高教版中职英语(基础模块 第1册)Unit 7《Can I speak to Sara,please》word教案

Unit 7 Can I speak to Wang Yang?

Dialogue B I’m playing table tennis

Learning objectives:

1. Understand the sentences used to make a phone call. 2. Master these sentence patterns. 3. Make an own dialogue.

Important points:

Know how to make and answer a phone call.

Difficult points:

Students can remember all kinds of expressions for making a phone call.

Teaching procedures:

Step I. Warm up 1. Make a duty report

2. Review —— translate some sentences (competition) 3.Check the answers——translation hold on make a phone call all right

do housework at the moment of course

Step II. Lead-in Look at some pictures,then describe them. Ask students “What are they doing?” Sara and Tang Hua are making a phone call in the last picture. What are they talking about? Please go into dialogue B.

Step Ⅲ. Speaking 1. Ask students to read the dialogue and answer the following questions:

Q1: How many people are there in the dialogue?


Q2:What does Tang Hua want Sara to do ?

Tang Hua wants Sara to play badminton with him. Q3:What is Sara doing?

She is washing her clothes.

2. Ask students to read the dialogue carefully and find out the sentences used to make a phone call.

3. Translate the dialogue. 4. Ask students to find out the key points and explain them. (1) May / Can I speak to Sara? Sara 在吗? (2) hold on 稍等 (3) What’s up? 怎么了? 与“What’s the matter? ” “What’s the problem?”意思相近 (4) This is Tang Hua. 我是唐华。 This is… or That is… 电话用语里不能用I’m或you’re等,一般用this或that。

(5)Would you like to do sth.? 你愿意做某事吗? 肯定回答:Yes, I’d like to.


5. Read the dialogue together. 6. Ask students to recite the dialogue.

Step Ⅳ. Summary the sentence patterns Make an example to summary three different situations in answering a phone call.


This is Sara (speaking).Is Amy in?/Can I speak to Sara? ⑴ 是的,我就是。

Yes, this is Amy (speaking). ⑵ 请稍等。

Hold on, please. ⑶ 对不起,她不在/她出去了。你愿意留个口信吗? Sorry, Amy isn’t in/is out. Would you like to leave a message?/Can I take a message for you?

Step Ⅴ. Act and practice

(1). Play a game

The rule: A classmate random calls a classmate to complete an invitation or to leave a message. If the student can answer fluently, he will continue to call another one.

(2).Ask students to make a dialogue according to these topics, then act it out.

Topic 1: Sara invites Mike to see a film tomorrow.(group 1﹠2) Topic 2: Li Dong wants to call Wang Yang. But Wang Yang isn’t in. His mother answers the phone. (Please look at the picture b on page 107) (group 3﹠4)

Topic 3: Obama invites Xi Jinping to watch a basketball match on December 1st. But his secretary picks up the phone firstly. (group 5﹠6)

Step Ⅵ. Homework 1. Recite dialogue B.

2. Preview the passage on the page 108.

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