初中英语牛津译林版八年级下册Unit2《Reading1:A trip to Hong Kong》优质课公开课教师资格证面试试讲教案

初中英语牛津译林版八年级下册Unit2《Reading1:A trip to Hong



1.Knowledge Aims: To make the students master the words used to describe travelling. 2.Ability Aims: To understand the reading passage about a trip to Hong Kong Disneyland. 3.Feeling Aims: To start students thinking about different places in the world.


1. To understand the reading passage about a trip to Hong Kong Disneyland. 2. To expand vocabulary to talk about traveling




活动1【导入】Part One: 预习作业与预习交流 Check the prepared work:

预习单词:(Ask the Ss to spell the word one by one.)

1.(在)室内的adj.___________ 2.人物n. ______________3.(庆祝)游行n.____________ 4.城堡n._______________5.卡通片,动画片n.____________ 6.想念 vt.______________ 7.两人,两件事物;几个人,几件事物n._____________8.极好的,美妙的 adj._________ 9.魔法n.______________10.乘坐(游乐设施)n.________________11.速度n._____________ 12.感觉到vt._________13.派,馅饼n.________14.这样的(人或物)det.& pron._________ 二、在文中找出下列短语:(Ask the Ss to check the answers in groups and then ask them to pay attention to No. 2、4、9、10、11) 1.去香港的一次旅行_________________

2.度过非常美妙时光________________________________________________ 3.在迪斯尼度过一整天______________________________________________ 4.以高速运行_______________________ 5.例如_________________________ 6.在行程中尖叫和大笑______________________________________________ 7.匆忙去餐馆吃一顿快餐____________________________________________ 8.遇见一些迪斯尼卡通人物__________________________________________ 9.忍不住拍照片 ____

10.为同学们买几个钥匙环 ___________________________________________ 11.在这一天结束时___________________

12.在睡美人城堡前观看焰火__________________________________________ (Give the Ss 3 minutes to recite the phrases.) 活动2【导入】Part Two: 交流展示&点拨提高

Step 1 Free talk

T: Do you like traveling to other cities or countries? S: Yes, I do.

T: Why? S:Because I think the trip is wonderful. (fantastic) /I can learn a lot about other cites or countries. /I can make many friends. … T: Where have you been? S: I have been to … T: Have you ever been to Hong Kong? S: Yes./ No.

T: I haven’t been there . But I know Kitty visited there during her winter holiday. She spent the whole day at Hong Kong Disneyland. She took many photos.(Show some pictures)

She had fun on Space Mountain, it’s an indoor roller coaster in the dark and it moved at high speed. She met some Disney cartoon characters and watched the parade of Disney characters. It’s fantastic. She also watched the fireworks in front of the Sleeping Beauty Castle. And she has written a letter to Millie about the trip. Do you want to learn something about it? S: Yes.

活动3【讲授】Part Two: 交流展示&点拨提高 Step 2 Reading

1. First, let the Ss listen to the tape carefully. Ask them to find the five points: when,where, who, what and how. Then find out the answers as quickly as possible. 2. Ask the Ss to read Para 1-2 by themselves and choose.

(1). How long did Kitty and her parents stay in Hong Kong Disneyland? A. Two days B. A whole day. (2). How did they get to the park? A. By underground. B. By taxi. (3). Did they enjoy themselves there? A. No, they didn’t B.Yes, they did.

3. Ask the Ss to read Para 3-4 together and do true or false. (Discuss with deskmates) (1). Kitty thinks the parade of Disney characters was the best part of the day. (2).Tourists can’t take photos during the parad of Disney characters. (3). They met many famous Disney cartoon charaters. (4). They watched a 4-D film before the parade.

4. Ask the Ss to read the rest by themselves and answer some questions. (1). What did Kitty buy for classmates? (2). Where did they watch the fireworks? (3). How about the castle under the fireworks? (4). Where has Millie gone?

5. Ask the Ss to read the whole letter carefully by themselves and finish Part B2, then check answers with their deskmates.

活动4【活动】Part Two: 交流展示&点拨提高 Step 3 Activities

Divide the students into four groups, ask them to retell Kitty’s trip to Hong Kong Disneyland.

Step 4 Practice

1、Kitty is showing Amy her photos. Complete their conversation. (Ask two students to act it out and other students check their answers.)

2、Kitty had a fantastic time at Disneyland. Ask the Ss to find the sentences in the letter that show Kitty’s happiness. (Finish it in groups) 活动5【测试】Part Three检测反馈

一、 根据汉语句意及汉语提示完成单词。

1 The music is so __________(美妙的) that we all like it very much. 2 The train moved at high _____________(速度).

3 -What do you think of Liu Qian’s _____________(魔术)show? - It’s wonderful. 4 Little Mary _____________(想念) her mother very much when she was out. 5 We went for a cycle __________(乘坐)last Sunday.

6 One of my favourite_____________(卡通) characters is Snoopy.

7 Pumpkin ________(馅饼) are a traditional American dish served on Thanksgiving Day. 8 The _____________(两人)plans to wed next summer.

9 We put the decorations in the trees and started to _________(感受到) Christmassy at last.

10There is a big ____________(室内的)swimming pool in this hotel. 二、用所给单词的适当形式填空。

1 The mother couldn’t stop ___________(cry) when her son was saved. 2 Most children are _____________(interest) in cartoons.

3 Kitty will show us the beautiful photos when she ________(come) back.

4 I have many hobbies, such as ___________(collect) stamps, playing basketball and so on.

5 Shall we do some ____________(shop) this weekend?

6 The little boy ___________(hurry) past me without stopping. 7 People ___________(scream) with excitement when the parade began. 8 -May you enjoy___________(you), my uncle.- Thank you. 9 These boys all want to let off their ____________(firework). 10 Toby is _______________(excite) about playing computer games. 三、翻译下面的句子


They spent the ___________ __________ ___________Hong Kong Disneyland. 2、从这里到镇上骑车要花十分钟的时间。

It’s ___________ _________ __________ from here to town. 3、今天早上我匆忙起床,并去上学。

I ___________ __________get up and _______ to school this morning. 4、歌舞表演是一天中最棒的部分。

Singing and dancing shows were ________ _________ _________ _________the day. 5、当我看见神奇的景象时,我情不自禁地拍照。

I ________ ________ ________ ________ when I saw the ________ view. 四、首字母填空题。

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