(英语试卷13份合?山东省临沂市名校2018-2019学年七下英语期末质量检测模拟试?- 百度文库

--- Because its interesting. A. What B. When C. Why D. Where 10.--- What animals do you like? --- .

A. Theyre tigers B. Theyre very beautiful C. I like tigers D. Youre right 11.Look! Your mother the dishes. Please go and help her. A. does B. is doing C. has D. is having 12.--- What are you doing, Lingling? --- .

A. Not much B. Thanks C. See you then D. Thats all right 13.Dont this tree. Its very important to Tom. A. help with B. cut down C. think of D. welcome to 14.--- What do you think of China, Mr. Smith? --- I think it is a great in the world. A. country B. station C. symbol D. dream 15.--- Could you please her to play chess now? --- Sorry, I for an English test.

A. teach; am studying B. teach; study C.to teach; am studying D. to teach; study 16.--- Hello! Is that Mr. Wang speaking? --- Yes,

A. Whos that? B. Who are you? C. Im speaking. D. Im Mr. Wang. 17.His grandpa enjoys tennis. A. play B. plays C. to play D. playing 18.--- Are there any books in the bookcase? --- .They are English books.

A. Yes, there are B. No, there arent C. Yes, they are D. No, they arent 19.--- Thank you very much, Eric! --- .

A. Im sorry B. Youre welcome C. Here you are D. Thats right 20.I dont like this pair of shoes. Can you show me one? A. other B. the others C. others D. another 21.You need to eat more every day. You are too . A. short B. tidy C. heavy D. thin

22.--- Does our new English teacher have a round or long face? --- .

A. Yes, she does B. No, she doesnt

C. She has a round face D. She has a beautiful face 23.Here are five and we can make soup.

A. eggs; eggs B. eggs; egg C. egg; egg D. egg; eggs 24.Alice doesnt have bananas, but she has apples. A. some; any B. some; some C. any; any D. any; some 25.This story is very , so we are all in it. A. interesting; interested B. interesting; interesting C. interested; interesting D. interested; interested .գÿС1֣10֣


My old friend is Sandy. Sandy and I 26 thirty years ago when we were five years old. It was 27 first day at school and I was very 28 because I wanted my mother. Sandy gave me 29 box of candies and we became()friends. We were together nearly every day until(ֱ)we 30 high school.

Then I went to university(ѧ). 31 Sandy didnt. She married()when she was just twenty and had three children. I didnt see her 32 . Sometimes we didnt meet for months. But we often talked 33 the telephone.

Now Im married, too. I 34 near Sandy so we meet every week. Shes a student now and I have a 35 , so we have a lot to talk about.

26.A. sang B. relaxed C. shopped D. met 27.A. her B. my C. hers D. mine 28.A. friendly B. unhappy C. lucky D. noisy 29.A. a B. an C. the D. 30.A. visited B. joined C. left D. used 31.A. and B. so C. because D. but 32.A. often B. later C. soon D. again 33.A. with B. on C. in D. at 34.A. sit B. play C. live D. sleep 35.A. pet B. car C. violin D. baby .Ķ⣨15С⣬ÿ2֣30֣ A

Rain: Hello! Rain speaking.

Mark: Hi, Rain. This is Mark. What are you going to do this weekend?

Rain: Im going to visit my grandfather on Saturday morning and have a music class on Saturday afternoon. I will be free on Sunday.

Mark: Well, can you go to the park with me on Sunday? I will meet a new friend and I feel a little nervous(ŵ).

Rain: OK. A boy or a girl?

Mark: A girl. I didnt see her before, but I have a photo of her. Rain: What does she look like?

Mark: She is tall and thin. She has big eyes and a small mouth. Her hair is black and straight. She

likes to wear white skits. Can we meet at 10:00 at the park on Sunday morning? Rain: OK. See you then. ݲж(A)(B)

36.Rain and Mark are talking on the phone.

37.Rain will have a music class on Saturday morning. 38.Mark will meet his new friend at home.

39.Marks new friend has small eyes and a small mouth. 40.This is Marks first time to see his new friend. B

Today will be very cold. says the weather man on TV. You need to wear very warm clothes. James wears very warm clothes. He wears a sweater, a jacket, a scarf and gloves(Χ). Then, he goes outside. It is snowing.

Wow, the weather man is right! It is very cold outside. says James. He gets into his ear. He will go to work.

There are a lot of cars in the street. They are going slowly().

Why are the cars going so slowing today? he thinks. At last he knows why. The cars are going slowly because there is a car accident(¹)!

James drives slowly to the scene(ֳ)of the accident. He looks our of his car. The driver of the accident car is Mr. Brown, his friend. Is everybody OK here? he asks Mr. Brown.

Yes, This is a small car accident, and everyone is OK, says Mr. Brown. What did you hit(ײ)? asks James. A snowman! says Mr. Brown. ݲѡѴ𰸣

41.James does NOT wear .

A. a sweater B. a hat C. gloves D. a scarf 42.James drives his car to . A. work B. play C. eat out D. go shopping 43.Why is James driving very today?

A. Because he is lost. B. Because there is a car accident.

C. Because he is not good at driving. D. Because his ear has some problems. 44.Mr. Brown is James .

A. teacher B. brother C. father D. friend 45.What can we know from the passage? A. It is snowy but not very cold. B. Mr. Brown is making a snowman.

C. There are not many cars in the street.

D. James watches the TV to know about the weather.


Jack went to visit his friends in Paris last Friday. They are dinner at a Chinese restaurant and went to the movies after that.

Jack and his friends drove to a farm on Saturday morning. They rode the horse and enjoyed a big meal. Then they sang and danced till(ֱ)the midnight.

Jack and his friends got up late on Sunday morning. When they got back to Paris, it was three oclock in the afternoon. They drove directly to the airport(), because Jacks plane back home was at four oclock. Jack only stayed with his friends for two days, but he had a great time with them. ݲѡѴ𰸣

46.What did Jack do after dinner on Friday? A. He watched a movie. B. He went to a chess club.

C. He listened to some music. D. He called one of his friends. 47.Where did Jack and his friends spend Saturday?

A. On a farm. B. In the library. C. In a park. D. Near a river. 48.The underlined word directly means in Chinese. A. Сĵ B. ֱ C. ͻȻ D. ¶ 49.How did Jack to back home?

A. By train. B. By bus. C. By car. D. By plane. 50.How was Jacks weekend with his friends? A. Funny. B. Boring. C. Happy. D. Terrible. .龰ʣÿС2֣10֣

ݶԻݣӷѡǡѡȫԻ࣮ A: Morning, Lily, Long time no see.

B: Morning, Jill, I went on a trip with my parents last Saturday. A: Really? (51)

B: We went to my uncles farm. A: (52)

B: My father drove us there. A: (53)

B: For a week. We lived in my uncles house. A: Sounds great! (54) B: Oh, it was sunny and cool. A: (55)

B: Yes, I think so. I would like to go there again on summer vacation. A. Were you all tired? B. Where did you go? C. Who did you go with? D. How long did you stay there?

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