高一英语Unit 1 Friendship学案新人教版

Language points (Page1—3)

1. add…to… ___________ add to _____________ add up__________ add up to _______________

1) ______ some milk and sugar _____ coffee before drinking it.

2) When we __________ all the costs, we realized we had spent too much. 3) His whole school education ___________ no more than ten years. 4) The bad weather only ________ our difficulties.

2. upset adj 心烦意乱的;不安/适的 vt (upset; upset) 使不安;是心烦

3. ignore vt.(=________________)忽视;不理睬 ignorant adj. ignorance n.

4. calm adj. 镇静的, 沉着的 vt. 使平静, 使安静 calm (sb) down (使人)镇/安/平静

1) 大约过了半个小时,他才平静下来。 After about half an hour, he _______________.

2) When you are _______(心烦), listening to soft music can _____________________(使你平静下来).

5. have (got) to 不得不(客观) (反)___________________ must 必须 (主观) (反)____________

6. concern vt(使)担忧;涉及;关系到 n 担心/关注;(利害)关系 concerning prep关于;有关

be concerned about ____________________ as/so far as one is concerned


1)他在担忧他儿子的将来。She ___________________ her son’s future 2)在我看来, 学好英语是很重要的. ______________________, ______________ to learn English well.

7. cheat vi作弊;舞弊; vt. 欺骗; 骗取; n. 骗子;作弊者

cheat in an examination 考试作弊 cheat sb. ( out ) of sth. 骗取某人的某物

1) 学生严禁用手机考试作弊。 The students ___________________________with mobile phones.

2) 他骗取了那老妇人的钱。 He _____________________________________. 3) The neighbor cheated the old lady into giving him her gold ring. (骗某人做某事)

8. should have done _______________________ shouldn’t have done __________________________

1) 你昨天就应该交上你的作业。 You ______________________ (hand) in your homework yesterday.

2)你本来不应该在课堂里谈天的。 You _______________________________ (talk) in class.

9. go through : 1) to examine carefully 搜查;仔细浏览 2) to experience, suffer 经历;遭受

1) Susan _____________ her bag and wallet looking for her ticket. 2) I know he has ____________ a hard time since his only daughter died.

go after 追求, 追赶 go ahead 前进, 请说(做)吧 go along (with) 进展; 和某人的观点一致

go by 走过, (时间)过去 go back 回来, 追溯到…… go all out for sth. / to do sth. 全力以赴干某事

go in for 爱好, 从事 go out 外出, (灯, 火)熄灭 go over 越过, 复习 go up 爬上, (价格等)上升

10.hide (hid; hidden) vi 躲藏vt 隐瞒 hide away ________________ 11. set down 1)= write down写下 2) 放下

1) 在课堂上你最好记笔记。 You’d better _____________ what the teacher is saying in class.

2) 请让我在下一站下车。 Would you please ___________________ at the next bus-stop?

3)The government has set up a committee (委员会) to look into the problem. 4)They set about making//set out to make preparations (准备) for the party . 5)They set off/out at dawn and arrived there at about 10:00 am. 6)The little boy dare not set off the fireworks (焰火). 7) She sets aside a bit of money every month.

set up _______________ set about doing sth ______________ set off (for sp.)_________________

set out_______________ set out to do ___________________ set aside _______________________

set an example to 为…树立榜样 set…free 释放set sail 起航 set fire to

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