
词汇学练习题 I. Compounding

在空格处填入适当的成分组成复合词: 1. Remember to take a rain___ with you.

2. The guide___ has a great deal of information about this city. 3. The old man needs a new walking___.

4. The meeting___ is next to the administration office.

5. It is unlikely that their blue____ for economic reform will be put into action. 6. Heavy snow___ are predicted for tonight and tomorrow.

7. What accounts for the dramatic turn___ in Britain’s international trading performance?

8. You can create your free web___ to share music, photos and your thoughts easily with others. 用复合词表示下列各意思: 1. someone who writes songs 2. someone who cleans windows 3. the mine that produces gold 4. to bathe in the sun 5. as cheap as dirt 6. tanned by the sun 7. as cold as in winter

8. a person who is deaf and mute 9. a bed filled with water 将下列复合词翻译成汉语

mouse mat, blueprint, off-day, jumpsuit, parking meter, earthquake, get-together, air-conditioning, by-product, bulletproof, icy-cold, all-mighty, short-term, cross-country, chicken-hearted, bad-tempered, epoch-making, far-reaching, mass-producted, newly-built, cross-question, outeat, overhear, ill-treat, blow-dry, stir-fry, withdraw, uphold, housekeep, speed-read


raincoat, walking stick, meeting room, blueprint, snowfalls, turnabout, weblog

songwriter, window cleaner, gold mine, sunbathe, dirt-cheap, suntanned, winter-cold, deaf-mute, water bed

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