




2、学会运用句型Where is ……, When you see... turn left/right 。 3、学会向别人描述某地该怎样走。 【学习重难点】 1、方位介词的运用

2、掌握单词:across, straight, along, turn

掌握句型:Go straight along this street. When you see… 【学习过程】 Part1:自学指导与检测 ? 自学指导:

A. 学习生词 ,做到会读知意.

B. 复习已学过的时态:一般过去时和现在进行时 C. 知识点拨:

1. 现在进行时表示现在(说话瞬间)正在进行或发生的动作,也可表示当前一段时间内的活

动或现阶段正在进行的动作。是由助动词be(am,is,are)+v-ing形式构成的。 ---What are you doing? ---I’m doing homework.

2. 一般过去时表示在过去某个时间发生的动作或情况,也表示在过去某个时间存在的状 态。

由主语+动词过去式+其它构成。 3. 对地点的提问要用Where is ...句型 ? 自学检测: 写出下列短语

顺着这条街走 想要做…… 向右转 在左侧 Part2:课堂互动探究


2.各个小组自主总结询问某地有某物的句型应用: 回答应用: 3.各小组之间比赛,看哪组读的标准!

4.小组总结本课新接触到的短语,例如:move to...



1. She ________(move) to Shanghai last week. 2. Lisa ________(live) at 305Sun Building. 3. I am happy _________(see) you here. 4. Look,Mike is _________(play) basketball.

5. Mingming wants ____________ (buy) some books in the bookshop. (二)按要求完成下列各题

1. I moved to Shanghai last Monday.(改为一般疑问句) _________ you ___________to Shanghai last Monday? 2. Lisa lives in Beijing.(对画线部分提问) _________ ________ Lisa ___________?

3. Tom played in front of the building.(用now改写) Tom in front of the building now. 4. Where is the hospital?(改为同义句) How can I _________ _________ the hospital?






1、深入掌握there be 句型,加以练习。 2、地点景物名称和方位介词的连接使用 3、利用图片,指出某地有某物。 【学习重难点】

1、掌握单词和短语restaurant, between, hairdresser, next to, supermarket, across. 2、掌握句型:There’s a park near my home.

There are many trees in front of the building. 3、There be 句型的应用 【学习过程】 Part1:自学指导与检测 ? 自学指导:

A. 复习已学过的动词短语.

饭店_____________ 银行___________ 紧挨着______________ 在……左边_____________ 在……右边___________ 服装店________________ B. 学习生词 ,做到会读知意. ? 自学检测: 翻译短语

1. in front of 2.on the right 3. on the left 4. next to Part2:课堂互动探究

1.认真阅读本课两页内容,画出重点短语和句型。 2.我是得星小能手:看谁能用P23图片中的短语造句。 There is a clothes shop on the left of the hairdresser. 3.组内小检测:看谁能得100分。

附近 在前方 右面 左面 建筑物 4.我会指路:利用P16图片,小组之间相互提问。 Part3:当堂检测: (一)选择填空.

( )1.There ______ bread in the fridge .

A. is a little B. are a little C. is a few D. are a few ( )2. There _____sheep over there..

A. is a little B. are a little C. is a few D. are a few ( )3.there _____ a lot of children over there.

A. is B. are C. has D. have ( )4. There _____ a football match tomorrow .

A. is B. are C. have D. will have E. will be ( )5. The main street is usually ____at weekends . A.crowded B. crowd C. Crowds ( )There is a bank _______ the park.

A.in front B.beside C.front D. on right ( )_____ front of the hospital ________ a lot of trees.

A.In, there be B.In, there is C.In, there are D. In, there was


1. Lucy’s seat is behind __________ (I) seat.

2. There ______(be) two pencils and some books on the desk. 3. How many ________ (cake) shops are there?

4. There are many trees in front of the __________ (build).

5. Go _________ (cross) the bridge(桥), and you’ll find it on your right. 【学后反思】

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