

acceptance 承兑 account 账户 accountant 会计员 accounting 会计

accounting system 会计制度 accounts payable 应付账款 accounts receivable 应收账款 accumulated profits 累积利益 adjusting entry 调整记录 adjustment 调整

administration expense 管理费用 advances 预付

advertising expense 广告费 agency 代理 agent 代理人 agreement 契约 allotments 分配数 allowance 津贴 amalgamation 合并 amortization 摊销 amortized cost 应摊成本

annuities 年金

applied cost 已分配成本 applied expense 已分配费用

applied manufacturing expense 己分配制造费用 apportioned charge 摊派费用 appreciation 涨价

article of association 公司章程 assessment 课税 assets 资产 attorney fee 律师费 audit 审计 auditor 审计员 average 平均数 average cost 平均成本

bad debt 坏账 balance 余额

balance sheet 资产负债表 bank account 银行账户 bank balance 银行结存 bank charge 银行手续费 bank deposit 银行存款

bank discount 银行贴现 bank draft 银行汇票 bank loan 银行借款 bank overdraft 银行透支 bankers acceptance 银行承兑 bankruptcy 破产 bearer 持票人 beneficiary 受益人 bequest 遗产 bill 票据

bill of exchange 汇票 bill of lading 提单 bills discounted 贴现票据 bills payable 应付票据 bills receivable 应收票据 board of directors 董事会 bonds 债券 bonus 红利

book value 账面价值 bookkeeper 簿记员 bookkeeping 簿记

branch office general ledger 支店往来账户

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