

180个固定句型 1 动名词常用句型:

(1) ...have trouble/difficulty/a hard time/a difficult time (in) doing sth. (有困难做某事) 例:People from the two countries do not have any difficulty in understanding each other. (2) upon/on doing sth. 一……就……

例:Upon / On hearing the unexpected news, he was so surprised that he couldn't say a word.

(3)There is no point / sense in doing sth 没有必要/意义… 例:There is no point in arguing further.没有必要再争论下去。 (4) spend some time/money (in) doing sth

例:They say children spend too much time chatting and playing games instead of focusing on their school work.

(6) It's no use /no good doing sth

例:It’s no use talking with him. He won’t listen to you.跟他谈没用,他不会听你的。 (7) It's a waste of time/money/energy doing....

例:It's a waste of time watching TV programme as this. 2.not…until 句型

(1) 陈述句 not …until… 直到…才…

例:Last night I didn't go to bed until 11 o'clock.昨晚我11点钟才睡觉。 (2) 强调句 It wasn't until…that... 直到……才….

例:It wasn't until yesterday that I got your letter. 我直到昨天才收到你的来信. (3) 倒装句 Not until...did... 直到…才…

例:Not until I began to work did I realize how much time I had wasted. 3.since 句型:

(1) Since + S + 过去式,S + 现在完成式

例句:Since he went to senior high school, he has worked very hard. (2) It is + …+ since S +持续性谓语动词(表否定)

例:It is three years since she lived here. 她已三年不住这儿了。 (3) It is + … + since S + 瞬间谓语动词(表肯定)

例:It is years since I stopped smoking.我戒烟已经数年了。 4.time 句型:

(1) the first time 引导的状语从句

例:I thought her nice and honest the first time I met her. 第一次我见到她时,觉得她很诚实。 (2) (the) next time 引导的状语从句

例:The harvest will have been got in (the) next time you come. 你下次来时,庄稼已收好了。 (3) the last time 引导的状语从句

例:What was the name of the hotel he had stayed in the last time he was in Cairo? 上次来开罗时往的那家旅馆叫什么来着?



(4) each time/every time 引导的状语从句

例:Every time you get back at night, you drop your shoes on the floor. 每次夜间回来,你总是把你的靴子朝地上一扔。

(5) It is /was the first/last/second /third time +从句(完成时态) 例:This is the first time I have been here.这是我第一次到这儿。 (6)It is high time that sb did /should do sth 该……的时候了。

例句:It is high time that we went to the classroom. 该我们进教室的时候了。 (7) by the time + 从句 到……时候为止

例:We'll be ready by the time you get back.你回来的时候,我们将准备好了。 (8) It's time for sb to do sth

例:It’s time for me to log off. 我该关机/下线了。

(9) It's time for sth 例:It's time for lunch. 午餐的时间到了。 5.with复合宾语句型 (1) with + n + adj.

例:He stared at me with his mouth open. 他张着嘴凝视着我。 (2) with + n + adv

例:The boy stood there, with his head down. 这男孩低着头站在那。 (3) with + n + 介词短语

例:He stood with his hand in his pocket. 他站着,一手插在衣袋里。 (4) with + n + 动词不定式

例:With no one to talk to, John felt miserable.由于没有可谈话的人,John觉得很悲伤。 (5) with + n + 现在分词

例:With prices going up so fast, we can‘t afford luxuries. (6) with + n + 过去分词

例:With her eyes fixed on the opposite wall, she did not answer immediately. 6.have 复合宾语句型: (1) have sb do sth

例:I won't have you say such things. 我绝不会让你说这样的话。 (2) have sb doing

例:She will have you doing all the housework if you are not carefully. (3) have sth done

例:I have my hair cut every six weeks. 我每六个星期剪一次头。 7.while引导的从句


(1)while = although “尽管”、“虽然”,引导让步状语从句; (2)while的意思是“然而;可是”,常用来表达对比关系。

While I admit that the problem is difficult, I don’t think that they can’t be solved. 尽管我承认这个问题很难,但是我并不认为无法解决。

While I was angry with her, I didn’t lose my temper.虽然我很生气,但我当时没有对她发脾




I earn only 120 dollars a week, while she earns 180 dollars. 8.it句型

(1) It occurred to sb.(that)

I was wondering how I should do it when a good idea occurred to me. (2) It struck sb. that….

It suddenly struck me how we should improve the situation. (3) It is+ adj +(for sb.)to do sth.

It is necessary to increase your vocabulary in studying English. (4) It is + adj +of sb to do sth.

It is wrong of them not to take the interests of the people into account. (5) It is said/believed/considered/thought… that

It is generally believed that smoking does harm to health, especially to children’s. (6) It be +形容词/名词+that从句

It is quite clear that the ear of the elephant is like a huge fan. It happened that…/Sb./sth. Happen to do 碰巧

It so happen that I met that famous scientist you had mentioned last time at the evening party yesterday.

(7)It is likely that…sb/sth. be likely to do 很可能

Taking too much of this medicine is likely to do harm to your liver. (8)It+be+one’s turn +to do sth轮到某人做某事 It is your turn to sing a song now. 9.Chances are that…. 很可能……

Chances are that it won’t be a long time before the government takes severe action to stop disobeying traffic regulations.

10.There is (no/little) chance that……有(没、不太)可能

There is little chance that a university graduate without any practical experience can find a wel-paid job at once. 11.It is certain that…. 肯定……

It’s certain that cutting down a large number of trees will upset the balance of nature. 12.It seems that….. sb./sth. Seem(s) to do…… 似乎….

It seems that the sky will clear up, and it promises to be a fine day tomorrow. 13.There seems/seemed to be…. 似乎有….. There seems to be nobody in the room. 14.There is no need to do没有必要做……

There is no need for you to feel depressed about it and where there is a will,there is a way. 15.There is no doubt that……. 毫无疑问……

There is no doubt that he is the cleverest student I’ve ever taught. 16.There is no denying (the fact) that…… 无可否认…..

There is no denying the fact that the environment has a great effect on the growth of


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