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一、听句子,选择相应的图片,其中一幅为多余。听两遍。(每小题1分,共5分) 1. My brother is watching the sports show. 2. My elder sister likes pop music very much. 3. My father enjoys the talk show. 4. It's time for cartoon movies.

5. My younger sister can't stand the Chinese cooking show. 二、听问句,选择适当的答案。听两遍。(每小题1分,共5分) 6. Jack, this is my friend, Tom. 7. What does your mother do?

8. Would you mind repairing the radio for me? 9. Hello, may I speak to Jenny? 10. How is Li Lei doing in math now?

三、听对话,选择适当的答案。听两遍。(每小题1分,共5分) 11. M: What are you going to do this evening, Sara? W: I'm going to watch TV instead of seeing the film. Q: What's Sara going to do this evening?

12. M: Mary, it's the first time you have come to our factory. Let me show you around our factory. W: That's very kind of you. Q: What is Mary going to do?

13. M: There is something wrong with our TV set, Jenny. W: Why not ask Mr. Smith for help? Q: What does Jenny mean?

14. M: I go to school by bus. How do you go to school every day, Mary? W: I go to school by bike, and never by car. Q: How does Mary go to school every day?

15. M: It's seven fifty by my watch. What's the time by your watch? W: I'm afraid your watch is ten minutes slow. Q: What's the correct time?


When George finished his studies at the university, he began to look for a job. He didn't know what he would like to do, but one of his uncles had been a doctor for thirty years and he hoped that George would get a job in the hospital. At last George got a job in a large hospital in London. There were twelve people in his office. His uncle came to visit the family one Saturday evening and asked him a lot of questions. One of the questions he asked was,“How many people work in your office, George?”The young man thought for a few moments and then answered,“About half of them. Uncle Tom.” Questions:

16. When did George begin to look for a job? 17. How long had his uncle been a doctor? 18. Where did George work at last?

19. When did his uncle come to see George?

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20. How many people worked in George's office?


一、1~5 DCAFB 二、6~10 CCCAB 三、11~15 ABCCC 四、16~20 BCBAC 五.单选

21-25 BB A B A 26-30 ACACD 31-35 CBBBC 36-40 CADCB 六.完型填空41--45 ADCCD 46--50 CABBD 七 阅读理解 51-55


八 66.borrow 67.is 68. best 69. scientist 70. playing

71. interested 72. to do 73. angry 74.said 75 talk

九. 76. what, be 77.职业 78. B 79. He is a reporter. 80. 360

十、81-85.D G A C F86.Who is your favorite player 87.When is her birthday /When was she born 88.When she was six years old /At the age of six /By the time she was six/in 1987

89.played for the national team 90.got four gold medals

十一、91.feed 92. southern 93. comfortable 94. success 95. athletic 96. careless 97. advice 98. himself 99. minutes’ 100. farthest

十二、101. Don’t forget 102. will/shall go 103. reading 104. to wash 105. called 106. When could 107. How often 108. Did go 109. not clean 110. there weren’t

111.without anything 112. different from 113. any other 114.didn’t until 115. went by 116. thinking about 117.grows up 118. too to 119. keep fit/ healthy 120. The is 十三、

My name is Wang Xin. I was born in Yinchuan in 1995. When I was six years old, I started to learn art. I loved to paint very much and painted a lot of things every day. Now I can paint many things well. When I grow up I want to be an artist. I must practice painting hard every day and learn from others. New Year is coming, I am going to …

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