裕兴新概念英语第二册笔记 第三十三课 课文讲解.

裕兴新概念英语第二册笔记 第三十三课 课文讲解 老猴子咬菜根学习交流 Lesson 33 Out of the darkness

Nearly a week passed before the girl was able to explain what had happened to her. One afternoon she set out from the coast in a small boat and was caught in a storm. Towards evening, the boat struck a rock and the girl jumped into the sea. Then she swam to the shore after spending the whole night in the water. During that time she covered a distance of eight miles. Early next morning, she saw a light ahead. She knew she was near the shore because the light was high up on the cliffs. On arriving at the shore, the girl struggled up the cliff towards the light she had seen. That was all she remembered. When she woke up a day later, she found herself in hospital. 参考翻译:


1、Nearly a week passed before the girl was able to explain what had happened to her.

passed pass v. 经过

eg. He passed my house this morning. 今天早上他经过我家。 pass the exam 考试及格

fail in the exam 考试不及格 past 1 prep. 经过

eg. He walked past my house. 他步行途径我家。 2 adj. 过去的

eg. He told me about his past experience. 他向我讲述他过去的经历。 3 n. 过去

eg. He seems to live in the past. 他似乎生活在过去。 the past, the present and the future 过去,现在和将来 be able to

be able to与can 区别: 1 be able to : 可用于任何时态

can: 只可用于现在时或过去时 (can/could

eg. I will be able to open the lock in five minutes. 过五分钟,我就能打开这把锁。 eg. He hasn’t been able to go to work for a month. 他已一个月没能上班了。

2 表经过努力而做成某事用was/ were able to

eg. The plane was able to fly over the mountain at last. 这架飞机终于飞越了大山。 eg. The girl was able to explain what had happened to her at last.


3 can: 能够,有做某事的可能性 be able to:有能力,有办法做某事

eg. There is no paper. I can’t write. 没有纸,我写不了。 eg. The child is not yet able to write. 这孩子还不会写字。

2、One afternoon she set out from the coast in a small boat and was caught in a storm. 以时间为线索,随着时间推移展开故事

one afternoon→towards evening→then →early next morning→when she woke up a day later

3、Towards evening, the boat struck a rock and the girl jumped into the sea. strike-struck-struck


4、Then she swam to the shore after spending the whole night in the water. 5、During that time she covered a distance of eight miles. cover

1 v. 行走(距离);走过,飞过,越过(不用被动语态) eg. How far can we cover a day? 我们一天能走多远?

eg. She covered 1000 meters in less than 4 minutes. 她不到四分钟跑完1000米。 2 v. 遮盖,隐瞒,蒙蔽;(用东西)覆盖(此处可用被动) eg. He tried to cover his mistake. 他企图掩盖他的错误。 eg. Dusk covered his desk. 灰尘盖满了他的桌子。

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