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举例:Children are not sensitive to prices and parents prefer to satisfy theirneeds. 方法2:如果两个简单句有一定的因果关系,往往可以用状语从句相连。 一般来说,if

和when引导条件状语从句(也有一定因果关系,只是不那么强举例:If advertising campaigns directed at children are regulated, childrenwill not pester their parents to buy many goods for them.

Since, as, because,


举例:some children like fast food since they are overwhelmed by fast foodadvertisements every day.

方法3:如果状语从句怕重复,可以用and(或者;+连接词的方式有很多连接词because of this, as a result of this, consequently, as a consequence等,都是表示因果关系。

举例:some children are addicted to violent video games, and because of this,they can show aggression and bully their peers at school.


举例:Children are increasingly temperamental due to their addiction toviolent electronic games. These games are normally promoted by advertisingfirms.

可以改成:Children are increasingly temperamental due to their addiction toviolent electronic games, which are normally promoted by advertising firms.

方法5:如果第二个单句是第一个单句的结果,有可能使用非限制性定语从句 举例:Advertisements have given a lot of information about products. Thisenables parents to make well-informed buying decisions.

可以改成:Advertisements have given a lot of information about products, whichcan help parents to make well-informed buying decisions.


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