




2.答选择题时,必须使用2B铅笔将答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。如需改动用橡皮擦干净后,再选 涂其他答案标号。

3.非选择题部分请按题号用0.5毫米黑色签字笔,将答案书写在答题卡规定的位置上,否则作答无效。 4.所有题目必须在答题卡上作答,在草稿纸、试题卷上答题无效。 5.保持卷面清洁,不要折叠,不要弄皱、弄破。



1. A. baby B. dad C. happy D. cat 2. A. let B. pen C. egg D. me 3. A. job B. top C. role D. shop 4. A. time B. swim C. bike D. nice 5. A. fast B. has C. sit D. bus 6. A. games B. boxes C. knives D. tomatoes 7. A. tea B. meat C. leave D. weather 8. A. theater B. that C. thing D. thank 9. A. few B. grew C. threw D. flew 10. A. book B. blood C. look D. good



11. Miss Gao______English on the computer every morning.

A. studies B. is studying C. studied D. has studied 12. Gars and buses______stop when the traffic lights turn red.

A. can B. need C. may D. must 13. The meeting didn?t start______everyone got there.

A. because B. until C. since D. if

14. The museum is quite far.It will take you half ______ hour to go there by ______ bus. A. a;/ B. an;a C. an;/ D. /;/ 15. The busier he is,the ______he feels.

A. happy B. happily C. happier D. happiest 16. My moon enjoys _____ for the family on weekends.

A. cook B. to cook C. cooked D. cooking 17. English is widely used_____ travelers and business people all over the world. A. to B. of C. as D. by 18. Would you like to come to my birthday party? .

A. No,I don?t know B. Yes,I?d love to C. How kind you are D. That?s right 19. John was so strange today. He didn?t act like______.

A. him B. himself C. his D. he

20. Molly says that she understand art,and always tells me______a painting is “about”. A. what B. when C. where D. why




A: When can we except you for dinner? (21) ____________. B: Not tomorrow.I promised to go to concert with my sister. A: (22) ____________. B: Friday sounds fine.

A: Good! (23) ____________ B: OK.I?ll be there on time.

A: By the way,I?ve got a new dish for you. B: A new dish? (24) ____________.

A: Something truly French.I believe you?ll like it. B: Great! (25) ____________

A. I just can?t wait. B. Here you are. C. What is it?

D. I?m sorry to hear that. E. How about Friday then? F. Can you come tomorrow?

G. Shall we say seven o?clock?


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A: Excuse me,would you mind answering a few questions? B: No,go ahead.

A: (26)____________. B: I?m from Germany.

A: What do you think of the city?

B: (27)____________. Good food,kind people,and beautiful views.But I?m still not used to the weather.

A: It?s kind of cold this time of the year.Wear a hat and a scarf when you go out. B: (28)____________.

A: Would you mind telling me what you came here for? B: (29)____________,I came here for a meeting. A: Great!Thank you for answering my questions. B: (30)____________.

A. It?s very nice. B. Of course not. C. It?s terrible.

D. Where are you from? E. That?s a good suggestion.

F. May I ask you some questions? G. You are welcome.

四、完形填空(共10题,每小题1.5 分,共15 分)


One day,a boy had a fight with one of his classmates.Then he went to his grandfather and told him 31 what had happened.“He is really bad,”the boy said,“and I 32 him.”

The grandfather said,“ 33 me tell you a story.When I was a boy,I,too,sometimes hated others for what they did...”

As the boy 34 carefully,the grandfather went on,“There are always two tigers inside my 35 .One is kind. He gets on well 36 everything around him.But the other one is 37 .Even the smallest thing will make him angry.He fights with everyone all the time,and for no reason.It is 38 to live with these two tigers inside my heart.They both try to control me.”

The boy looked into his grandfather?s eyes and asked,“ 49 tigers always wins, Grandpa?”

The old man said,“The one that I feed.I always feed the 40 tiger, so I never get

angry one.”

31. A. angrily B. patiently C. kindly D. excitedly 32. A. love B. hate C. know D. remember 33. A. Allow B. Help C. Let D. Ask 34. A. saw B. felt C. talked D. listened 35. A. heart B. house C. classroom D. eyes 36. A. at B. for C. with D. about 37. A. fast B. clever C. useless D. unfriendly 38. A. important B. wise C. unfair D. difficult 39. A. Whose B. Which C. What D. When 40. A. good B. hungry C. strong D. small

五、阅读理解(共20题,每小题 2分,共 40分)

阅读下面四篇短文,在每小题的ABCD四个备选答案中,选择一个最佳答 案,并将答题卡对应位置上的答案标号涂黑。


Mr. Lewis is a dance teacher. He once taught in Pairs and London. He is teaching in Washington now. He always stays in each city for two years and then moves to a new one. This time he has decided to move to New York.

One day, one of his students said to him,“I?m sorry hear that you are leaving. I believe the new teacher won?t be as good as you are.”Mr. Lewis was happy when he heard this,but he said,“Oh no. I?m sure he?ll be as good as I am or even better.”The student said,“The student said, No. Before you came, five teachers taught us, and each new one was worse than the last.”

41. What does Mr.Lewis do for a living?

A. He is a teacher B. He is a student C. He is a traveler D. He is a dancer 42. Where is Mr. Lewis teaching now?

A. In London B. In Pairs

C. In New York D. In Washington 43. What did the student probably think of Mr. Lewis?

A. He was good at dancing B. He was the best teacher

C. He was worse than the last teacher D. He was experienced in traveling 44. How many teachers taught the students before Mr. Lewis?

A. Two B. Three C. Four D. Five 45. What might Mr. Lewis feel at end of the story?

A. Happy B. Sad C. Nervous D. Excited

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Mr. Smith worked in an office.he studied antiques(古董)in his spare time and sometimes collected some for himself, so he made a lot of money. At the age of 65, he retired(退休), and had enough time to rest. He loved playing ping-pong and spent much time on the game.

He had never been ill until he had a headache one day. He was taken to a hospital at once. The doctors examined him carefully and did their best to save him, but he felt worse and worse. He asked his son to send for a witch(巫婆).

“Do the people in heaven play ping-pong, madam?”asked Mr.Smith.

“I?m sorry I don?t know, sir,”answered the witch.“Let me go and ask about it for you.”

That evening the witch came and said,“I?ve just been to heaven, Mr.Smith. I?ve two pieces of news for you. One is good and the other is bad.”

“Most of the people in heaven play ping-pong, ”said the witch. “But you?ll have a game there tomorrow!”

46. How did Mr.Smith make lots of money?

A. By working in an office B. By collecting antiques. C. By playing games D. By studying hard 47. What did Mr. Smith love doing after he retired?

A. Playing ping-pong B. Studying antiques C. Making money D. Having a rest 48. What did Mr. Smith ask his son to do?

A. To send for a witch B. To have him examined C. To take him to a hospital D. To do his best to save him 49. What did Mr. Smith want to know about the heaven? A. Whether games were held there. B. Whether he could make money there. C. Whether people there played ping-pong. D. Whether people there had headaches.

50. What does the understand sentence probably mean? A. Mr.Smith was going to die soon. B. Mr.Smith was lucky to join the game. C. The game would be held the next day. D. The game would attract many people.


Eat BEST SUSHI(寿司)now in 2 cities ! Lunch Hours: Mon.—Fri.11:00 am—2:30pm OPENING Sat.&Sun.11:30 am—3:00pm Dinner Hours: TOKYO Sun.—Thurs.5:30 pm—9:30pm ONE Fri.&.5:00 pm—10:00 pm Visit our website:www.tokyo-one.com Add.&Tel. 7465,W. Green Rd.,London. Tel. 0044—20—76362227 2983,W. Sam.,Houston. Tel. 001—713-7658899 51. Tokyo One is the name of a .

A. Hotel B. restaurant C. supermarket D. museum 52. In which city can we find Tokyo One?

A. Chicago B. Sydney C. Houston D. Beijing 53. At what time can we go to Tokyo One for lunch?

A. 10:30 am on Monday B. 3:00pm on Friday C. 11:00 am on Saturday D. 2:30 pm on Sunday 54. On which day can we have dinner in Tokyo One at 9:40 pm?

A. Tuesday B. Wednesday C. Thursday D. Saturday

55. The advertisement offers us the following information EXCEEPT Tokyo One?s . A. food price B. telephone number C. dinner hours D. address


Hip-hop dancing is popular with young people today. They like it because they can invent their own moves. They use this dance to show their love for life. It also shows that they just want to be themselves and enjoy life, and that they are not afraid of problems.

Hip-hop dancing has a history of more than 30 years. It was first seen in New York and Los Angeles in the early 1980s. At that time,many young black people often danced to the music in the streets. They used their legs,arms,heads and even shoulders to dance. Many young people still use most of these moves today.

Hip-hop dancing became well-known all over the world because of the 1983 movie Flashdance. In the movie,dancers performed Hip-hop dancing. People enjoyed their performance. They began to dance like them. Then it became popular. More and more

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people are learning Hip-hop dancing. They believe that it is a good way to exercise their 67. The story took place in Vatican , an European country. bodies,and that it is good for their health.

56. Why do young people like Hip-hop dancing? A. Because this dance can solve their problem. B. Because this dance can make them popular. C. Because they can invent their own moves. D. Because they can enjoy the Hip-hop music. 57. Where was Hip-hop dancing first seen?

A. In the movies B. In the streets C. In black families D. In dancing schools 58. What can we know about Flashdance? A. It introduced a type music B. It made Hip-hop dancing well-known C. It was made in the early 1990s D. It aimed to teach people how to dance 59. What do people think of Hip-hop dancing?

A. It will become the most popular dance B. It will make them wealthy C. It is good for their health D. It is easy to learn 60. What is the main purpose of the passage? A. To teach people the moves B. To give an introduction to Hip-hop dancing C. To show people?s attitude towards life D. To prove the importance of exercise 六、单句辨错(每小题1.5分,共15分)

找出下面各句ABCD四个选项中错误的选项,将其番号填在答卷上。 61. There is a people in the room, but nobody knows who he is. A B C D 62. Mr. Black, a good friend of me, likes drawing horses. A B C D

63. After a journey of five thousand mile, I have seen a lot but learned very little. A B C D 64. The boys were playing with fire when he comes in. A B C D 65. Someone are waiting for you at the school gate. A B C D

66. Students should be more carefully with their spelling when writing. A B C D

A B C D 68. Hurry up, Tom, so we will be late for school. A B C D

69. It is very kind for you to come and see my mother in the hospital. A B C D

70. I am near-sighted, so I can?t see the words on the blackboard clear. A B C D 七、句型转换(每题2分,共20分)

71. About 300 students watched the show.(对划线部分提问) students watched the show ?

72. John wanted a camera for his birthday.(改为否定句) John a camera for his birthday. 73. You must water the flowers every day..(改为被动句) The flowers must every day. 74. You can?t cross the street here.(改为祈使句) the street here.

75. He is interested in reading poems?(改为一般疑问句) interested in reading poems? 八、书面表达(15分)

76. 假设你是李华,你的朋友Mary邀请你本周六去参加她的生日聚会,但你另有安排,无法参加。现请你写一封电子邮件给她,内容包括以下要点: (1)向她表示感谢;

(2)告知她你不能参加聚会; (3)说明原因;

(4)邀请她下周日与你一道去看电影。 注意:



(3)邮件格式已经给出,不计人总词数。 Dear Mary,

Yours, Li Hu

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