易失分题强化练(一) 阅读七选五+完形填空+短文改错

易失分题强化练(一) 阅读七选五+完形填




Self-talk helps us all

Talking to yourself may seem a little shameful.If you've ever been overheard criticizing yourself for a foolish mistake or practicing a speech,you'll know the social problems it can cause. 1 Talking to ourselves,whether out loud or silently in our heads,is valuable.Far from being a sign of madness,self-talk allows us to plan what we are going to do,manage our activities and control our emotions.

Psychologists call self-talk the private speech —language that is spoken out loud but directed at yourself.We do a lot of it when we are young.As children,we use private speeches to control our actions in the same way that we use public speeches to control the behavior of others: 2

Psychological experiments have shown that this so-called inner speech can improve our performance in tasks like telling what other people are thinking.One recent study suggests that self-talk is the most effective when we talk to ourselves in the second person:as “you” rather than “I”.

We keep the private speech we use as children inside—but we never truly put away the out loud version. 3 You're sure to see an athlete shouting at himself or herself.

4 Hearing different points of view means our thoughts can end up in different places,leading to a solution to a problem,just like a regular dialogue,and might turn out to be one of the keys to human creativity.

Both kinds of self-talk—silent and out loud—seem to bring many different benefits to our thinking. 5

A.But there's no need for embarrassment.


B.If you want proof,turn on a sports channel. C.As we grow older,we keep this system inside.

D.Take a trip to any preschool and watch a small child playing with toys. E.Words to the self,spoken silently or aloud,are so much more than just chatter. F.According to the well-known saying,talking to yourself is the first sign of


G.Self-talk seems to be a very good way of solving problems and working

through ideas.



(2017·郑州市第三次质量预测)Yesterday I was walking along a busy road when I noticed a young man standing near the pedestrian crossing,selling toys.

Usually I would 1 and hurry past such sellers before being approached to buy something.But I found this young man was 2 ,so I stood for some time without crossing the street.I wanted to see 3 he sold his toys.

4 ,a young mother with a small child came by and the child was 5 by one of the toys in a large box that made a noise.The young mother asked for the 6 and it was charged at only one dollar.She 7 a 10-dollar note from her purse and told the young man that she was giving him 10 dollars and wanted the 8 back.I was wondering how he was going to give it back.He told the young mother to put the money in the bag 9 his neck and take out 10 change he owed her.She then put her hand into the bag and took out the balance while I was 11 her like a hawk(鹰).

I realized that this young man depended on 12 people not to cheat him.There was no 13 of him knowing if someone took out more than they should have done.I was so 14 by how this disabled man believed in people that I bought a toy from him I didn't 15 at all.

He said it cost one dollar and I,too,told him that I had only a 10-dollar note.He told me to do the 16 thing.So I put my 10 dollars in his 17 .I put my hand in,but didn't take any change.I hope he will find that he has more 18 than he should when he gets home.As I walked down the street,I saw another kid walking with


his father, 19 I gave him the little toy.Then,I walked on,hoping that two people would have a 20 smile on their faces that day. 1.A.ignore C.pause 2.A.patient C.blind 3.A.why C.when 4.A.Quickly C.Finally 5.A.attracted C.caught 6.A.bargain C.discount 7.A.searched for C.picked up 8.A.note C.change 9.A.tied to C.carried on 10.A.whichever

C.however 11.A.watching

C.checking 12.A.begging

C.trusting 13.A.point

C.chance 14.A.demanded


B.look D.help B.honest D.strange B.whether D.how B.Shortly D.Quietly B.annoyed D.driven B.reason D.price B.pulled out D.emptied out B.toy D.deal

B.dropping from D.hanging around B.whatever D.whoever B.suspecting D.following B.convincing D.encouraging B.way D.doubt B.surprised D.influenced



C.value 16.A.opposite

C.equal 17.A.hand

C.box 18.A.money

C.confidence 19.A.but

C.so 20.A.ready

C.gentle Ⅲ.短文改错

B.know D.store B.good D.same B.bag D.pocket B.forgiveness D.appreciation B.or D.for B.polite D.broad

(2017·桂林十八中模拟)Li Hua is a senior three student who devoted himself to his lessons every day.Last Saturday,as usual,he went to several course.In the evening,he studied at home deeply into the night.He was too sleepy and tired that he couldn't work effectively.On Sunday morning,Li Hua was about to study while his father came up an idea and advised him to have a rest.Soon they had a good idea.They bought a kite which they liked it very much and then the family went to the suburbs to fly a kite.The family had a picnic together but felt very relaxing in the open air.On Monday,Li Hua was energetic and active in class.


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