船舶英语词典 HarrisonxS
1400 阶式艇底(滑航艇) stepped bottom1401 有杆锚 stock anchor1402 止滑器 slip stopper1403 炉 stove1404 直列型引擎 straight type engine1405 稻草床垫 straw mattress1406 强力梁 strength (or strong) beam1407 应力指标 stress index1408 接缝模具 seam jig1409 [海上]试航 sea trial1410 次级损失 secondary loss1411 扫描电子显微镜 SEM (= scanning electron microscope)1412 半平衡舵 semi-balanced rudder1413 显热 sensible heat1414 感测装置 sensing device1415 伺服机构 servo
mechanism1416 鹅颈销承(吊杆) shaffle1417 轴承 shaft bearing1418 量轴规 shaft gauge1419 轴发电系统 shaft generator system (SGS)1420 剪[力中]心 shear cent1421 剪滞 shear lag1422 薄铁板,铁皮 sheet iron1423 金属薄板,板金 sheet metal1424 1)船壳板 2)船壳 3)壳 4)弹壳 shell1425 艉膨出部壳板 shell bossing1426 遮蔽甲板船 shelter deck vessel (or shelter decker)1427 渗锌 sheradizing1428 船,舰 ship1429 船东 ship holder1430 船用记事簿 ship's log book1431 船用钢材 ship steel1432
舵跟材 shoe piece1433 艉包板 shoe plate1434 边撑柱 side shore1435 短路 short circuit1436 短环链 short link chain1437 肩舱 shoulder tank1438 押环(汽旋机) shrouding ring1439 分路调整器 shunt regulator1440 关断泵 shut-off valve1441 船底复水器 side condenser1442 侧漏斗型驳船 side hopper barge1443 舷窗外盖 side scuttle plug1444 舷[侧外]板列 side strake1445 侧明轮船 side wheel steamer (or wheeler)1446 单管设备 single-hose rigs1447 单拐曲轴 single throw crank shaft1448 下沈
叶歪斜 skewback1450 天
窗 skylight1451 滑闩 slip bolt1452 细管锅炉 small tube boiler1453 圆头铆钉 snap (or round) head rivet1454 球窝接合,球窝关节 socket and ball joint1455 套筒扳钳 socket wrench1456 舵跟材 sole (or shoe) piece1457 实体模型(CAD) solid model1458 整体活塞 solid piston1459 声纳定位仪 sound fixing and ranging (SOFAR)1460 测深[铅]锤 sounding lead1461 绝缘距离 spacing for insulation1462 双吊杆联合作业装置 spar and boom gear1463 定容比热 specific heat at constant volume1464 比较回转数 specific speed1465 同步转速 synchronous speed1466 溢流阀(柴油机燃料泵) spill valve1467 自然发火 spontaneous ignition1468 喷法 spray method1469 蜗旋弹簧 spiral
spring1470 弹簧安全阀 spring safety valve1471 弹簧减震器 spring shock absorber1472 弹簧钢 spring steel1473 横帆船 square rigged vessel1474 方螺纹 square thread1475 阶梯 stair case1476 固定老虎钳 standing vice1477 1)立管 2)给水管 stand pipe1478 分段线 station line1479 安全牵条 safety stay1480 立管柱(液面计) steady pipe1481 蒸汽煞 steam brake1482 汽力绞盘 steam capstan1483 蒸汽冷却系统 steam cooling system1484 蒸汽抽射器 steam injector1485 蒸汽操舵装置 steam steering gear1486 钢条 steel bar1487 统舱乘客 steerage passenger1488 舵角指示器 steering index1489 塔形活塞,阶段活塞 step piston1490 增速齿轮 step-up-gear1491 艉托架(布管船) stinger1492 1)库存 2)锚杆 3)杆 4)钢板余缘 stock1493 止栓 stop plug1494 1)直尺 2)直缘 straight edge1495 应变比 strain ratio1496 搭板接合,搭板接头 strap joint1497 流线迹流 streamline wake1498 应力 stress1499 次应力 secondary stress1500 应力松弛 stress relaxation1501 结构模型 structural model1502 水中信号 submarine signal1503 潜水型 submerged type1504 潜水泵 submersible (or submerged ) pump1505 吸引软管 suction hose1506 超高压锅炉 super high pressure boiler1507 迭加原理