译林英语4B U4考点精练


译林英语4年级下册 Unit 4

A卷: 课堂点拨题

Story time

1.(1) I can see some________on the lake. A. chickens B.ducks C. pigs

(2)I’d like_______ cakes. A.any B. some C. this

(3)I can see _______oranges _______the tree.A.an; inB.some; onC.some; in (4)【易错】I can see flowers and trees. A.lot of B.a lot of C. a lots of (5)--What can you do,Jack? --.

A.I can see a bird in the tree B. I can play football C.Yes,I can swim

2.(1)Can Mr Green play basketball?________.A. Yes, I can. B. No, he can’t. C. Yes, he do.

(2)【易错】The flowers are beautiful. Can you _______? A. draw they B. draw them C. draw it (3)【易错】The flower is beautiful. Can you _______? A. draw they B. draw them C. draw it (4)Look at the boat over there. Can you draw _______? A. they B. it C. them

3.(1)Can you draw an apple?_______.it’s easy. A. No B. Sure C. Sorry

(2)I don’t like Maths. It’s too_________. A. easy B. difficult C. good (3)The girl can dance, but the boy ________(can).

4.(1)______ in that big box? A: What B: Where C: What’s

(2)河面上的那个是什么?是一条船。 What’s ________ on the _________? It’s a __________.

B卷: 课后巩固题


( )1.【易错】I can’t see flowers. A.some B.a C.any

( )2.What can you see the tree? I can see apples. A.on;some B.in;some C.in;any ( )3.What can you see this picture? I can see a boat the river. A.on;in B.in;on C.on;on

( )4.____ you play football? Yes, I ______. A. Can, do B. Do, can C. Can, can ( )5.一Can you draw them?一_________.A.Yes,I do B.Yes,I can C.I can see a boat ( )6.I can draw, _______ I can’t draw this picture. A. and B. but C. so ( )7.别人问你会不会游泳,你会回答:

A.Can you swim? B. Yes, I can’t swim. C. Sure. It’s easy.




1.Let’s _______ (go)to the zoo. 2.I __________ (not like)PE.

3.Do you have a ________ (swim) lesson this evening? 4.She ________(have) some new books. 5.I can ________(skate). 6.It’s time_________(go)to bed. 7.Can you draw these________(flower)? 8.There are many________(tree)in the park. 9.I don’t have________(some)lessons today. 10.I can’t skate. It’s_________(easy). 11.Can you draw________(they)? Yes,I can. 12.This is _______ (we) school.

13.I have three _______(lesson) in the morning. 14.Can you see these _______(tree)? 15.I like _______(cake). 16.He can _______(play) football.

17.I like _____ . This _____ is nice ! (mango)

18.This ___ a big box and these ______ some nice dolls in it .(be ) 19.I have some apples ,Let’s eat ________ .(they ) 20.My sister likes__________(画画). 21.Can you _________(swimming)?

22.The girl can dance, but the boy ________(can).

23.Can you draw a tiger? It’s _________(easy), but I can try.





12.a boat on the lake13.a monkey in the tree___________14.ten to ten____________

15.为我画一只老虎16.the birds in the tree17.seven to ten



18.我的一天19.上一节数学课20. a difficult subject21.welcome back

22.do one’s homework 23.画一幅画24.河上的小船

25.你会干什么?我会画画。 What ________ you _________? I can ________ __________.


What can you ________ in the________? I can see a _______and _________ _________.

27.你会干什么?我会滑冰和游泳。What _______you _______? I _______ _______and _______.

28.你的书包里有什么?有三本书。_____in _____schoolbag? _____ _____.

29.他5:40做家庭作业。 He does at five .

30.她5:40做家庭作业。 She does at five .


1.I , see, can ,trees, many, the ,hill, on(.) 2.over, can, see, what, there, you(?) 3.you, can’t draw, the, in, lesson, Maths(.) 4.【易错】these, are, for, flowers, Miss Li(?) 5.on, river, can the, see, you, boat, the(?) 6.every, when, have, do, dinner, you, day(?) 7.on, bird, can, the, you, see, the, tree(?) 8.difficult, is, it, , but, try, can, I(.)




( ) 1.How are you? A. It’s Monday. ( ) 2. What can you see? B. Yes, I do. ( ) 3. When do you have dinner? C. At six.

( ) 4. Do you like Music? D. Let’s go to the playground. ( ) 5. What lesson do you have? E. I have Chinese and Music. ( ) 6. What day is it? F. It’s a boat. ( ) 7. Can you see the boat? G. I’m fine. ( ) 8. What subject do you like? H. Yes, I can. ( ) 9. It’s time for PE. I. I can see a hill. ( ) 10. What’s that over there?. J. I like English.


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