

Unit7 What does he look like? (Section A 1a-1c)

Part One Analysis of the Teaching Material

Ⅰ Status and Function

The topic is about how to describe people. It is close to students’ life. Ⅱ Teaching aims and Demands 1. Knowledge Objects

⑴ New words about appearance.

⑵ To make the students learn the new sentence structure. 2. Ability Objects 3. Moral Objects

Part Two Analysis of the students

Part Three Analysis of the Teaching Strategies ⅠTeaching Methods Ⅱ Learning Methods Ⅲ Teaching Aids

Part Four Teaching Procedures Step 1 Greetings and Lead in Step 2 Presentation

1. New words about height 2. New words about build 3. New words about hair Step 3 Consolidation Step 4 Pair work Step 5 Group work Step 6 Summary Step 7 Homework

Part Five Blackboard Design Part Six Teaching Reflection

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