
九年级英语培优题 二 (中考题专练)


1.I think Cim JereMa is ______ wonderful movie.It is worth watching. A.a B.an C.the D./

2.I bought ______ for my mother on Mother’s Day this year.

A.special anything B.anything special C.special something D.something special 3.— Could you tell me ______ the Space Museum? — Sure, next Monday.

A.when we visited B.when did we visit C.when we will visit D.when will we visit 4.Su Bingtian broke the record.He runs ______ than anyone else in Asia. A.fast B.faster C.fastest D.the fastest

5.Studying in groups is a popular way ______ can develop students’ ability. A.which B.what C.who D.whom

6.______ good father Mr.King is! He always plays games with his daughter after work. A.What B.What a C.How D.How a

7.I live in a(an) ______ neighborhood.Many people and cars come and go very often. A.quiet B.empty C.noisy D.lonely 8.— Do you like listening to country music or rock music? — ______.It brings me pleasure.

A.Yes, I do. B.No, I don’t C.I like music D.Country music 9.A lot of people dance on the square ______ after dinner.

A.to keep healthy B.kept healthy C.keeps healthy D.keep healthy 10.— Are the glasses Tim’s?

— No, they ______ be his.He doesn’t wear glasses. A.must B.can C.mustn’t D.can’t

11.There ______ some beef in the fridge.Let’s make some beef noodles. A.am B.is C.are D.be

12.She ______ to give a talk about how to save water yesterday. A.invite B.invited C.is invited D.was invited 13.We will go camping in the mountains ______ it rains tomorrow. A.unless B.but C.or D.so

14.______ along this street, and you can find the hotel on your right, next to the marker. A.Walk B.To walk C.Walks D.Walking

15.— Good afternoon! ______? — Yes, we’d like some fish with rice. A.May I borrow your book. B.May I know your name C.May I take your order D.May I speak to Mary


1.Thanks for ______ (give) us a ride to catch the train on time. 2.It’s ______ (usual) for a four-year-old boy to write poems so well. 3.Mary got hurt in P.E.class.We sent her to the hospital ______ (quick). 4.As a volunteer, it’s the ______ (six) time for him to help the kids in Africa. 5.In China, ______ (mooncake) are the traditional food on the Mid-Autumn Festival.

三、完形填空 阅读短文,掌握其大意,然后从每小题所给的四个选项中选出一个最佳答案。 One day, Li Xuan discovered a wishing well (许愿池) on the side of the road.

He took out a coin and threw it into the __1__.He was just about to make a wish, when suddenly he heard.“Oh, dear!” Li Xuan was surprised.He took out another coin and threw it into the well.Another sound came out of the well.“Oh, badly __2__!”

A frog (青蛙) jumped out of the well.With one hand covering its head and one hand holding the coins, it said __3__, “Look at what you’ve done! How can you just throw things into other people’s __4__?”

Lmbarrissed, Li Xuan said, “Oh, I’m so sorry.I didn’t __5__ that a well could be a home.” “Of course it can! This used to be a __6__ home,” the frog then continued sadly.“But now it is getting worse and worse.I don’t remember __7__ people began to throw coins into it.There are coins everywhere.I can’t even sleep __8__ the falling coins.I can’t stand it again!”

“Maybe you can __9__ another way to solve the problem.This is a wishing well.To make a wish, one must throw a coin in.People take it __10__.”

“Is that so! I don’t __11__ what you say, and the only thing I know is that this is my home.I am __12__!”the frog threw the coin in its hand into the well, “I do hope __13__ will make a wish in front of my home.”

With the words, the frog jumped _14__ into the well.Li Xuan thought for a minute, and then be __15__ the sign of the wishing well to another place.He knew this way the frog could live peacefully in its home again.

1.A.street B.well C.river D.room 2.A.fly B.fall C.hurt D.ring 3.A.luckily B.happily C.completely D.angrily 4.A.homes B.schools C.hospitals D.parks 5.A.appear B.receive C.achieve D.realize 6.A.big B.nice C.small D.bad 7.A.when B.whether C.where D.that 8.A.plenty of B.kind of C.because of D.instead of 9.A.run out B.give out C.hang out D.find out 10.A.carelessly B.seriously C.dangerously D.possibly 11.A.care B.improve C.notice D.advise 12.A.interested B.mad C.patient D.thankful


13.A.somebody B.anybody C.nobody D.everybody 14.A.back B.up C.away D.out 15.A.bought B.broke C.waited D.moved

四、阅读理解 阅读下面短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。 A

July is the time for some students to say goodbye to their mother schools.Every time it comes; I will think of my old deskmate.Xiao Wei.She is the most unforgettable classmate in my junior high school life.It is many years since I graduated, but she is still in my mind clearly.

Xiao Wei was a lovely girl with long black hair.On hot days, her hair was sometimes seen to be tied up.She was always wearing a sweet smile.She was an artistic(文艺范的) girl who showed up before me every day.She loved reading novels and drawing.

She liked reading different kinds of novels, especially on history.She could finish reading a historical novel as think enough as our Chinese textbook at an amazing speed.

Whenever she had free time, she would take out a drawing note and start drawing cartoons with a pencil.She drew from a character’s head to eyes and to face, but the character was always long-haired and wide-eyed.One day I couldn’t help asking.“Why don’t you color them?” She answered simply.“Because I don’t have enough time.” She kept her works as a secret and never talked about them with others.When we were told that she had won a prize in the drawing competition in her group my classmates felt surprised.

There is a folk song called “My Old Deskmate” which is sung widely among people of different ages.It was created because the creafor, Gao Xiaosong, had never forgotten his deskmate.Whenever I hear it.I will think of Xiao Wei.“How are you, my old deskmate?” 1.The writer thinks of _____ in July every year.

A.his teacher B.his mother C.his deskmate D.his brother 2.Xiao Wei was lovely and she had _____.

A.short black hair B.long black hair C.curly brown hair D.straight blonde hair 3.Xiao Wei lied reading novels on _____ best. A.history B.fiction C.war D.magic

4.The writer’s classmates felt surprised at the prize Xiao Wei won because _____. A.Xiao Wei kept her works as a secret B.Xiao Wei liked reading novels C.Xiao Wei could read novels fast D.Xiao Wei didn’t color her drawings 5.Gao Xiaosong created “My Old Deskmate” to _____.

A.congratulate his deskmate on the prize B.express his thanks to his mother school C.show his anention to people of different ages D.memorize the feelings between him and his deskmate



Every baby like sitting in the prams (婴儿车) which are pushed by their mothers along the road or in the park.They sit in the prams eating, drinking, laughing or sleeping.

But have you ever heard of the Pram Race before? It is held in Hull, England once a year.You might see some people running along the road and pushing the prams as fast as they can.However, there aren’t any babies in the prams, but adults instead.They jump out of the prams and drink lots of milk on the table along the road.Then they get into the prams and go on racing.The Pram Race is held to raise money for the people in need! For example, it helps to make it possible for disabled people to have wheelchairs for fit.

It all started when adult was a fishing town.Every Friday afternoon, fishermen’s wives had to run, pushing the prams with their babies in.They took money to pay their hills and buy food rapidly before their husbands returned from the sea.

At the beginning, only a few people were interested in the race, but now quite a lot of people including children, teenagers and the old take part in it each year.It is watched by more than three thousand people.These days, the Pram Race has become more famous in the town.People can not only watch the exciting race, but also share their joy and friendship every year.If you want to watch the Pram Race, go to Hull.

1.What do babies do while sitting in the prams?

A.They eat, drink or run. B.They drink, laugh or sleep. C.They run, walk or jump. D.They sleep, eat or race. 2.How often is the Pram Race held?

A.Once a week. B.Once a month. C.Once a year. D.One a season. 3.Who sits in the prams during the Pram Race?

A.Babies. B.Children. C.Teenagers. D.Adult 4.Who sits in the prams during the Pram Race started?

A.A fishing town. B.A riding town. C.A shopping town. D.A running town. 5.Which of the following sentences is WRONG?

A.The Pram Race was not very popular at the beginning. B.The Pram Race is held to raise money for the people in need. C.People in the prams drink lots of water along the road while racing. D.The fishermen’s wives were busy with a lot of things every Friday afternoon. C

Today, people use the Internet to shop, play games, make friends and read the news.Many young people can’t imagine life without it.Most older people, on the other hand, think the Internet is only 10 or 15 years old.In fact, the Internet has been used for a much longer time than most people think. In 1957, the United States was in the middle of the Cold War.The Soviet Union(苏联) had sent up the first satellite(卫星), named Sputnik, into space.This meant the Soviets were ahead of the U.S.in technology.Americans were afraid.Scientists in the army of America started developing ideas for

protecting the country.One of the ideas was a network(网络) that would let people across the country communicate by using computers.

The network took more than ten years to develop.It was first tried out in1969.for another twenty years, it was used only by scientists who worked with the U.S.government and by some engineers.Then, in 1990, the army of America gave the control of the Internet to the National Science Foundation.The Internet then became available to colleges all over the United States and to scientists across Eutope.

The biggest change in the way that people use the Internet came in 1992.For the first time, the Internet was opened to the general public, creating what is now known as the World Wide Weh, Soon, people began finding all kinds of different things they could do on the Internet.Today, no one government controls the Internet and it just gets bigger and bigger.It make our word different. 判断正误:根据短文内容,判断句子正(T)、误(F)

()1.In fact, the Internet has been used for a much longer time than most people think. 2.Scientists in the U.S.started developing ideas for protecting the environment in 1957. 3.After more than ten years’ development, the network was first tried out in 1969. 4.In 1990, the Internet became available to colleges all over Europe.

5.Today, many governments are in control of the Internet and it gets bigger and bigger. 五、阅读填空

在星期五,你班同学就“如何度过一个丰富多彩的暑假”展开了热烈的讨论。请你帮忙完成这次班会记录中几名同学的发言。每空一词。 Subject Place &Time How can we have a colorful summer vacation? Class 1 Grade9,at 10:00 am on 1_ __. chose a desk at the back of the class. Nick’s new teacher came over to him and said, “Hello, I am Mrs. Smith. You must be Nick. ”

He shyly nodded his head. Then Mrs. Smith said, “Class, I’d like you to meet Nick. His family just moved here, and he is going to be in our class.”

Nick was happy that Mrs. Smith introduced him to the class. He was even happier when the boy next to him said, “Hi, Nick. I’m Marcus.”

The first part of the day went by very quickly. Mrs. Smith gave Nick all of the books he would need and showed him what chapter(章节)the class was working on.

Soon, the lunch bell rang. Nick got nervous again. He did not want to eat his lunch by himself. As he walked into the lunchroom with the rest of his classmates, he started looking for a place to sit. Marcus invited Nick to sit with him.

After school, Marcus asked Nick where he lived. Nick lived only three houses down the street from Marcus, so the boys agreed to walk home together. After they finished their homework, Marcus came over to Nick’s house to play catch. When Nick went to bed that night, he could hardly wait for school the next day.

1. Why did Nick feel nervous on the first school day? (no more than 20 words) 2. What do you think of the teacher Mrs. Smith? (no more than 6 words) 3. Who was Nick’s new friend at the new school? (no more than 2 words) 4. 请将文中画线的句子翻译成汉语。

5. 请给短文拟一个适当的英文题目。

Ideas from Students Zhao Pei:I want to make myself stronger, 2_ __I’d like to take more exercise. Liu Yue:I prefer to take a vacation 3__ _my parents in Hainan. Being together with families is my way to show love to them. Zhang Li:I have made a plan to read some book t like. Reading can help me get lots of knowledge. When I grow 4_ __,I want to be a writer. Chen Tao:I’ll do more chores, My parents do almost everything for me, but I don’t want to 5___on them too much. I hope to look after myself. 六、阅读表达 (共5小题,计10分) 阅读短文,根据要求完成文后的题目。

Nick’s family had just moved to town, and today was his first day in a new school. Nick was nervous. He did not have any friends at this school. Nick’s mother walked with him to school. He walked into the classroom and


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