六年级下册英语教案Unit2 Good habits 译林版(三起)

Unit 2 Good habits The third period

一教学内容:Sound time & Cartoon time 二教学目标:

1. 能理解并体会字母组合or在单词中的发音,并适当扩展不同的发音。 2. 能理解Cartoon time的内容并能表演。

3. 能意识到good habits的重要性并付诸于实际生活。 三教学重点:

1. 能理解并体会字母组合or在单词中的发音,并适当扩展不同的发音。 2. 能意识到good habits的重要性并付诸于实际生活 3. 能锻炼运用英语及与他人合作的能力 四教学难点:

1. 能理解并体会字母组合or在单词中的发音,并适当扩展不同的发音。 2. 能意识到good habits的重要性并付诸于实际生活 五教具准备:,PPT , 练习纸

教学设计(主备) Show teaching aims. T: Let’s look what do we learn today. Show the learning aims. Step 1 Warm up 1 Greetings: T: Good morning\\afternoon,boys and girls, Ss: Good morning\\afternoon, Miss\\ Mr. … 2 Tina’s e-mail T: Show the picture of Tina. My best friend Tina invited me and other friends to her house. We should bring some presents. Encourage the Ss to get my apples and flowers for Tina. Step 2 Presentation 1. Sound time (1)PPT show the sentences: T: You can get my flowers by reading the words correctly and well. Let’s enjoy a rhyme about my favourite animal — horses. Let’s read some words in the rhyme and think the pronunciation of “or”. 小组比拼朗读,并谈论or 组合的发音。 读的好的小组奖励小花。 复备

Make a conclusion: or /?:/ (2)Picking apples. Rule: You can get my apples by knowing the different pronunciations of “or”. Find and discuss in 4. 摘下or 字母组合发/?:/的苹果。 Apples: forty, morning, or, corn, pork, north, work, world, actor, doctor. 小组讨论并总结:“or”在单词中不仅发/?:/,有的还发 /?/ 或 /?:/. 2. Cartoon time (1)T: We got some apples and flowers for Tina, so let’s go into Tina’s house. Miss Rabbit and Mr. Duck come to Tina’s house, too. They are talking. Let’s listen. Q: How many rooms do they talk about? What are they? S: Three. They are a living room, Tina’s bedroom and Bobby’s bedroom. Let’s go into Tina’s house and look at the rooms. Read and underline . Ss work in pairs and complete the blanks. 小组活动:阅读短文并完成表格。 Room A living room Tina’s bedroom Bobby’s bedroom (2)Listen and repeat the dialogues. Tip: Try to imitate the pronunciation and intonation. Let’s read in 4. choice1: Read it together. choice2: Each student reads a sentence. choice3: Read in roles.自己分配角色。 Step 3 Consolidation 1. Look and talk Bobby’s bedroom is messy and dirty. (出示图片) Let’s help him and give him some suggestions. We can say: We should… Make a conclusion: We should put our things in order and keep good habits. 2. Write a diary. Tip: Write down three suggestions. Thursday, Dec.11th How is it? big and clean small but nice messy and dirty

Today we took some _____ and ______to Tina’s _____. Firstly, we ____ ____ the living room. It’s ____and _____. Then we went into____ bedroom. It’s _____ but ____. At last we went into _______ _______. It’s _____ and ____. There were a lot of _____ and ____ on the floor. Tina was very _____ because Bobby had ____ habits. She told Bobby that he should ____ everything ___ ____. I thought he should ____________ , _____________, and _______________. Step 4 Homework 1. Read sound time and the story three times. 2. Tell the story to your parents. 板书设计: Unit 2 Good habits sport horse for short or /?:/ We should put our things in order.

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