

姓名 得分


( )1、家庭作业 A、homework B、housework ( )2、图书馆 A、first floor B、library ( )3、学校 A、class B、school ( )4、起床 A、get up B、go to bed ( )5、美术教室 A、art class B、music class ( )6、上床睡觉 A、go to bed B、go to school 二、找出下列单词不同类的一项。(10分)

( )1、A、first floor B、Class 2 C、second floor ( )2、A、forty B、thirty C、two ( )3、A、music class B、PE class C、music room ( )4、A、class B、breakfast C、dinner ( )5、A、way B、art room C、gym 三、我会填地点。(8分)

A、teachers’ office B、library C、garden D、playground 1. Go to the . Read a book .

2. Go to the . Say hello to Miss White . 3. Go to the . Play football with your friend . 4. Go to the . Water the flowers .


1、It’s 6:30 o’clock . It’s time for lunch. 2、It’s 12 o’clock . It’s time to go home . 3、It’s 3 o’clock . It’s time to go to bed .. 4、It’s 5 o’clock . It’s time to go to bed . 5、It’s 9 o’clock . It’s time for English class . 五、选出正确的答语(10分)

( )1、Do you have a library ? ( )2、What time is it ? ( )3、Is that the art room ?

( )4、How many students are there in your class ? ( )5、Where’s the teachers’ office ? A、No , it isn’t . It’s the music room . B、There are thirty – one students. C、Yes , we do . D、It’s on the first floor . E、It’s 8 o’clock . 六、选择题。(20分)

( )1、Do you have art room ? A、a B、the C、an

( )2、It’s 7:05 . It’s time go to school .


A、for B、to C、of ( )3、- Is this the teachers’ office ? - No ,

A、it isn’t B、it not C、it is

( )4、How students are there in your class ? A、much B、more C、many ( )5、-What time is it now ? -

A、It’s 8 yuan B、It’s 8 o’clock C、It’s black ( )6、Let’s go to school . A、the B、a C、/

( )7、It’s time English class . A、for B、to C、of ( )8、Welcome my school . A、for B、to C、in

( )9、How many there in your schoolbag ? A、book are B、book is C、books are ( )10、My classroom is the first floor . A、in B、on C、at 七、连词成句。(15分) 1、school is my this (.)

2、room is the art where (.)

3、floor on is the it second (.)

4、the that room lunch is (?)

5、time what it is ?


Hello ! I’m Amy . Welcome to our school ! We have a big playground , a library , a canteen , a music room , an art room , a computer room , a TV room , a gym and two washrooms . We have six teachers’ offices and eighteen classrooms . There are forty- five students in my class . We have breakfast at school , but we don’t have lunch at school . The music room is on the second floor , and the computer room is on the first floor . Our school is big and beautiful . ( )1、The playground is very big . ( )2、We have three teachers’ offices .

( )3、There are forth-five classrooms in our school . ( )4、We have lunch at school .

( )5、The computer room is on the first floor .


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