高二英语选修八第一单元learning-plan1.4.2 学案


Book 8 Unit 1 Reading California

Step I: Fast-reading

Read the first paragraph together loudly, and answer the following question quickly. What's the topic of this text? Step II: Careful-reading

1. Read NATIVE AMERICANS and answer the questions according to the content. Native Americans:

1.Time: at least ____________ ago

2.Where did they come from: These settlers ____________________________ 3.What happened in the sixteenth century? the native people suffered greatly:

thousands ___________ or _______________ many________________brought by the Europeans however, some _______________________

2. Read THE SPANISH and answer the questions according to the content. The Spanish: Fill in the form: (note down an important event) 16th century: Spanish soldiers ________________and ______________. 18th century: California _________________. in 1821: California became ______________. in 1846: Mexico gave _________________________.

The influence is today over ____________________________________________.

3. Read RUSSIANS & GOLD MINERS and answer the questions. Russians & Gold Miners: Do some T or F questions:

1.In the early 1800s, Russian hunters began settling in California.

2.In 1848, before the American-Mexican war, gold was discovered in California. 3.A lot of adventurers achieved their dream of becoming rich.

4.California become the thirty-first state of the United states of America in 1850. Step III: Post-reading

Finish a summary about the content learned in this class to understand the history of California better.


California is the 1.______ largest state in the USA. It has the largest population in the USA.

Native Americans are said to have lived in California for over 2. ______ years, who crossed the Bering Strait by means of a(n) 3. ___________.In the 16th century, many native people were killed or forced into 4. _______ by the 5. __________ and many died from the diseases brought by them.

The people of Mexico gained their independence from Spain and California became part of 6. ______. After Mexico lost the war in 1846, it gave California to the United States.

In the early 19th century, Russian 7._______ began settling in California. In 1848, 8. _____ was discovered in California, which attracted people from all over the world. The first to arrive were South Americans and people from the US, followed by adventurers from 9. ________ and 10. _______.

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