


第二部分 基础知识运用(65分)


( )1. —____ jacket is this? —I think it’s Mingming’s.

A. Who B. Who’s C. Whose

( )2. What is ____ name?

A. his teachers B. her teachers C. his teacher’s

( )3. —Is it your dress? —No. It’s ____.

A. hers B. her C. my

( )4. —What color is the T-shirt? —It’s ____.

A. an orange B. orange C. the orange

( )5. The girl ____ black is my sister.

A. in B. at C. to

( )6. —Do Lucy and Lily ____ bikes?

—Yes. Lucy ____ a new bike, but Lily ____ an old one. A. has; has; have B. have; has; has C. have; has; have

( )7. —Is this Tom’s bike? —____, I don’t know.

A. OK B. Good C. Yes

( )8. Mary is in ____ red clothes and her hair ____ brown.

A. /; is B. a; are C. an; is

( )9. What color ____ your ____, Mike?

A. is; pants B. is; pant C. are; pant

( )10. —Do you look like your sister? —No, we ____.

A. look the same B. look different C. look like

( )11. ____ bikes are red. ____ are blue.

A. We; They B. Our; Their C. Our; Theirs

( )12. The dress ____ yours.

A. look B. looks C. looks like

( )13. Please give this book ____ Jack.

A. at B. to C. in

( )14. —You are nice in this dress. —____

A. It’s right. B. No, it isn’t. C. Thank you.

( )15. Please ____ us find his bike.

A. think B. help C. guess

Ⅱ.情景交际。(10分) A.从Ⅱ栏中找出Ⅰ栏各句的应答语。(5分)


( )16. What does he look like? A. It’s yellow. ( )17. Is the bike new? B. Yes, they are. ( )18. Whose book is this? C. He has white hair. ( )19. Are these your apples? D. Sorry, I don’t know. ( )20. What color is your coat? E. It’s mine. B.从方框中选择适当的句子补全对话, 其中有两项多余。(5分) 只供学习与交流

D. What D. her teachers’ D. him D. new D. from

D. has; have; has D. Sorry D. /; are D. are; pants D. look at D. We; Their D. are D. from D. OK. D. know


A: Look at the tall man in the white clothes. 21 B: Yes, that is Mr. Wang. A: 22 Do you know? B: He is from Shenzhen. A: And how old is he?

B: 23 He is my English teacher. A: He looks cool in the white coat. B: Oh, yes. 24 A: Mr. Wang’s pants are white, too? B: No. 25 A. What does he look like? B. Where is he from? C. Do you know him? D. Thank you. E. They’re black. F. He looks like Zhou Runfa. G. 40 years old. Ⅲ.完形填空。(10分) My name is Bill. I’m an English boy. I’m a student 26 a high school. I’m in Class 4, Grade 1. Li Lei is my friend. We are in the 27 class. He is eleven. Here is a photo of (……的) 28 family (家). 29 look at it. 30 dad (爸爸) is a doctor (医生). The one 31 the red dress is his mom. She is an English teacher. He has 32 sisters. Their names 33 Fangfang and Lingling. They 34 . They 35 a dog(小狗). Its (它的) name is Huanhuan. ( )26. A. in B. to C. from D. / ( )27. A. / B. different C. same D. an ( )28. A. he B. him C. her D. his ( )29. A. Please B. please C. Its D. It ( )30. A. He B. His C. She D. Her ( )31. A. on B. in C. likes D. has ( )32. A. three B. four C. two D. one ( )33. A. is B. be C. am D. are ( )34. A. look like B. look same C. look the same D. are like ( )35. A. have B. has C. are D. / Ⅳ.阅读理解。(30分)


I am an English girl. My name is Mary. I’m twelve. My dad and mom are English teachers. I have a sister. Her name is Ann and she is twelve years old, too. We are in China now. Ann and I study(学习) in Beijing No. 4 Junior High School. We are in the same grade, but in different classes. Ann has a cat(猫). It looks nice. It has a small mouth and two small ears. It is white. We have friends here. They’re good. 根据短文内容,判断正(T)误(F)。 ( )36. Mary is from the U.S.A.

( )37. Ann is in Beijing No. 4 Junior High School. ( )38. Ann and Mary have good friends in China. 只供学习与交流

此文档仅供收集于网络,如有侵权请联系网站删除 ( )39. Ann has a black cat.

( )40. They are in the same class.


Jack is an English boy. He is a good student. He is twelve years old. Now he is in a red coat. Linda is Jack’s sister. She is a good girl. She is fourteen years old. Now she is in a green dress. Lucy and Lily are from the U.S.A. They are students, too. They are in red coats. They look the same. Jack, Linda, Lucy and Lily are good friends. Jack, Lucy and Lily are in the same school. Linda is in a different school. They like China. ( )41. Jack is from ____.

A. the U.S.A. B. England C. China D. Japan

( )42. Linda is ____.

A. Lucy’s sister B. Lily’s sister C. Jack’s sister D. Jack’s mom

( )43. Linda is in ____.

A. a red dress B. a red coat C. a green dress D. a green coat

( )44. Lucy and Lily are ____.

A. in the same school B. in the same class C. in different schools D. in different color coats

( )45. Jack, Linda, Lucy and Lily are ____.

A. good teachers B. good sisters C. good classmates D. good friends


Look at this photo. The boy’s name is John. He has two sisters.

The one in the white dress is his sister, Rose. The other(另外的) one in the yellow dress is his

sister, Mary. Rose and Mary have the same age. They look the same. They are twins. John and his

sisters are in different schools. They have good friends in the school. Their dad and mom are English ④

teachers. They both like their students. The family(家庭) is nice. 根据短文内容, 按要求完成下列各题。

46. 请写出①的同义句。 The boy ____ ____. 47. ②句表达了两层意思, 请你把它们补充完整。

(1)The girl’s dress ____ ____. (2)Rose is ____ ____.

48. 根据上下文意思, ③单词的汉语意思是: _________。 49. 请把④句变成否定句。

They ____ ____ good friends in the school.

50. 根据短文内容,选出下列说法正确的是 ( )。 A. The two girls are in the same dress. B. The two girls look the same.

C. John and his sister are in the same school. D. John’s mom is not a teacher.


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