


A、to which; where B、where; where C、where; in which D、in which; where

正确答案: 此题得分:2.5分 27.(2.5分) He _______ finding a taxi for me, even though I told him I lived nearby. A、insisted that B、insisted on C、insisted at D、insisted in

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28.(2.5分) Teenagers are warned to be careful when making friends online, because when you can’t see a person, they could be __________. A、everybody B、somebody C、anybody D、nobody

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29.(2.5分) You might as well expect a river to flow backward ____ us carrying out the plan.

A、than stop B、as to stop C、as stop

D、so as to stop

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30.(2.5分) There ____ no buses, we had to walk home after work yesterday. A、was B、were C、being D、had

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31.(2.5分) —Are there any English story-books for us students in the library? —There are only a few, _______________. A、if any B、if some C、if many D、if much

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32.(2.5分) —Why not take my car to the museum instead of walking? — No, thanks. ____.

A、I' m used to B、I’m able to C、I' m about to



D、I' ve got to

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33.(2.5分) ________had the worker who was badly injured in that accident stopped breathing and died________ doctors arrived. A、Almost; when B、Hardly; when C、Not; until D、Hardly; before

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34.(2.5分) The employers often give the job to _______ they believe have work experience with a strong sense of duty. A、whoever B、whomever C、who

D、those who

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35.(2.5分) Can you tell me _____ room she lives in? A、that B、how C、why D、which

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36.(2.5分) ______ he entered the university, his English has been much improved. A、Before B、After C、When D、Since

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37.(2.5分) I wrote those words down _____ I should forget. A、who B、how C、since D、lest

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38.(2.5分) Not one of us has a clear idea _______ to do. A、what the others want B、that the others want C、which do the others want D、what do the others want 正确答案: 此题得分:2.5分

39.(2.5分) It is a common observation ______ there are no two objects in nature that are exactly alike. A、that



B、in that C、which D、in which

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40.(2.5分) We have learned ____ the rocks on the moon are 3500 million years ago. A、how B、which C、that D、what

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