2016-2017九年级英语上册 unit 6 role models单元练习 (新版)北师大版

Unit6 Role Models单元练习



1. A. B. 2. A. B. 3. A. B. 4. A. B. 5. A. B. 二、听句子,选择该句的最佳答语。每个句子读两遍。 6. A. Me, too. B. No, I don't.

7. A. Come on. B. Have a good time.

C. I am happy to hear that.

8. A. Next Saturday. B. Next time. 9. A. Nice work!

B. I think so.

10. A. I want to be a singer. B. I do my homework.

C. I like running.

三、听下面的对话,选择正确答案。每段对话读两遍。听下面的一段对话,回答第11-12题。 11. Who came first in running?

A. Jim.

B. Jack.






C. I don't, either.

C. In a park. C. You're welcome.

C. David.

12. What did Jack do in the sports meet?

A. He played ping-pong.

B. He jumped.

C. He ran.

听下面的一段对话,回答第13-14题。 13. Who hates soap operas?

A. Lily.

B. Tony.

C. Andy.

14. What's Tony's favourite?

A. Movies.

B. Talk shows.

C. Sports shows.


15. Who is the woman's favourite movie star?

A. Zhang Yishan.

B. Xiaoxue.

C. Liu Xing.

16. How old is the movie star?

A. 19.

B. 20.

C. 21.

17. What does the movie star like?

A. Staying at home.

B. Watching TV.

C. Playing basketball.

听下面的一段对话,回答第18-20题。 18. What day is it today?

A. Wednesday.

B. Thursday.

C. Friday.

19. Which sport is the event of the sports meet?

A. Baseball.

B. Basketball.

C. Football.

20. Which event will Sandy take part in?

A. Volleyball.

B. 200-metre race.

C. 100-metre swimming.

四、听短文,并根据短文内容用1-3个词简略回答问题。短文读两遍。 21. How old is Tom? 22. What does Tom like? 23. Who is Sally? 24. Who like thrillers? 25. What's Brad?

二、单项选择(共12小题;共12分) 26.

Now many foreigners start to learn Chinese. But some of them found it

difficult Chinese well.

A. learning B. learn C. to learn D. learned


Lily encouraged her cousin a holiday in China.

B. spent

C. to spend

D. spending

A. spends


When you leave, please turn off the light energy.

B. saving

C. saved

D. to save

A. save


I have good friends here and they often help me when I am

B. the number

C. a number of

D. a number

in trouble. A. the number of


--- Is this Mr. Chen's car?

B. is able to D. doesn't want to

--- I don't think so. He can't afford to pay for this kind of car.

A. is too poor to C. is rich enough to

--- What's the news about?


--- entertainment stars gathered to attract donations for Yushu.

A. A member of

B. A kind of

C. A packet of

D. A number of


The children decide their school yard this Friday

B. to clean

C. cleaning

D. cleaned

afternoon. A. clean


He often goes to the park to watch old people chess.

B. plays

C. to play

D. played

A. play


They stayed up until midnight the old year out and the

B. saw

C. seeing

D. for seeing

new year in. A. to see


It is important these words.

B. to remember

C. remembering

D. remembers

A. remember


--- Lin Kai, hand in your homework, please.

B. has left

C. will leave

D. left

--- Oh, sorry. I it at home this morning.

A. was leaving


A lot of trees around here every year and we can enjoy

B. is planted

C. were planted

D. are planted

fresher hair now. A. plant


38. The bike is too expensive. I can't a it.

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