

班号:_________ 姓名: ______________ 分数:________________ 一、选择填空。(15分)

1、( )Which is _____ ruler? A. you B. your C. I 2、( )Kick the ______ ,Mike! A. ball B. pencil C. bicycle 3、( )_______ her book? A. Is this B. Which C. This is 4、( )Whose basket? A. the red B. is it C. is this 5、( )Susan is my class. A. on B. with C. in 6、( )Tom is _____ his bicycle. A. with B. on C. In 7、( )Look at ______ ! A. me B.I C. my

8、( )Put on your ________ ! A. egg B. hat C. umbrella 9、( )One cat and three _________ . A. dog B .dogs C. actress

10、( )- ______ car is Tom's ? - The black car. A. Whose B. Which D. What 11、( )- ______ is this cap? -It’s Sandy’s. A. Who B. Whose C. Who's 12、( )That's ____ car . A. Dad B. Dad's C. Dad is 13、( )Eat your egg _______ . A. quick B. very C. quickly 14、( )You're _______. A. fun B. funny C. very 15、( )My bag is heavy , ______ . A. too B. to C. and 二、反义词连线。(10分)

small long clean sad new big this dirty light go actor that come old fat actress short heavy happy thin


She _______ a teacher. It ______ a book. My name ______ Sandy. Lucy and Lily _______ friends. I ______ a pupil. The desk _______ big. The pens _______ blue. This _______ my mother. You ______ a postman. They ______ policemen. _______ you hungry? Which ______ your pen?


1、which your is pen ? ______________________________________________ 2、is this cap whose ? _____________________________________________ 3、this is your ball ? ___________________________________________ 4、Is this your book?(做肯定回答) _________________________________________ 5、This girl is Sue. (对划线部分提问)_______________________________________

6、He’s in his car.(变为否定句)____________________________________________ 7、The blue basket is Sandy’s.(对划线部分提问)__________________________________ 8、这是苏的班级。__________________________________________________ 9、茶点是什么? ___________________________________________________ 10、那是什么? _____________________________________________________ 五、补全对话,完成课文。(5分) Mother: This egg is _______ you , Sandy! Sandy: Thanks , Mum.

Sue: Listen,Sandy! That's Dad's car. Eat your _____ quickly. Sue: Now _____ the egg _____ the egg-cup like this. Sandy: Tea's ready, Dad. This egg is for you. Father: An egg! That's nice. I'm _______.

Father: Oh! It's empty!

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