浙江省临海市第六中学高中英语 M6U3 language points学案(无答案)新人教版选修6

Book 6 unit 3 language points 导学案

Task 1: the language point in warming up 1. issue ___ ____ _____

The post office issued the stamps last week. The leadership of the movement are in agreement on this issue.

2. n. stress = pressure v. stress = emphasize

He emphasized the importance of careful driving.

Susan was completely broken down by the stress of examinations. lay/put stress on_____be under great stress_____put sb. under great stress______

3. When you were born, we called you ________.

When you were under 12 years old, we called you ________. When you were between 12 and 18 years old , we called you ________. When you are over 18 years old, we call you _________. When you are over 40 but under 60, we call you ________. When you are over 60 , We call you ________. 4. abuse ____ _____ _____ _____

The government has set up a group to look into the problem of drug abuse.

The poor woman is always abused by her husband. He abused his power while in office. 5. ban – banned – banned v. ____ n.____

A ban on / against the importation of drugs had been issued recently.

Swimming is banned in this lake.

ban/prohibit … from doing forbid sb to do Task 2 : language point in the passage Para 1:

1. I sit under the big tree. 改为倒装

句 ______________________________

2. It seems amazing that at my age I am still fit enough to cycle 20

kilometers in an afternoon. (1)这是一个______从句。(2)fit 的意思是_____.(3)translation:__________

=What makes others ____ is that at my age I am still ___ enough to cycle 20 kilometers 3. I think my long and active life must be ___ ____ the healthy life I live. due (1) The honor was due to him. (2)He is due to leave London tomorrow. (3) The accident is due to your careless driving. (4) The game was put off due to the rain.

because of / as a result of ~ thanks to / owing to (状语) owe … to…______________

= I must ___ my long and active life ___ the healthy life I live.

=I think my long and active life must be____ ____ the healthy life I live. =The healthy life I live m____ a c____ t__ my long and active life. Para 2

1. This is the reason why I wrote the letter to my dear grandson.

=___________________________________(find the similar sentence in the text) 2. I find it difficult to give up smoking. = I have difficulty

___ _____ _____ ____

= I find it difficult to g__ r__ o __ smoking.

= I find it difficult to q____ smoking.

I find it difficult to b____ a____ f____ smoking.

3. During adolescence I also smoked and became ______ __ cigarettes.

v. ______ 是成瘾 n. _____ 沉湎,上瘾 adj. _____ 使人成瘾的

addict oneself to sth./ be addicted to sth 沉溺于某物 be addicted to doing sth.专心做某事

1) The parents felt helpless when they found their son had ____ love stories for long.

A. addicted B. addicted to C. addicted himself D. been addicted to

2) Although she is only 16 years old, she____ drugs for two years. A. addicts B. has addicted to C. has addicted D. has been addicted to Para 3

1. translate: (1)first, you can become physically addicted ……. (2)secondly, you become addicted through habit…….

(3)lastly, you can become mentally addicted. ……

2. This means that after a while your becomes accustomed to having nicotine in it… be /get / become accustomed to 习惯于;适应于

(v. )accustom +n. /oneself +to 使自己习惯/适应于 其中To 为 介词

The boy has become accustomed to speaking English in public. My eyes soon grew accustomed to the darkness. They had to accustom themselves to the hot weather. he had been used to living without electricity.

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