
2019-2020年七年级英语下册导学案:M7 U2

主备人 林素芳 班级: 学 习 目 标 完成时间 第9周 议课时间 第9周周四 姓名: 共案发放时间 第10周周五 上课时间 第11、12周 小组: 审核人 徐海英 1. Key vocabulary: bathroom, bedroom, garden, living room, east, 备注(教师coast, ago, store, movie theater, bored, president, 复备栏及学comfortable, lake, last, yesterday 2. Key structures: 1) I was born in Quincy, a town on the east coast of America. 2) There were lots of things to do in Quincy. 3) There was a big living room with a TV… 4) It was great to play there. 5) We were looking forward to seeing my friends again. 3. 重、难点: 1)更加熟练正确地使用be的过去形式was、were。 2)掌握look forward to的用法,会使用介词with。 3) 能读懂关于描述过去的文章,从中获取细节信息。 生笔记) 自 主 学 学法指导:1. 注意发音,正确朗读生词。 2.牢记单词的拼写及词意。3. 通过听读对话,学会自主交流预习。 1.独学:将书翻到生词表,拼读P108单词, 从bathroom到yesterday. 提示:请用红色笔勾画出你不会拼读的单词。 2.对学:请你找你的搭档一起解决刚才画出的那些不会的单词。 一、《优化训练》P51,自主预习。 单词乐园、神奇短语、超级句型 习 二、动词过去式的构成规则。 1.一般情况直接加-ed, 如 ask ______, work ______ 2.以不发音的字母e结尾, 直接加-d, 如 love______, dance ______ 3.以辅音字母加y结尾,改y为I,再加-ed, 如try ______, study______ 4.以辅音+元音+辅音字母结尾的重读闭音节,双写最后一个辅音字母,再加-ed, 如 stop ______, permit ______ 5. be动词的过去式为:is/ am ______, are ______ 三、英语报第28期,Unit 2,第一大题。 根据首字母和汉语提示,写出正确的单词。 1. Shen Fei was in Tianjin two years a______ (以前). 2. I can see some little boats on the l______ (湖). 3. There is a desk and a chair in Tony’s b______ (卧室). 4. --- Where is Mike now? --- He is in the b______ (浴室). 5. You can get information about the P______ (总统) of America on the Internet.. 组长签名: 合 1. Show time! (表演时间!) 1) Read paragraphs 1 & 2, and fill in the blanks. ① There were lots of ______ to do in Quincy, with many s______, two movie ______, ______ clubs and ______ teams too. ② Two ______ of the USA ______ born in Quincy. 2) Read paragraph 3 & 4, and answer the following questions. ① What was Betty’s house like? ② How many rooms were there? ③What was Betty’s bedroom like? ④Was there a garden? 3) Read paragraph 5, and answer the following questions. 作 探 究 ① Were there lots of children? ② When was the last time Betty in Quincy? ③ What is Betty looking forward to? 2. Read together! (全民阅读, 哪组最棒?) 1) Read the passage and choose the correct answer in Activity 2. 2) Complete the passage with the correct form of the words from the box in Activity 4. 3. I can say! (我会说!) 1) Choose and retell one paragraph of the passage. 2) Describe your past life with the answers from Activity 6. eg: I was born in …and …I was very happy there. My house was …and there was/ were …in my bedroom. So I have lots of things to do. 4.语法大过关! 1) 一般过去时be动词句式的变化: 肯定句结构:主语+__________+其他. 否定句结构:主语+__________+其他. 一般疑问句结构及回答:__________+主语+其他? 特殊疑问句结构及回答:特殊疑问词+__________+主语+其他? 2)go back to + 地点 回到某地 Go back to do sth 回去做某事 课 堂 小 结 本节课你学到了什么?

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