2019-2020年牛津译林版高中英语必修三Unit 2《Language》word导学案



be accessible to

4.. combine vt. & vi. 组合; (使)联合

①Success was achieved by the combined efforts of the whole team. 全队齐心协力取得了胜利。

②She successfully combines family life and/with her career. 她成功地把家庭生活和事业结合在一起。 ③Hydrogen combines with oxygen to form water. 氢与氧化合成水。

④A number of factors combine to create this difficult situation. 许多因素在一起形成这个困难的局面。 combine A __with/and B

combine _with sth. 与……结合起来 combine _to do_ ___ sth. 结合起来做某事

【解析】选D。答语句意:我完全同意。把这两者结合起来太好了。该句用了have sth. done结构,combine在句中的意思是“使结合;同时做两件不同的事”。link“联系”;relate“使有联系”;connect“连接”,这三项均与语境不符。

5.①(2011·天津高考)_it is very convenient to travell_ __ in London by Underground. 在伦敦乘地铁旅行非常方便。

②It’s very convenient that you live near the school. 你住在学校附近真方便。

③Keep your reference books near your desk for convenience. 把参考书放在书桌旁用着方便。

④Can you telephone me at your convenience? 在你方便的时候能打个电话给我吗? convenient adj. 方便的

(1)It is/was convenient for sb. to do sth.

某人做某事方便 It is/was convenient that. . . ……方便 when it is convenient (for/to sb. )

在(某人)方便的时候 (2)convenience n. 方便,便利 at one’s convenience 在某人方便的时候


for convenience 为方便起见 for one’s convenience 为方便某人


6.①Too much work without enough rest often _leads to____ __ illness. 过量的工作而没有足够的休息会引起疾病。 ②All roads _lead to___ __ Rome. 条条大路通罗马。

③What led you to this conclusion? 你是怎样得出这个结论的?

④His actions could lead to him/his losing his job. 他的行为可能导致他丢了工作。 lead to导致

lead to sth. /someplace lead sb. to a place lead sb. to do sth.


lead to sb. /sb. ’s doing sth. 导致某人做某事

把某人领到某地 带领某人做某事

【解析】选A。考查非谓语动词。句意:看那里——有一条很长的蜿蜒的小路通向那所房子。lead to表示“通向”,该短语与前面的path之间为主谓关系,用现在分词作定语,相当于定语从句which/that leads up to the house。

the other.


②He’s colour-blind and can’t distinguish between red and green easily. 他色盲,不容易分清红色和绿色。

③He distinguished himself in British theatre at a very early age. 他早期就在英国戏剧方面出名。

distinguish vt. 区别,辨别;使具有某种特征 distinguish A from B distinguish between A and B

distinguish oneself 使杰出,使扬名 be distinguished for 以……而著名

7.①The twins are so alike that no one can __distinguish_ one from_____

8.take control of 控制,取得对……的控制

It’s no easy task to take control of a class of young children. 管住一个班的小孩子可不是件容易的事。 【拓展】翻译以下短语

beyond/out of control __失去控制 be in control (of sth. ) 控制(某事物) be in the control of 在……控制之下 bring/get. . . under control 抑制;控制…… under control

处于控制之下 __________________under the control of在……控制之下 _____________ lose control of对……失去控制

9.in that意思是“在于,因为”,引导原因状语从句。 .in that .in that

Replaced accessed distinguish is concerned with combine occupied stands for leading to raise

is made up of make up it is convenient for you have access to differs from distinguish between all the suggestions were not

took control of

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