
************学院 毕业设计(论文)



系 部: 计算机系 专 业: 指导教师: 日 期:


随着Internet 的诞生,校园网的建设越来越受到各大高校的重视。本论文结合我院校园网的现状,对进一步完善校园网做出了比较可行的规划与设计。此方案以千兆网络为主干,提供对所有基于网络的应用系统的支持,提供安全的互联网接入。建成一个具有高可靠性和开放性的校园网络,提供校园内部及面向全球的 WEB服务、教务服务、财务服务、E-mail 电子邮件服务、OA服务、FTP服务等,实现与国际互联网的完全接轨。



Along with Internet birth,the campus net construction more and more receives each big university the value. The present paper unifies my courtyard campus net the present situation, to further consummate the campus net to make the quite feasible plan and the design. This plan takes 1000M networks as a branch, provides to possesses based on the network application system support, provides the safe Internet to turn on. Completes to have the redundant reliability and the open campus network, provides the campus interior and face the global WEB services, educational services, financial services, E-mail e-mail service, OA service, FTP service, realization and the internet connects rails completely.

【Keywords】: equipment of the network, internet, network service, network protocol, multimedia

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