. Good-looking people are more successful in getting jobs and higher grades in school and making friends. Do you think so? Why or why not?

2. What are the major reasons for the popularity of cosmetic surgery? 3. What are the pros and cons of cosmetic surgery?

4. What are your own standards for beauties? What kind of cosmetic surgery is acceptable to you if you can afford it?

Topics for discussion:

1. What, according to the text, is the new trend in the world of beauty? Please describe the differences between Western and Eastern notions of beauty.

2. How do you understand the sentence in Para. 3 “For millions of years our sense of beauty served an evolutionary function: it helped us choose the best mate.”? Please use examples to make this sentence more specific.

3. In Para. 6, it is stated that “It’s an image that is mathematically quantifiable. All life is biology, all biology is chemistry and all chemistry is mathematics.” What’s your understanding of this statement? Can you think of examples to illustrate it?

4. In Para. 7, it shows that “plastic surgery deprives Korean youth of their individual characteristics.” What is implied in this sentence? What is your point of view?

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