
崇明区2017学年第二学期教学质量调研测试卷 九年级英语

Part1 Listenting (第一部分 听力)

1. Listening Comprehension.(听力理解)(共30分) A. Listen and choose the right picture.

1. ______ 2._______ 3.________ 4._______ 5.______ 6._______

B. Listen to the dialogue and choose the best answer to the question you hear. 7.A)By bus B)By taxi C) By bike D)On foot

8.A)Exciting B)Boring C)Amusing D)Disappointing 9.A)9:00 B)9:10 C)8:40 D)8:50

10.A)At the airport B)On the bus C)On a plane D)In a park 11.A)Mother and son B)Husband and wife C)Teacher and student D)Customer and waiter 12.A)Learned paper-cutting B)Learned to make dumpling C)Learned to do morning exercises D)Took part in club activities

13.A)She was bitten by a homeless dog B)She fell off the bike and broken her leg. C)She hurt her eyes in a basketball match D)She caught a bad cold 14.A)The way to finish homework quickly B)The way to study hard

C)The plan for a short trip D)The plan for May Day holiday C.Listen to the passage and tell whether the following statements are true or false. 15.Students in the US have as much homework as Chinese student. 16.The writer loves after-school clubs because he wants to be a player.

17.The writer’s friend trains a long time everyday without any rest on the basketball team. 18.Students in the US have to do volunteer work for 15 to 20 hours before graduation. 19.The writer still enjoys the volunteer work through it’s sometimes boring. 20.The writer lists three kinds of after-school activities in the US.

D.Listen to the interview and complete the following sentence.

21.Brennon Jones has offered free haircuts to homeless since ______ ______.

22.Although some homeless people refused at first,most of them finally decided _____ _____ Brennon’s offer.

23.Brennon often offered some _____ _____to help the homeless improve their lives. 24.More than______ _____homeless people have got Brennon’s free haircut.

25.Brennon wouldn’t have to cut hair on ___ ______in winter after he used Edward’s old shop for free.

Part2 Phonetics,Grammar and Vocabulary

Ⅱ.Choose the best answer(选择最恰当的答案)(共20分)

26. Which of the following underlined parts is different in pronunciation?

A)wisdomB)blindC) tripD)simple

27. Peter spent exciting day in MOCA Shanghai(上海当代艺术馆) last week .

A)theB)a C)an D) /

28. it's common knowledge that leaves change from green to brownautumn.


29. Harry Potter was surprised atpower when he first used it

A)his B)him C)he D)himself

30. After watching the film Amazing China, I’m quite proud our country.

A)by B)withC)atD)of

31. These students collected much on the Internet before starting their research

A)picturesB)materials C)information D)stories 32. --can I get to Los Angeles by air?

--In less than fourteen hours .

A) How often B)How long C)How soon D)How far.

33. With the help of driverless cars(无人驾驶汽车), accidents will happen in the future

A)a fewB)few C)a littleD)little

34. Theresa May paid her first visit to China last summer. She hadbeen here before.


35. The park will be muchin May when all the flowers blossom(开花)

A)more beautiful B )most beautiful C)beautifulD)the most beautiful 36. I heard the voices, butmake our(辨别) what they were saying.

A)couldn'tB)wouldn'tC)mustn’tD) shouldn’t

37. Please dial 120 immediately, the old man may die soon.

A)and B)orC)butD)so

38. The theatre will have to closethe government gives it some extra money.

A)unlessB)sinceC)ifD)so that

39.ProfessorStephen Hawking(霍金)from a serious disease in his early twenties A)sufferedB)suffersC)will suffer D)is suffering

40.Theythe big fire before I returned with some people to help. A)are putting out B)put outC)had put out D)would put out

41. Nowadays, many parents make their childrenvarious courses at weekends.

A)to attend B)attendC)attendingD)attended

42. The old couple used to enjoyout for a walk after supper. A)goingB)to goC)wentD)go

43. Many young people do business on Wechat in their free time, ? A)aren’t they B) are theyC) don't they D) do they

44 --I'm afraid I can’t work out the maths problem. It's too difficult -- . A)that's all rightB)I’m glad to hear that.C) you'd better notD) Don't give it up! 45 --what about going fishing this afternoon?

-- .The weather report says it's going to rain A) Sure. Why not?B)I'd rather notC) That's a good idea.D)Yes, I'd like to 【答案】26-30 BCDAD 31-35.CCBDA 36-40ABAAC 41-45BACDB 【分析】

26. 考查语音,A C D选项都是发/I/,B选项发/ai/

27. 考查冠词,day是可数名词单数,exciting是发音以辅音因素开始的,故选用an 28. 考查时间介词,in是加年、月、季节、季度;on加具体某一天,at是具体时间点 29. 考查代词,因为空格后面有名词power,故应使用形容词性物主代词his 30. 考查介词搭配,be proud of...意为“以...为豪”

31. 考查名词的可数性,该名词被形容词much修饰,故应选择不可数名词information 32. 考查特殊疑问词,题目中回答该句用的是in+时间段,意为“多久之后”,故用how soon 33. 考查名词修饰词,accident是可数名词,所以应选few/a few,根据句意理解应该是“很少事故会发生”,所以应选few

34. 考查频度副词,因为前面提到是first visit所以之前应该没去过—never

35. 考查形容词的级别,空格前面是much,much应该修饰形容词比较级,所以选A 36. 考查情态动词的用法,could表示能力

37. 考查祈使句后面的连词,用or表示转折,意为“否则”

38. 考查条件状语从句的连接词,unless是“除非”相当于“if ... not... ”

39. 考查动词的时态,时间标志词是“in his early twenties”是过去式,故选用A 40. 考查动词的时态,before I returned...是在我回来之前,“returned”是过去式,“put out ”的动作发生在“returned”之前(过去的过去)用过去完成时态 41. 考查动词make的用法,make sb do sth,但是要注意的是如果变被动,应该用不定式,即:sb be made to do sth

42. 考查动词enjoy的用法,enjoy后接动名词做宾语,即enjoy doing sth

43. 考查反义疑问句的用法,要注意前后人称、时态保持一致,前肯后否,前否后肯

44. 考查口语交际,前者说数学问题太难了,做不出来。后者应予以鼓励,其它选项均不合理

45. 考查口语交际,后面说天气预报说要下雨,所以应该是“最好不要出去钓鱼”-B选项 VI.Complete the following passage with the words or expressions in the box.Each can only be.used once(将下列单词或词组填入空格。每空格限填一词,每词只能填一次)(共8分)

A. on the way B record C. worksD as long as E.attracts

Berk Armagan is a 22-year-old artist and traveler. He has visited many countries and keeps 46of something special by drawing on paper coffee cups. Although it is not always easy to takepaper cups around, he tries to travel with some in his bug so that he can draw whenever

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