

八上短语(共35个) 1. look up查;查找(2) 2. make a mistake犯错误(2) 3. write down写下;记下(2) 4. agree with sb.同意某人(2) 5. ask for请求(给予)(4) 6. pretty good相当好;很好(10) 7. home town故乡;家乡(12) 8. plenty of大量;众多(18)

9. cheer…on用欢呼声激励;为……加油(20) 10. fan club球迷(或影迷、歌迷)俱乐部(20)11. warm up热身;做准备活动(20) 12. far from远离(26) 13. no idea不知道(34) 14. head teacher校长(36) 15. in danger处于危险中(42) 16. at last终于;最后(42) 17. think of想到;想出(42) 18. take away夺去;拿走(42) 19. in peace和平地;平静地(42) 20. look after照顾;照管(42)

21. set up开办;设立;创办;建立(44) 22. nature park自然公园(44) 23. tea party茶会(56) 24. think about考虑(58) 25. in time及时(64) 26. fall off从……跌落(64) 27. pay attention注意;留心(64) 28. hang on稍等(72)

29. close down(永久)关闭,关停(74)


30. come on快点(80) 31. video game电子游戏(88) 32. for example例如(88) 33. first aid急救(96) 34. lift up抬起;提起(96) 35. make sure确保;确认(96)

八上课内参考例句: 1.他查词典。

He __________ it __________ in the dictionary. 2.她犯了一个语法错误。

She __________ a grammar __________. 3.为什么不把错误记在笔记本上呢?

Why not __________ __________ our mistakes in our notebooks? 4.我同意你的观点。

I __________ __________ you.


Many students __________ __________advice about how to improve their English. 6.—周末过得怎样?—挺不错!

—How was your weekend?—__________ __________! 7.我的故乡因其大学学府而名满天下。

My __________ __________ is especially famous for its university. 8.还有很多时间可以进球呢。

There’s still __________ __________ time for them to score. 9.他们会大声地给我们加油,我们才会更有信心赢得比赛。

They __________ us __________ loudly and we feel more confident to win the game. 10.今年,我们的球迷俱乐部的人数少了。

The __________ __________ has fewer people this year. 11.我们都尽量早到,以便有时间进行热身活动。

We all arrive as early as we can so that we have time to __________ __________. 12.他住得离学校最远,所以他坐地铁。

He lives the __________ __________ school,so he takes the underground. 13.—老舍是谁呀?—不知道,问玲玲吧。


—Who is Lao She?—__________ __________. Ask Lingling. 14.1918年毕业之后,他成了一所学校的校长。

After finishing school in 1918,he became a __________ __________ of a school. 15.我们要拯救濒危动物,我们需要您的帮助。

We want to save animals __________ __________,and we need your help. 16.我终于见到大熊猫了!

I saw the pandas __________ __________! 17.一想到大熊猫和其他濒危动物就让人难过。

It’s sad to __________ __________ pandas and other animals in danger. 18.村庄和农场正在不断地扩张,侵占了动物们的领地。

Villages and farms are growing bigger and are __________ __________ their land. 19.我想大家都需要帮助动物,使它们在宁静中生存。

I think we all need to help animals live __________ __________. 20.上面还说:“您所捐献的钱将用于看护动物。”

It says,“Your money pays to __________ __________ the animals.” 21.政府正在建立自然公园并制定其他计划。

The government is __________ __________nature parks and developing other plans. 22.自然公园占地面积大,会有更多的竹子。

The __________ __________ will be big and there will be more bamboo. 23.他们在花园里开茶话会。

They were having a __________ __________ in the garden. 24.爱丽丝想都没想该怎么从里面再出来。

Alice never __________ __________ how she was going to get out again. 25.汽车及时停下来,但那个男孩从自行车上摔了下来,摔伤了膝盖。

The car stopped __________ __________,but the boy fell off his bike and hurt his knee. 26.汽车及时停下来,但那个男孩从自行车上摔了下来,摔伤了膝盖。

The car stopped in time,but the boy __________ __________his bike and hurt his knee. 27.注意红灯亮时要停下。

__________ __________,stop at the red lights. 28.等等,我要把这点也记下来!

__________ __________ a minute!I’ll write that down too! 29.五年前,帕克维尔当地的一所学校关闭了。


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